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Chapter 19 Galaxies And the Foundation of Modern Cosmology.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 19 Galaxies And the Foundation of Modern Cosmology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 19 Galaxies And the Foundation of Modern Cosmology

2 How are the lives of galaxies connected with the history of the universe?

3 Hubble Deep Field Our deepest images of the universe show a great variety of galaxies, some of them billions of light-years away

4 If the entire sky has a similar galaxy distribution there must be over 100 billion galaxies visible to existing telescopes. Spirals are more visible due to the luminosity of hot young stars. Ellipticals are more common, just harder to see. Irregulars are only about 25%

5 Galaxies and Cosmology A galaxy’s age, its distance, and the age of the universe are all closely related The study of galaxies is thus intimately connected with cosmology— the study of the structure and evolution of the universe

6 What are the three major types of galaxies?

7 Hubble Ultra Deep Field


9 Spiral Galaxy

10 Hubble Ultra Deep Field Spiral Galaxy

11 Elliptical Galaxy Hubble Ultra Deep Field Elliptical Galaxy Spiral Galaxy

12 Hubble Ultra Deep Field Spiral Galaxy Elliptical Galaxy

13 Irregular Galaxies Hubble Ultra Deep Field Spiral Galaxy Elliptical Galaxy

14 Spiral Galaxy disk bulge halo

15 Spheroidal Component: bulge & halo, old stars, few gas clouds Disk Component: stars of all ages, many gas clouds

16 Blue-white color indicates ongoing star formation Red-yellow color indicates older star population Disk Component: stars of all ages, many gas clouds Spheroidal Component: bulge & halo, old stars, few gas clouds

17 Thought Question Why does ongoing star formation lead to a blue- white appearance? A. There aren’t any red or yellow stars B. Short-lived blue stars outshine others C. Gas in the disk scatters blue light

18 Thought Question Why does ongoing star formation lead to a blue- white appearance? A. There aren’t any red or yellow stars B. Short-lived blue stars outshine others C. Gas in the disk scatters blue light

19 Barred Spiral Galaxy: Has a bar of stars across the bulge

20 Lenticular Galaxy: Has a disk like a spiral galaxy but much less dusty gas (intermediate between spiral and elliptical)

21 Elliptical Galaxy: All spheroidal component, virtually no disk component Red-yellow color indicates older star population

22 Irregular Galaxy Blue-white color indicates ongoing star formation

23 Hubble’s galaxy classes Spheroid Dominates Disk Dominates

24 Spiral Galaxies NORMAL SPIRALS Range from Sa to Sc: Sa: little gas and dust, large nuclear bulges, tightly wound spiral arms To Sc: large clouds of gas and dust, small nuclear bulges, loosely wound arms A mixture of stars hot/young and cool/older Short lived hot stars produce most of the light.

25 Barred-Spiral Galaxy Shapes Barred Spirals have an elongated nucleus with spiral arms extending from the ends. Our galaxy is a barred spiral. Halos are not visible in these images but are thought to be there. See rotational curves.

26 Elliptical Galaxy Shapes Elliptical galaxies are round or elliptical contain no visible gas and dust and lack hot, bright stars. Range from E0 to E7. Dwarf ellipticals are the most common, but giant ellipticals account for most of the mass.

27 p. 257 Elliptical Galaxies are classified by a numerical index 0 to 7. Index is calculated from ratio 10(a-b)/a where a and b are the semi-major and semi-minor axes of the elliptical cross section rounded to the nearest whole number. E0 s are round. E7s are highly elliptical E index

28 p. 257 M87 Giant Elliptical M 87 is classified as an E1. It is surrounded by over 500 globular clusters.

29 Irregular Galaxy Shapes Irregulars are a chaotic mix of gas and dust and stars with no obvious bulge or spiral arms.

30 How are galaxies grouped together?

31 Spiral galaxies are often found in groups of galaxies (up to a few dozen galaxies)

32 Elliptical galaxies are much more common in huge clusters of galaxies (hundreds to thousands of galaxies)

33 Clusters of Galaxies Rich galaxy clusters have more than a 1000 galaxies in a roughly spherical distribution, r~ 3Mpc(10 million lyr.) EG Virgo Cluster, 2500 galaxies home to the giant elliptical M87 Poor galaxy clusters have less than 100 EG the Local Group

34 Local Group What we have nearby. Some 45 galaxies in 1Mpc of us. Only a few spirals, most are dwarf- ellipticals and irregulars.

