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1 Stars, Galaxies & Universe Chapter 3. We are learning to: identify and describe telescopes, probes, satellites, and space crafts We are looking for:

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Presentation on theme: "1 Stars, Galaxies & Universe Chapter 3. We are learning to: identify and describe telescopes, probes, satellites, and space crafts We are looking for:"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Stars, Galaxies & Universe Chapter 3

2 We are learning to: identify and describe telescopes, probes, satellites, and space crafts We are looking for: telescope- refracting, reflecting, and radio are used to view distant objects probe-machines sent to other locations in the solar system and are used to investigate/explore satellite-orbits around the earth or other planets and are used to take photos and collect data space craft-mode of transportation to send humans to locations in the solar system;

3 We are learning to: examine advances of different people, culture, and times in astronomy. We are looking for: one or more examples of how science and technology (in the field of astronomy) has changed and been improved over time. Egyptians: polished rock crystal to produce optical illusions Mozi, a Chinese philosopher- 470 bc- writes on concave mirrors to focus’ sun’s rays Galileo—1609used the first telescope for astronomy purposes, made improvements -Italian Brahe-1572-used an observatory to make observations -Danish Kepler-1611-used math to interpret Brahe’s observation -Austrian Newton-1668-made his own reflecting telescope -British Reber-1937-built first radio telescope -American Hubble-1925-first to observe the distant galaxies; confirmed an expanding universe; 1990-first satellite telescope was named after Hubble -American

4 4 Tools of Astronomy Constellations are groups of stars that form a pattern. The electromagnetic spectrum is made of radio waves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, x- rays, and gamma rays.

5 5 Refracting Telescope Refracting telescope collects light using lenses. The lenses bend the light to the focal point.

6 6 Reflecting Telescope Reflecting telescope uses a mirror to collect the light. A concave mirror bends the light inward to a focal point.

7 7 Radio Telescope Radio telescopes collects radio waves. The collector is a concave dish.

8 8 Observatory The building that houses a telescope is called an observatory.

9 9 Other Tools of Astronomy Telescopes have been put into space on satellites & space stations. Spectrographs gather information about stars such as a star’s composition & temperature.

10 Which type of telescope focuses light using a mirror? A.Reflecting Telescope B.Refracting Telescope C.Radio Telescope D.Infrared Telescope E.I need help! 10

11 Which type of telescope focuses light through transparent lenses? A.Reflecting Telescope B.Refracting Telescope C.Radio Telescope D.Infrared Telescope E.I need Help! 10

12 One of the greatest advancements in astronomy was the telescope. Which is the correct order of advancements? A.Radio- refracting-reflecting B.Reflecting – refracting – radio C.Refracting-reflecting-radio D.Radio- reflecting-refracting E.I need help! 10

13 Which of the following is an advantage of a space-based, satellite telescope like Hubble? A.Satellite telescopes are much closer to the stars. B.Satellite telescopes are able to see through solid objects. C.Satellite telescopes can detect wavelengths that are blocked by the atmosphere. D.Satellite telescopes have the ability to see the future. E.I need help! 10

14 Focus Free Write (3 minutes) Explain how the advancements in telescopes have helped astronomers learn more about the universe. When finished, trade your paper with a partner. Revise if there are misconceptions or any incorrect information.

15 090 00 3 876543215 2 004987654321039876543210987654321021987654321098765432100 HoursMinutesSeconds Explain how the advancements in telescopes have helped astronomers learn more about the universe.

16 090 00 2 876543215 1 004987654321039876543210987654321021987654321098765432100 HoursMinutesSeconds Insert Text Here Explain how the advancements in telescopes have helped astronomers learn more about the universe.

17 090 00 1 876543215 0 004987654321039876543210987654321021987654321098765432100 HoursMinutesSeconds Insert Text Here Explain how the advancements in telescopes have helped astronomers learn more about the universe.

18 TIME IS UP!!!

19 Now share your writing with a partner. Correct any misconceptions or any incorrect information.

20 20 Distances to Stars A light year is the distance light travels in year. Astronomers often use parallax to measure distances to nearby stars. Parallax is the apparent change in position of an object when you look at it from different places.

