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ATLAS EDUCATION AND OUTREACH 2011- May 12th Coordinators: Michael Barnett and Steven Goldfarb Outreach Officer: Claudia Marcelloni.

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Presentation on theme: "ATLAS EDUCATION AND OUTREACH 2011- May 12th Coordinators: Michael Barnett and Steven Goldfarb Outreach Officer: Claudia Marcelloni."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATLAS EDUCATION AND OUTREACH 2011- May 12th Coordinators: Michael Barnett and Steven Goldfarb Outreach Officer: Claudia Marcelloni

2 OVERVIEW OF MEETING Claudia: IPPOG meeting 14-16 April Kosice CERN Other Experiments ATLAS institutes ATLAS Peter Guinter Art of ATLAS Overview of AVC Steve: Status of Outreach Project Discovery Packages NJP Video Resonance Goes America Juliette: Path between ATLAS and Globe Passport Big Bang project and movie Joao and Neng: Chaos Camelia Avion 9/5/2015 c.marcelloni

3 IPPOG MEETING- T HURSDAY 14 TO A PRIL AT K OSICE Agenda: des&confId=132479 Report on International and USA materclasses and evaluation of the new LHC-based Masterclasses ATLAS W-path measurement by Konrad Jende: CMS e-lab: Pathway European project which involves ATLAS and CMS. The goal is to identify best practice learning bases and make this known to 20.000 teachers in 3 years. Mick Storr is the CERN representative and Erik Jonhansson is also involved. CERN “Accelerating Science” exhibition was in Copenhagen from Sept 2010 to Jan 2011; currently is in Austria. NBI Colliderscope art at Niels Bohr institute: Social Media topic for next meeting! 9/5/2015 c.marcelloni


5 CERN – PH EDU (LANDUA) Plan to renew the sites of the current visit itinerary: onId=0&resId=0&materialId=0&confId=1302 20 onId=0&resId=0&materialId=0&confId=1302 20 A new film for the visit service will replace the talks Silvano de Gennaro is working on a 3D film 9/5/2015 c.marcelloni

6 CERN – DG-CO (GILLIES) Changes on the Press Office structure Jacques and Marion moves from IT to the Press Office working along with Silvano de Genaro and Paola Catapano and under Corinne Pralavorio supervision Corinne is now James’ deputy and in charge of the local and visual media services James is working on a new communication plan which will include social media usage Ariane Koek is organizing an fundraising group for everyone at CERN doing fundraising in order to avoid approaching same corp Plans for Researchers Night 23 of September 2012 Laurent Mulot’s project is being changed according to our request; the ATLAS version is not ready yet Cern in the community Projects Passport Big Bang project and movie (Juliette) Tram Inauguration “ Be a scientist for a day” 9/5/2015 c.marcelloni

7 TRAM INAUGURATION- A PRIL 30 TH Actors doing “improvisation” in the tram Main activities took place at Meyrin village 9/5/2015 c.marcelloni

8 TRAM INAUGURATION- A PRIL 30 TH April 30 th inauguration of ATLAS visit center was open from 13:00 to 17:00 We estimate that at least 500 people visited ATLAS during the event 9/5/2015 c.marcelloni

9 TRAM INAUGURATION- A PRIL 30 TH 9/5/2015 c.marcelloni

10 TRAM INAUGURATION- A PRIL 30 TH 9/5/2015 c.marcelloni

11 « Dans la peau d’un chercheur » vise à sensibiliser les élèves des écoles primaires à la démarche expérimentale. Trente classes d’enfants de 10 à 12 ans du Pays de Gex et du Canton de Genève sont inscrites. Chaque classes recevra des boites contenant les mêmes objets mais qui ne peuvent être ouvertes. En février et mars, les classes vont émettre des hypothèses, proposer et réaliser des expériences pour déduire ce qu’il y a dans la boite. En avril et mai, les classes visiteront le CERN ou le PhysiScope (atelier pédagogique de l’Université de Genève). Au CERN, les classes visiteront l’une des 4 expériences du LHC ou le laboratoire de cryogénie. Centre de visite d’ATLAS les dates sont : Vendredi 15 avril de 14h15 à 15h45 Jeudi 12 mai de 14h15 à 15h45 Jeudi 19 mai de 14h15 à 15h45 Mardi 24 mai de 14h15 à 15h45 2011/06/News%20Articles/1324554?ln=en 9/5/2015 c.marcelloni

12 OTHER EXPERIMENTS CMS plans for exhibit site for point 05 Phase 01 - Big photo + poster trails + underground service USC site for video or 3D video + eye scan and explanation of the Roman sites Phase 02 include a exhibit pavilion Phase 03 excavating the Roman villa and make a path + amphitheater Phase 04 Bridge upper floor gallery + tunnel 3D movie (ask me if you want to see it) CMS has 2000 events displays approved for public CMS e-lab: Film about Masterclasses: sterclassMaster1H264.mov LHCb film 9/5/2015 c.marcelloni

13 ATLAS INSTITUTES Colliding Particles: Series of films following just one of the teams of physicists involved in the research at the LHC. So far they have done 7 clips John Butterworth is one of them Sponsored by the Science and Technology Facilities Council’s (STFC) http://www.collidingparticles. com/about/index.html http://www.collidingparticles. com/about/index.html 9/5/2015 c.marcelloni

14 INTERESTING LINKS Has a great animation explaining dark matter http://www.phdcomics.c om/comics/archive.php?c omicid=1430 Prezi presentation tool: 9/5/2015 c.marcelloni

15 Peter Ginter’s visit again! Peter Guinter is producing a new book about CERN… This time he came back to photograph the control room and the ATLAS mural Photos by Ginter at cds ord/737470 ord/737470 ord/737471 ord/737473 ord/968737 ord/968738 ord/968739 ord/1103726 9/5/2015 c.marcelloni

16 THE ART OF ATLAS: For institutes to contact local museums A multimedia installation combining photos and film about ATLAS physicists was seen for more than 10.000 visitors at the Birmingham Science Museum from mid October 2010 until Jan 2011. The simple format of 4 projections can be adapted for any space. The University of Stokholm will be the next to host it from September 2011 to Feb 2012 9/5/2015 c.marcelloni

17 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE ATLAS VISITOR CENTER (AVC) The AVC will pass through a renovation in 3 phases as described below: Phase 01 – immediate action Daily maintenance – established clear procedure for daily maintenance Web page – have all the information related to the AVC in one web page only Visit Organization – clarify the visits booking procedure used by CERN visits service and the ATLAS secretariat Guides & training – clarify who are the ATLAS guides and establish actions to motivate them Division of tasks - Define who takes care of what and approval processes Update AVC content – immediate suggestions to fix hardware and improve software and content 3D movie Phase 02 - Development of the path between the Globe and ATLAS Phase 03 - Renew the AVC in collaboration with Rolf Landua’s committee for the other sites on the CERN visits itinerary 9/5/2015 c.marcelloni

18 AVC PAGE - COLLABORATION PAGE 9/5/2015 c.marcelloni

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