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Hosted by Case Study - Storage Consolidation Steve Curry Yahoo Inc.

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1 Hosted by Case Study - Storage Consolidation Steve Curry Yahoo Inc.

2 Hosted by About Yahoo ! Quick Stats 300+ million registered users 2 billion page request per day 25 countries, 14 languages 500TB data on disk 1PB data on tape

3 Hosted by Yahoo! Storage Operations Responsibilities All US storage administration Data archiving / backups US/Global storage architecture / standards 2 nd tier support for global operations Tool development 24/7 global issue/outage response Reporting

4 Hosted by Case Study #1 – Y! Photos/Briefcase Case Study #1 Online photo album Online file storage

5 Hosted by Case Study #1 – Y! Photos/Briefcase Legacy Architecture Cheap… *repeat* cheap JBOD’s Single host support JBOD array A/B mirror for redundancy FreeBSD OS 150TB of content Custom apps

6 Hosted by Case Study #1 – Y! Photos/Briefcase …Legacy Architecture Advantages Low cost hardware Extremely distributed Disadvantages Not very scalable Management headache No longer meets reliability requirements

7 Hosted by Case Study #1 – Y! Photos/Briefcase …Legacy Architecture Management Issues Management is per host (over 160 storage hosts) Synchronous mirror between A/B pair No “Hot-Swap” support Single spindle performance

8 Hosted by Case Study #1 – Y! Photos/Briefcase This… X 12!  Single tier, single spindle performance.

9 Hosted by Case Study #1 – Y! Photos/Briefcase Consolidation Plan NAS or SAN? Requirements Reliability Scalability Reduce management overhead Considerations Current hardware investment Application support

10 Hosted by Case Study #1 – Y! Photos/Briefcase Network Attached Storage Solution Management Filers are heavily deployed Smart appliance Suite of tools already developed for filers Advantages RAID redundancy Multi-spindle performance Takes advantage of existing hardware Ease of application port

11 Hosted by Case Study #1 – Y! Photos/Briefcase …Network Attached Storage Solution Disadvantages Initial cost of deployment (cutover, SCSI –vs- IDE) Lot’s of JBOD’s to get rid of! ;-)

12 Hosted by Case Study #1 – Y! Photos/Briefcase New Architecture NAS solution FreeBSD app servers Load balanced 10 storage hosts Point in time snapshots Dedicated SAN backup fabric Distributed-farm model

13 Hosted by Case Study #1 – Y! Photos/Briefcase Simple 2 tier model. Scalable, redundant, multi- spindle RAID performance, hot-swap support.

14 Hosted by Case Study #1 – Y! Photos/Briefcase Consolidation Wins! Cost considerations Performance Backups Management High availability Hot swap

15 Hosted by Case Study #2 - Data Mining Case Study #2 Global data mining Global log collection

16 Hosted by Case Study #2 - Data Mining Current Architecture DAS attached arrays Custom scripts Stacker type tape libraries Single-tier disk storage

17 Hosted by Case Study #2 - Data Mining Management Issues Large storage host count Many small tape libraries No redundancy Does scale for future requirements

18 Hosted by Case Study #2 - Data Mining Storage Requirements High write performance Data growth 2TB per day!! Store data on disk for 30 days Archive to tape Consolidation Considerations Reduce host management Create a multi-tier storage architecture Consolidate to one large tape library Increase write performance

19 Hosted by Case Study #2 - Data Mining Common Y! model Multi-tier storage Scalable

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