21 We are learning to: explain interstellar distances are measured in light years We are looking for: the explanation of and the use of the light year *explain a light year as the distance light travels in a year *explain that distances are too great to be measured in miles or kilometers

22 A light year is a measurement of… a)Distance b)Time c)Speed d)Acceleration e)I don’t know! I need help! 10

23 Why do astronomers measure interstellar distances in light years instead of kilometers or miles? A.Light years are a measure of time. B.Miles and kilometers are too small of a unit. C.Miles and kilometers are too large of a unit. D.I don’t know! I need help! 10

24 You are viewing a star that is 20 light years away. When was the light from this star produced? a)Before you were born b)After you were born c)10 years ago d)2 years ago e)I don’t know! I need help! 10

25 What if…. there was a supernova that happened yesterday. The star that exploded was 180 light years away. When would you observe the supernova and what would you see? After answering this question, meet with a partner to compare your responses. Collaborate to make a new paired response to the question.

26 We are learning to: examine the life cycle of a star (characteristics; HR diagram) We are looking for: a description of how stars are classified by characteristics and then organized on an HR diagram. Characteristics Size- Giant, main sequence, and dwarf Temperature- blue=hot; red=cooler Brightness- apparent brightness and absolute magnitude HR diagram shows temperature, brightness, color of stars and where the star is in its life cycle. Used to graph the surface temperature (x-axis) vs. brightness (y- axis) Hotter stars are on left side of graph; cooler stars on the right side of the graph Brighter stars on top of graph; dimmer stars on bottom of graph

27 27 Characteristics of Stars A galaxy contains hundreds of billions of stars. The universe contains billions of galaxies.

28 28 Classifying Stars Stars are classified by size, temperature, and brightness. Temperature of a star is indicated by color, hot stars are blue & cooler stars are red. Apparent brightness is the brightness of a star as observed from earth. Absolute magnitude is the brightness of a star observed at the distance of 10 parsecs.

29 29 Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram H-R diagram is a graph of the Milky Way galaxy. Surface temperature is graphed on the x- axis. Absolute magnitude is graphed on the y- axis.

30 30 Types of Stars Blue super giants have a high brightness and high temperature. Red giants & super giants have a high brightness and low temperature. White dwarfs have a low brightness and high temperature. 90% of all stars appear on the Main Sequence going from the upper left to the lower right corner.

31 Life Cycle of Star Interactive Video http://www.asc- omy/multimedia/module2/star_lifecycle/sta r_lifecycle.swfhttp://www.asc- omy/multimedia/module2/star_lifecycle/sta r_lifecycle.swf

32 Which characteristic of stars cause them to be different colors? a)chemical composition b)distance c)size d)temperature e)I need help. 10

33 Which color would describe the youngest and hottest star? a)blue b)red c)orange d)yellow e)I need help! 10

34 Which star would be the brightest if all the stars are the same distance from Earth? a)Main sequence b)Red giants c)Red super giants d)White dwarf e)I need help. 10

35 How would you classify our star, the sun, on the H-R diagram? a)Main sequence b)Red giant c)White dwarf d)Red supergiant e)I need help. 10

36 Red Giant Main Sequence

37 37 Birth of a Star A star begins as a cloud of gas and dust called a nebula. Gravity pulls the gas and dust together into a protostar. A star is born when the contracting gas and dust becomes so hot that nuclear fusion begins.

38 38 Length of Life of a Star More massive stars live short lives of millions of years. Less massive stars live long lives of billions of years. The sun will live for 9- 10 billion years.

39 We are learning to: Examine the life cycle of a star and predict the next likely stage. We are looking for: progression of the stages of a star’s life Nebulae- cloud of gas and dust Protostar- fusion begins Main sequence- average star Giant/red-giant- more massive stars Nova/supernova - exploding star White dwarf- no nuclear process Black dwarf- no heat or light Black Hole (area of large gravitational attraction) or Neutron star (very dense star)

40 40 During the Life Cycle of a Star Stars fuse hydrogen into helium during most of their lives. After all the hydrogen has been fused into helium, the star fuses helium into carbon, carbon into oxygen and then oxygen into iron.

41 41 Death of a Star Stars use up their hydrogen and expand their atmosphere. Stars that are less than 1.4 solar masses will shrink to a white dwarf. Stars between 1.4 -3.0 solar masses will produce a supernova and leave a neutron star. Stars more than 3.0 solar masses will produce a supernova and collapse into a black hole.

42 If given a protostar, what is the next likely stage of the star? a)Super Giant b)Nova c)Main Sequence d)Neutron Star e)I need some help

43 What is the first stage of the birth of a star? a)Protostar b)Nebula c)Giant d)Dwarf e)I need some help.

44 What happens to the most massive stars as they near their death? a)super nova to a black hole b)super nova to a red giant c)becomes a white dwarf d)nothing happens e)I need some help.

