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Preview4/10 Get your pocket guides Learning Target: We will identify the Early Republic. Success Criteria: I will read to analyze major viewpoints regarding.

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Presentation on theme: "Preview4/10 Get your pocket guides Learning Target: We will identify the Early Republic. Success Criteria: I will read to analyze major viewpoints regarding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preview4/10 Get your pocket guides Learning Target: We will identify the Early Republic. Success Criteria: I will read to analyze major viewpoints regarding the Early Republic

2 Early Republic and Jackson “W.A.J.Ma.Mo.” Washington Adams Jefferson Madison Monroe + Jackson


4 Small Group Talk 30 Second Think : What are some ways that technological advances developed the United States during E.R.J.? Talk: Turn and face your partner. Partner A= 30 Seconds Partner B= 30 Seconds SHARE: TURN AND FACE THE PERSON WHO IS SPEAKING

5 5

6 Available ONLINE 6

7 7

8 8

9 Preview4/8 Get your pocket guides Learning Target: We will identify the Early Republic. Success Criteria: I will read to analyze major viewpoints regarding the Early Republic

10 Small Group Talk 30 Second Think : Think of a time when you disagreed on an issue with a family member or a friend. How does this relate to Early Republic? Talk: Turn and face your partner. Partner A= 30 Seconds Partner B= 30 Seconds SHARE: TURN AND FACE THE PERSON WHO IS SPEAKING

11 First Political Parties


13 Small Group Talk 30 Second Think : What were the major issues that the first 5 presidents and Jackson faced (W.A.J.Ma.Mo. + Jackson)? Talk: Turn and face your partner. Partner A= 30 Seconds Partner B= 30 Seconds SHARE: TURN AND FACE THE PERSON WHO IS SPEAKING

14 Early Republic and Jackson Washington-Impressments of sailors Adamsdisruption of trade Jefferson -State Madison -Military Monroe-defend Jackson-Indian Removal Act Native Americans-North Tariff-”Trail of Tears” South-National Pride Foreign -Independent Political Parties-Monroe Doctrine Security-West European-

15 Practice

16 F.L.I.P.R.C.S. Federalism Limited Government Individual Rights Popular Sovereignty Republicanism Checks and Balances Separation of Powers


18 Federalism Powers divided between the national government and the state government. 22

19 23

20 Limited Government The powers of the government are limited by the Constitution.

21 Individual Rights Rights protected by the Bill of Rights

22 Popular Sovereignty The power of the government comes from the people.

23 Republicanism A democracy where people elect representatives to make decisions (president, congress, etc.)


25 Checks and Balances The 3 branches of government check (limit) the power of the other two.


27 Separation of Powers 3 branches; keeps any person or group from gaining too much power

28 F.L.I.P.R.C.S. Federalism Limited Government Individual Rights Popular Sovereignty Republicanism Checks and Balances Separation of Powers

29 Small Group Talk 30 Second Think : What is the purpose of the Bill of Rights? What freedoms does the 1 st amendment protect? Talk: Turn and face your partner. Partner A= 30 Seconds Partner B= 30 Seconds SHARE: TURN AND FACE THE PERSON WHO IS SPEAKING


31 Constitution Wrap-Up In your pocket guide pg. 3 Constitution... THINK : What is the Constitution? What does it say? WRITE : 2-3 sentences summarizing the US Constitution in your own words. The US CONSTITUTION is __________________. The most important thing is_______________________.

32 The Constitution Federalism Limited Government Individual Rights Popular Sovereignty Republicanism Checks and Balances Separation of Powers 1 st amendment Federalist Anti-Federalist Legislative Judicial Executive Congress Supreme Court President Magna Carta James Madison Ratification 28

33 Preview4/7 Get your pocket guides and a reading from the front table Learning Target: We will identify the United States Constitution as a major era of US History. Success Criteria: I will read to analyze major viewpoints regarding ratification.

