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GENDER EQUALITY AND GENDER BUDGETING IN HUNGARY Judit Zeller University of Pécs, Faculty of Law Department of Constitutional Law Gender Budgeting in Practice.

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Presentation on theme: "GENDER EQUALITY AND GENDER BUDGETING IN HUNGARY Judit Zeller University of Pécs, Faculty of Law Department of Constitutional Law Gender Budgeting in Practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 GENDER EQUALITY AND GENDER BUDGETING IN HUNGARY Judit Zeller University of Pécs, Faculty of Law Department of Constitutional Law Gender Budgeting in Practice PRAGUE, 8 th November 2007

2 I. GENDER EQUALITY IN THE HUNGARIAN REPUBLIC 1.The Constitution and the interpretation by the Constitutional Court –ratified international agreements –secondary legislation of the EC –Art. 70/A (1) and Art. 66 of the Constitution

3 2.Regulation by act –separate sectoral acts till the near past (e.g. Labour Code, Civil Code, Penal Code, Act on Public Education, Minority Act) –Act CXXV of 2003 on Equal Treatment and the Promotion of Equal Opportunities (ETPEO) Equal Treatment Authority (ETA) I. GENDER EQUALITY IN THE HUNGARIAN REPUBLIC

4 3.Equal Opportunities Program of the Republic 4.Institutional framework promoting equal opportunities –after several changes since 1989, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment takes care of gender mainstreaming I. GENDER EQUALITY IN THE HUNGARIAN REPUBLIC

5 5.The situation of women on the labour market according to the development programmes of Hungary AgeTotalMenWomen EmployedUnemployedEmployedUnemployed 15- 64 3,8 Mill. 63,1%7%51%7,5%

6 Inactivity rate38,6% Men32% Women44,8% Pension33% Student33% Child care benefit12% Unemployment allowance 5% No visible income19% Child care benefit - typical for women „Glass ceiling”- effect

7 II. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE HUNGARIAN STATE BUDGET No detailed financial regulation in the Constitution No gender-sensitiveness mentioned Authorisation of the legislation: –Art. 66 (explicit) –Art. 70/A (implicit) Own initiatives of the local self- governments

8 III. THE LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENTS (FINANCING AND DUTIES) Government revenues and own incomes Duties: Obligatory and voluntarily undertaken Education (kindergarten and primary school) Social welfare services (basic social services) Basic health care Anything that does not violate the law or the fulfilment of the obligatory tasks.


10 TOWNINHABITANTSMENWOMEN Pécs162.49875.32987.169 Komló27.08112.90014.181 Meződ1668878 Szekszárd36.22916.70519.524 Dombóvár20.8529.79611.056 Zomba2.3961.1581.238 Székesfehérvár106.34651.03755.309 Mosonmagyaróvár30.43214.74615.686 Kóny2.6201.2481.372

11 IV. BUDGET-ANALYSIS OF 9 HUNGARIAN SETTLEMENTS TOWNINHABITANTSTOTAL BUDGET (2005) Pécs162.498147.490.784 EUR Komló27.0813.274.908 EUR Meződ16681.852 EUR Szekszárd36.22951.937.044 EUR Dombóvár20.85222.275.992 EUR Zomba2.3961.826.228 EUR Székesfehérvár106.346- Mosonmagyaróvár30.432- Kóny2.620-

12 1.Self-government 2.Social services 3.Education and programmes for children 4.Culture 5.Sports 6.Civil society IV. BUDGET-ANALYSIS OF 9 HUNGARIAN SETTLEMENTS

13 V. PÉCS AND MEZŐD PÉCS Several social welfare institutions and centres (8%) Central role in educational matters (30%) Several cultural institutions (4%) 5 significant sport-teams (1,5%) 4 civil organisations concerned with gender- mainstreaming MEZŐD No social welfare institutions Few sports and cultural institutions (youth club, football-field, „moving library”) Social programmes organised by the self- government No civil organisations concerned with gender- mainstreaming

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