45 What is the next likely stage of our sun? a)White dwarf b)Black dwarf c)Red giant d)Super nova e)I need help

46 Focused Free Write (Pass the Pen) Describe what will happen to the Earth as the sun becomes a red giant?

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48 Ppass the paper

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55 55 Star Systems Most stars are members of groups of two or more stars called star systems. Star systems with two stars are called double stars or binary stars. Binary eclipsing stars are stars where one star blocks the light from another.

56 56 Galaxies Galaxies are a group of billions of stars. Type of galaxies are 1.Elliptical 2.Spiral 3.Irregular

57 57 Elliptical Galaxy Old galaxy. Contains red star that are old. No gas or dust.

58 58 Spiral Galaxy Middle aged galaxy. Contains blue stars. Has some dust and gas. Our Milky Way is a spiral galaxy.

59 59 Irregular Galaxy Unorganized collection of stars. Made of very young stars. Has a great deal of gas and dust.

60 60 History of the Universe Edwin Hubble discovered that the farther away a galaxy is from us, the faster it is moving away from us. Stars moving away from us shows a red shift.

61 61 Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory suggest that billions of years ago, the universe was small, hot and dense and then the universe exploded. The universe formed in this enormous explosion about 10 to 15 billion years ago.

62 62 Formation of the Solar System The solar system formed 5 billion years ago. The solar system formed from a giant cloud of gas and dust, or nebula.

63 63 Future of the Universe The universe may continue to expand. Gravity may pull the universe back together.

64 64 By what are galaxies classified? a)Color b)Temperature c)Size d)Shape 10

65 65 What type of galaxy is illustrated in the following picture? a)Irregular b)Spiral c)Elliptical d)I have no idea.. I need help! 10

66 66 What type of galaxies contain older stars? a)Elliptical b)Irregular c)Barred shape d)spiral 10

67 67 Review Questions What are the three types of galaxies? elliptical, spiral & irregular Distances between stars are measured in units called _______. light years Stars begin as a cloud of gas & dust known as a __________. nebula

68 68 Review Questions What does the length of life of a star depends on? mass of the star What is the name of our galaxy? Milky Way What type of galaxy is the Milky Way? spiral What is the name of the theory of the creation of the universe? Big Bang

69 69 Review Questions What type of tools are used to study the universe? telescope Which type of telescope uses mirrors? reflecting Which type of telescope uses lenses? refracting

70 70 Review Questions What indicates how hot a star is? color of the star During nuclear fusion, what does hydrogen fuse into? helium What is graphed on the H-R diagram? brightness & temperature

71 71 Review Questions What is the brightness of a star as seen from earth? apparent brightness What is the brightness of a star that is seen at a standard distance of ten parsecs? absolute magnitude

72 72 Review Questions What process is used to measure the distance of nearby stars? parallax What type of telescope collect electromagnetic waves other than light? radio telescope How long ago did the Big Bang occur? 10-15 billion years ago

73 73 Review Questions What are patterns of stars in the sky called? Constellations What is the building called that has a telescope? Observatory Which type of galaxy has red stars and no gas or dust? elliptical

74 74 Review Questions Which type of galaxy has blue stars and some gas & dust? spiral galaxy Galaxies are classified by their _______. shape Who proposed that the universe is expanding? Hubble

75 75 Review Questions What evidence do we have that the universe is expanding? red shift What happens to a small star at its death? white dwarf What happens to a very large star at its death? Supernova to a black hole

76 76 Practice Extended Answer Questions Describe the life cycle of a star. What are the three types of telescopes and how are they different? Explain the H-R diagram. How does the mass of a star affect the length of life of a star? How do the different types of galaxies compare? Explain the Big Bang Theory.

77 77 One of the greatest advancements in astronomy was the telescope. Which is the correct order of advancements? A.Radio- refracting- reflecting B.Reflecting – refracting –radio C.Refracting- reflecting-radio D.Radio- reflecting- refracting

78 78 What is the next likely stage of a protostar? a)Super Giant b)Nova c)Main Sequence d)Neutron Star 10

79 79 Why do astronomers measure interstellar distances in light years instead of kilometers or miles? A.Light years are a measure of time. B.Miles and kilometers are too small of a unit. C.Miles and kilometers are too large of a unit. D.I don’t have a clue... help me!

80 80 Which of the following correctly shows the age progression of an average star? A.Main sequence→White Dwarf→Red Giant →Nebula B.Red Giant →White Dwarf →Main Sequence →Nebula C.Nebula →Main Sequence →Red Giant →White Dwarf D.White Dwarf →Red Giant →Main Sequence →Nebula

81 81 What type of galaxy is shown in the picture? A.Irregular B.Spiral C.Elliptical D. I have no idea … I need help!!!

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