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Facilitator Ken Newlands Txt 021 266 3232 Office 172 – 3021 open plan - appointment.

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Presentation on theme: "Facilitator Ken Newlands Txt 021 266 3232 Office 172 – 3021 open plan - appointment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facilitator Ken Newlands Txt 021 266 3232 Office 172 – 3021 open plan - appointment

2  Welcome and agenda overview  Baseload measurement Csikszentmihlian stressometer  Moodle  Intro to aim, structure, scope, content…  see course document short and long version  Introduction to course facilitator  Review text W&H Ch1  Collect job application forms, allocation teams  Discussion: Strategy in recent news,  How to prep for next classes  End of class measurement, class suggestions  Conclusion  What is strategy?

3  Strategists create the future,  Lead our organisation to a superior position  Lead in thought, analysis judgment  Lead through actions commitment of resources  Lead thru anticipation and responses to actions and strategies of others  “The aim of strategy is simple, the task is complex” Dr Peter Mellalieu.  Stratos ‘The art of the general’  Chinese general Sun Tsu – 50 principles inc ‘win without fighting’ ‘shape you opponents strategy’

4  1980’s Volvo Sony, Interface flooring, Assidoman forestry : built strategic competencies for environmentally sustainable approaches  Increasing pressure to adopt environmentally sustainable approaches  Explore to what extent the issues of sustainability determining company strategy?  What opportunities and challenges are NZ companies facing?  How are they developing strategy?  Prepare an appropriate strategic initiative for the organisation responding to challenges and opportunities  Welcome to Strategy BSNS7340


6  Course information excerpt 26 pages  Course Handbook 65 pages  Assignments  Available from Unitec Moodle site  Have you used Moodle before?  Has your stress level changed?  Hard copies can be made available if you wish?

7  Moodle  5B74CCFC3C7B 5B74CCFC3C7B  “ Moodle provides an online learning environment for your courses where your lecturers can post assignments, lesson notes, course materials and resources, and facilitate discussions with you and your classmates.”  Login to Moodle here. Login to Moodle here  Other useful resources include  Student FAQ eg login ? Student FAQ


9  I am going to use the Moodle site to guide us through the studio activities.   However backup plan  Prepare for Studio One – were you able to prepare?  Course Outlines short excerpt and long version  Job application – collect at break, spares avail.  Shifting Frontiers Reading– How would you answer the question about global warming?

10  An A+ assignment – Revisit during semester  Scribd repository a challenge?  Facebook account?  Lisa Gansky “The future of business…  z%2Fmod%2Fresource%2Fview.php%3Fid%3D73616 z%2Fmod%2Fresource%2Fview.php%3Fid%3D73616  Sir Ken Robinson “Do schools kill creativity”  %2Fmod%2Fresource%2Fview.php%3Fid%3D73616 %2Fmod%2Fresource%2Fview.php%3Fid%3D73616  Your news of Strategy ?  Add them to the course Wiki

11  Hand in your Job Application forms  Allocation of assignment 2 project teams  Discussion of Strategic news stories  Next week  Go back and complete any outstanding items from preparation for studio one  Update your head and shoulders photo and bio details  Read Chapter 1 and 2  Library visit – courses Endnote, Study skills…  Update your Csikszentmihalian stressometer  Conclusion: Any questions?

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