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Practical Model of Resource Sharing in the Libraries of Lahore Khalid Mahmood Dept. of Library & Information Science University of the Punjab.

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Presentation on theme: "Practical Model of Resource Sharing in the Libraries of Lahore Khalid Mahmood Dept. of Library & Information Science University of the Punjab."— Presentation transcript:

1 Practical Model of Resource Sharing in the Libraries of Lahore Khalid Mahmood Dept. of Library & Information Science University of the Punjab

2 Proposed Practical Model OrganizationInfrastructure RESOURCE SHARING FinanceActivities

3 Organization Lahore level network: Can be extended to Punjab and then Pakistan Participating libraries: All types from government and private sector which have automated catalog of at least 75% items Should be no fee to join Executive Committee: DGPL as Chairperson Resource Sharing Coordinator as Secretary Members from participating libraries Experts from outside

4 Infrastructure Office Staff for coordination, framing policies, training, etc. Hardware/Software

5 Activities Union catalog Virtual union catalog with Z39.50 Inter-library loan By courier/postal service Document delivery Photocopy of journal articles Training PLA-CTC and Dept. of Lib. & Inf. Sc., PU can help Consultancy in automation Pakistan Library Automation Group can help Software development

6 Finance Punjab Library Foundation Special grant from Federal/Provincial government User charges for ILL, Document delivery, etc.

7 How to initiate A committee for preliminary work should be constituted in this seminar QAL Chief should coordinate Committee should present a preliminary plan to the BOG of PLF through DGPL Committee can also launch an awareness campaign in librarians and decision makers

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