34 Small Group Talk 30 Second Think : Did everyone agree on the ratification of U.S. Constitution? Why or Why not? Provide examples. Talk: Turn and face your partner. Partner A= 30 Seconds Partner B= 30 Seconds SHARE: TURN AND FACE THE PERSON WHO IS SPEAKING

35 Ratification Debate Partner A= Federalist Partner B= Anti-Federalist Read the selection. Prepare 3 arguments defending your position.


37 Small Group Talk 30 Second Think : What are the three branches of government? In your opinion, which is the most important? Why? Talk: Turn and face your partner. Partner A= 30 Seconds Partner B= 30 Seconds SHARE: TURN AND FACE THE PERSON WHO IS SPEAKING

38 Separation of Powers 3 separate branches of government Designed to keep any person or group from gaining too much power

39 Executive Branch Article Two of the Constitution Establishes the Presidency The President carries out the law

40 The President Must be 35 years old Born in the United States Serves 4 years, can be reelected once (total 8 years) There have been 44 Presidents

41 Legislative Branch Article Oneof the Constitution Establishes the two houses of Congress – Senate – House of Representatives Congress makes the laws

42 Congress House of Reps  Must be 25 years old  Citizen for 7 years  Serve for 2 years Senate  Must be 35 years old  Citizen for 9 years  Serve for 6 years

43 Judicial Branch Article Threeof the Constitution Establishes the Supreme Court (and lesser courts) The Supreme Court interprets the law

44 Supreme Court No requirement in the Constitution Serve for life Currently there are 9 Justices on the Supreme Court


46 Preview4/6 Get your pocket guides and notebook. Learning Target: We will identify the American Revolution as a major era of US History. Success Criteria: I will read to analyze major vocabulary from the Revolution Era.


48 Small Group Talk 30 Second Think : What were the causes of the American Revolution (pg.11-17) Talk: Turn and face your partner. Partner A= 30 Seconds Partner B= 30 Seconds SHARE: TURN AND FACE THE PERSON WHO IS SPEAKING



51 30 Second Think : What is the Declaration of Independence? What grievances did the colonist have with the king? Give specific examples. Talk: Turn and face your partner. Partner A= 30 Seconds Partner B= 30 Seconds SHARE: TURN AND FACE THE PERSON WHO IS SPEAKING



54 30 Second Think : What were major events that happened during the American Revolution? Give specific examples ( pg. 14-16) Talk: Turn and face your partner. Partner A= 30 Seconds Partner B= 30 Seconds SHARE: TURN AND FACE THE PERSON WHO IS SPEAKING


56 Revolution Flow Chart 17 Colonial Unrest Lexington and Concord Common Sense Declaration of Independence Saratoga Valley Forge Yorktown Treaty of Paris

57 Revolution Wrap-Up In your pocket guide pg. 2 REVOULTION... THINK : What was the main idea of the American Revolution? What were the effects? WRITE : 2-3 sentences summarizing the American Revolution in your own words. The American Revolution was __________________. The most important thing was_______________________.


59 Preview4/2 Get your pocket guides. Learning Target: We will identify the major eras of US History Success Criteria: I will read and analyze major concepts of the Colonization era.

60 Small Group Talk 30 Second Think : What is the Columbian Exchange? What is the Triangular Trade? Give specific examples. Talk: Turn and face your partner. Partner A= 30 Seconds Partner B= 30 Seconds SHARE: TURN AND FACE THE PERSON WHO IS SPEAKING



63 30 Second Think : What is mercantilism? Provide Specific examples. Talk: Turn and face your partner. Partner A= 30 Seconds Partner B= 30 Seconds SHARE: TURN AND FACE THE PERSON WHO IS SPEAKING


65 Mercantilism

66 3 Regions Reading Left Side= New England Middle= Middle Right Side= South 5 minute partner read THINK and SHARE:“What are the characteristics of your region?”