35 Fig. 13-8a, p. 268 Figure 13.8: (a) The Local Group. Our galaxy is located at the center of this diagram. The vertical lines giving distances from the plane of the Milky Way are solid above the plane and dashed below. The Local Group

36 Fig. 13-8b, p. 268 Figure 13.8: (b) The Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy (Sgr Dwarf) lies on the other side of our galaxy. If we could see it in the sky, it would be 17 times larger than the full moon Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy

37 Fig. 13-8c, p. 268 Figure 13.8: (c) Spiral galaxy Dwingeloo 1, as large as our own galaxy, was not discovered until 1994 because it is hidden behind the Milky Way. Note the faint spiral pattern. All individual stars here are in our galaxy. (Courtesy Shawn Hughes and Steve Maddox, Royal Greenwich Observatory, and Ofer Lahav and Andy Loan, University of Cambridge) Spiral galaxy Dwingeloo 1

38 Local Supercluster



41 How do we measure the distances to galaxies?

42 Step 1 Determine size of solar system using radar

43 Step 2 Determine distances of stars out to a few hundred light-years using parallax

44 The relationship between apparent brightness and luminosity depends on distance: Luminosity Brightness = 4π (distance) 2 We can determine a star’s distance if we know its luminosity and can measure its apparent brightness: Luminosity Distance = 4π x Brightness A standard candle is an object whose luminosity we can determine without measuring its distance

45 Step 3 Apparent brightness of star cluster’s main sequence tells us its distance

46 Knowing a star cluster’s distance, we can determine the luminosity of each type of star within it

47 Variable Stars a) RR Lyrae periods vary from 0.5 to 1.0 day b) Cepheid periods range from 1 to 100 days. c) Cepheid photos from successive nights offset slightly.

48 Cepheid variable stars with longer periods have greater luminosities

49 The Cepheid Method Allows us to measure the distances to star clusters throughout the Milky Way

50 Tully-Fisher Relation Entire galaxies can also be used as standard candles because galaxy luminosity is related to rotation speed

51 White-dwarf supernovae can also be used as standard candles

52 Step 5 Apparent brightness of white-dwarf supernova tells us the distance to its galaxy (up to 10 billion light- years)

53 We measure galaxy distances using a chain of interdependent techniques

54 How did Hubble prove that galaxies lie far beyond the Milky Way?

55 The Puzzle of “Spiral Nebulae” Before Hubble, some scientists argued that “spiral nebulae” were entire galaxies like our Milky Way, while others maintained they were smaller collections of stars within the Milky Way The debate remained unsettled until someone finally measured their distances

56 Shapely-Curtis Debate 1920 Shapely and astronomer Herber Curtis debated what the spiral nebula were. Curtis claimed the faint objects were other galaxies. Shapely held they were part of out own galaxy. 1923 Edwin Hubble photographs showed individual stars in the Andromeda Galaxy and in 1924 found Cephids in Andromeda proving it to be another galaxy and not nearby.

57 Hubble settled the debate by measuring the distance to the Andromeda Galaxy using Cepheid variables as standard candles

58 What is Hubble’s Law?

59 The spectral features of virtually all galaxies are redshifted  They’re all moving away from us

60 By measuring distances to galaxies, Hubble found that redshift and distance are related in a special way

61 Hubble’s Law: velocity = H 0 x distance

62 Redshift of a galaxy tells us its distance through Hubble’s Law: distance = velocity H 0

63 Distances of farthest galaxies are measured from redshifts

64 How do distance measurements tell us the age of the universe?

65 The expansion rate appears to be the same everywhere in space The universe has no center and no edge (as far as we can tell)

66 One example of something that expands but has no center or edge is the surface of a balloon

67 Cosmological Principle The universe looks about the same no matter where you are within it Matter is evenly distributed on very large scales in the universe No center & no edges Not proved but consistent with all observations to date

68 Thought Question Your observe a galaxy moving away from you at 0.1 light-years per year, and it is now 1.4 billion light-years away from you. How long has it taken to get there? A. 1 million years B. 14 million years C. 10 billion years D. 14 billion years

69 Thought Question Your observe a galaxy moving away from you at 0.1 light-years per year, and it is now 1.4 billion light-years away from you. How long has it taken to get there? A. 1 million years B. 14 million years C. 10 billion years D. 14 billion years

70 Hubble’s constant tells us age of universe because it relates velocities and distances of all galaxies Age = ~ 1 / H 0 Distance Velocity

71 How does the universe’s expansion affect our distance measurements?

72 distance? Distances between faraway galaxies change while light travels. Thus when we measure the distance it is as it was not as it is.

73 Distances between faraway galaxies change while light travels Astronomers think in terms of lookback time rather than distance distance?

74 Expansion stretches photon wavelengths causing a cosmological redshift directly related to lookback time

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