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XIII.1 Perspectives. Further application examples XIII.2.

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Presentation on theme: "XIII.1 Perspectives. Further application examples XIII.2."— Presentation transcript:

1 XIII.1 Perspectives

2 Further application examples XIII.2

3 Tele-teaching Lecture Server (Courseware) Large image projection (Beamer, LCD-Display) Cooperation in small groups Internet / Scientific network / ISDN WWW Requirements: -Internet-/Intranet-Integration -Media-integration -Service quality => Multimedia and Tele-services XIII.3

4 Production data Main office => Caching Client ISDN Maintenance technician Requirements: - location independent communication - world-wide standards - very different performance and costs: GSM, ISDN, LANs Software-technical, automatic adaptation to each system environment Example: Access to picture data/compressed picture data/graphics/text Mobile access Mobile Computing XIII.4

5 Internet, Multimedia and Tele-services XIII.5

6 Internet-information services XIII.6

7 XIII.7 Internet-information services

8 Internet and E-Commerce Client Marketing and Sales Advertising agency Engineering office Automaker Bank - Electronic Mail - Hypertext / WWW - Security aspects Secure online- payments - Delivery data, application forms - Electronic Mail - Complex documents - Online-videoconference - Cooperative work - Java Applets: dynamic loading of Code - XML (Extensible Markup Language) as exchange format for documents - Electronic/Multimedia Mail - Complex Documents - Hypertext/WWW XIII.8

9 Tele-teaching via Internet XIII.9

10 Tele-teaching / Tele-working: Modern Video-conference systems XIII.10

11 XIII.11 Next generation systems Requirements: adaptive, highly optimized and standard-conformant Videocodecs for different platforms  H.26x and MJPEG “real time” transport system for different networks  IP/RTP, N-ISDN (H.320), (Fast-/Gigabit-)Ethernet, ATM and Wireless LANs support of heterogenic environments corresponding to end-systems and networks uniform, configurable and integrated control components which are based on established Middleware-Standards consequent modular, freely configurable and object-oriented design integration of security mechanisms corresponding to administration and also for video-transmission

12 XIII.12 System example: VTToolkit Video Transmission Toolkit:

13 Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing XIII.13

14 Basic technologies XIII.14

15 building site Architect Construction company A (Central Office) company A (Branch Office) Construction company B Construction supervisor X.25 ATM ISDN ATM ISDN GSM Selected Construction plans Video-conferences Material data, status data, deadlines Large archives Video-conferences Construction plans, urgent changes Applied example: civil engineering, field work XIII.15

16 XIII.16 Associated infrastructure services - Telematics - service (maintenance, field service) - integration of different devices in fabrication-environments, information systems or in household - adaptation - localization - supporting Software with numerous new special functions - GSM, UMTS, IMT-2000, MBS - Wireless-LAN, Bluetooth, Hiperlan, 802.11, Ethernet - Networking of embedded devices Applications Middleware Networks

17 XIII.17 Ubiquitous Computing Mobile Devices ubiquitously overlapping Mobile Networking „Calm Technology“: processing procedures widely automatic and „invisible“

18 XIII.18 Scenario: fair visit Internet- Ticketing; Planning fair round tour Sensor checks Online- Ticket Fair information system plans round tour between fair stalls Personal fair stall custodian corresponding to “user profile“ of the client Remote Online Check-In to the Hotel; booking in the restaurant City information system points out the way to the fair Mobile Device buys Ticket Internet -> Security requirements??

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