68 3 Colonial Regions New EnglandMiddleSouthern New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania Maryland, Virginia, N. Carolina, S. Carolina, Georgia Phys. Geography - Harsh, Cold Climate -Rocky Soil Phys. Geography -Warm Summer, Cold Winters -Rolling hills and Forests Phys. Geography -Hot summers, mild winters -Rich, fertile soil Religion -Puritans seeking religious freedom -Huge part of daily life Religion -Religious tolerance -Quakers, Catholics, Jews -Diversity=MIX Religion -Catholics in Maryland -Small impact on life in the other colonies Economics -Fishing & Whaling -Furs -Lumber Economics -Diverse economy -Agricultural ”Breadbasket” -Shipping and Trading In large cities (PHI, NYC) Economics -Large Plantations -Slavery -Cash Crops (Tobacco, Cotton)

69 Colonization Wrap-Up 2-3 sentences “ Colonization Era was ________________.

70 Small Group Talk 30 Second Think : What was the French and Indian War? Provide Specific examples. Talk: Turn and face your partner. Partner A= 30 Seconds Partner B= 30 Seconds SHARE: TURN AND FACE THE PERSON WHO IS SPEAKING

71 Preview4/1 Get your notebooks. Learning Target: We will identify the major eras of US History Success Criteria: I will read and analyze major concepts of the Colonization era.

72 Making your Pocket Guide Cut or tear the 4 rectangles apart

73 Making your Mini Graphing Books Grab one of the blank sheets of paper Fold the paper to see where to cut Place each small page in a stack


75 U.S. History Eras Col---Colonization Rev---Revolution Con---Constitution ERJ---Early Republic and Jackson WER---Westward Expansion and Reform S---Sectionalism C.W.---Civil War RECON---Reconstruction

76 Small Group Talk 30 Second Think : Why did European explorers come to North America? Give specific examples. Talk: Turn and face your partner. Partner A= 30 Seconds Partner B= 30 Seconds SHARE: TURN AND FACE THE PERSON WHO IS SPEAKING


78 JamestownPlymouth 6

79 Small Group Talk 30 Second Think : How did the colonists govern themselves once they came to the colonies? Provide Specific examples. Talk: Turn and face your partner. Partner A= 30 Seconds Partner B= 30 Seconds SHARE: TURN AND FACE THE PERSON WHO IS SPEAKING

80 Document Analysis Groups of 2 Read the excerpt. Look for main ideas Answer the questions in your pocket guide under “Colonization.”

81 Small Group Talk 30 Second Think : What were the differences in the colonial regions? Talk: Turn and face your partner. Partner A= 30 Seconds Partner B= 30 Seconds SHARE: TURN AND FACE THE PERSON WHO IS SPEAKING

82 3 Colonial Regions New EnglandMiddleSouthern


84 Pocket Guide Write 3 main ideas under “Colonization” from today’s class. Ideas – Reasons for exploration – Regions – Self-Government.

85 Preview3/30 No Notebooks Learning Target: We will identify the major eras of US History Success Criteria: I will read and categorize major concepts and terms by placing under the correct era.

86 Small Group Talk 30 Second Think : Think back over the entire school year. What era of U.S. History do you remember the most? Which do you have the most difficulty remembering? Talk: Turn and face your partner. Partner A= 30 Seconds Partner B= 30 Seconds SHARE: TURN AND FACE THE PERSON WHO IS SPEAKING

87 Student Learning Reports Each set of partners grab -1 green marker -1 yellow marker -1 red marker Mark the difficult concepts with a RED dot, the medium concepts with a YELLOW dot, and the easy concepts with a GREEN dot JUST READINESS STANDARDS 87

88 321 88 5

89 Eras Gallery Walk One person from each group will be the writer. Other group members will give the writer information to write down You will have 90 seconds per station. When you hear, “STOP!”, move to the next station.

90 Small Group Talk 30 Second Think : What did you learn? What eras are the most difficult for everyone? Talk: Turn and face your partner. Partner A= 30 Seconds Partner B= 30 Seconds SHARE: TURN AND FACE THE PERSON WHO IS SPEAKING

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