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Recall & Recap What were the details of the WR’s Constitution?

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Presentation on theme: "Recall & Recap What were the details of the WR’s Constitution?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Recall & Recap What were the details of the WR’s Constitution?

2 Did the economic troubles of the Weimar Republic outweigh it’s political ones? Why did Hyperinflation cause so much damage? What were the political and economic problems of 1919-1923? What was hyperinflation?

3 Prestructural: The point or concept has not been understood. The student may have a number of unconnected ideas but cannot distinguish relevance. Unistructural: One relevant idea is explained. Can separate relevant from non-relevant ideas. May be a couple of simple and obvious connections but their significance isn’t grasped. Multistructural: Several relevant ideas on the topic. Several connections may be made but their significance to the whole isn’t grasped. Relational: Understands and explains complex relationships related to the idea or concept. Understands relationship of parts to the whole. Extended Abstract: Shows profound understanding. Transfer takes place. Makes new connections. Can apply to wider contexts and new applications.

4 Hyperinflation 1923

5 What is hyperinflation? When a government prints too much paper money it loses its value quickly. Hyperinflation is when prices rise very high very quickly. Money soon became worthless. LOOK AT THESE IMAGES – WHAT ARE THEY DOING WITH THE BANK NOTES?

6 Did the economic troubles of the Weimar Republic outweigh it’s political ones? Why did Hyperinflation cause so much damage? What were the political and economic problems of 1919-1923? What was hyperinflation?

7 What were the political and economic problems of the Weimar Republic 1919-1923?

8 What were the political and economic problems of the Weimar Republic 1919-1923? ECONOMICPOLITICAL 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923

9 Did the economic troubles of the Weimar Republic outweigh it’s political ones? Why did Hyperinflation cause so much damage? What were the political and economic problems of 1919-1923? What was hyperinflation?


11 What caused hyperinflation? WW1 German gov print more money to pay for war Passive resistance: Worker strike Nothing being produced. Weimar Republic: Shortages and Reparations: Print more money Strikers spend money quickly Prices rise Strikers need paying Print more money As prices rise more money is printed Prices rise and so on… French occupation of the Ruhr Who do you think gets the blame for the economic disaster?

12 During the inflation years, people who had saved their money in banks or were living on pensions or disability checks found themselves bankrupt. Those with jobs found that their salary increases could not possibly keep up with the almost instantaneous rise in prices. Artist George Grosz described what shopping was like in those days. George Grosz ‘Lingering at the [shop] window was a luxury because shopping had to be done immediately. Even an additional minute meant an increase in price. One had to buy quickly because a rabbit, for example, might cost two million marks more by the time it took to walk into the store. A few million marks meant nothing, really. It was just that it meant more lugging. The packages of money needed to buy the smallest item had long since become too heavy for trouser pockets. They weighed many pounds.... People had to start carting their money around in wagons and knapsacks. I used a knapsack.’

13 The effect of hyperinflation Remember not everyone was affected there were winners and losers. LOSERSWINNERS People with savings in the bank. Some people had saved all their lives only to find their savings would only buy them a loaf of bread. Old people on fixed pensions found they could not afford what they needed. Many small businesses collapsed because normal trade became impossible. People who had borrowed money now found it easy to pay off their debts. If they had borrowed 10 000 marks they could now pay it off with one bank note. Farmers benefitted from price rises. The very wealthy who had land were largely protected from the worse effects.

14 Did the economic troubles of the Weimar Republic outweigh it’s political ones? Why did Hyperinflation cause so much damage? What were the political and economic problems of 1919-1923? What was hyperinflation?

15 Still unsure about hyperinflation? Click on this link: Oz8 Oz8 Also find HistoryOakbank on Twitter

16 Did the economic troubles of the Weimar Republic outweigh it’s political ones? Why did Hyperinflation cause so much damage? What were the political and economic problems of 1919-1923? What was hyperinflation?

17 Did the economic troubles of the Weimar Republic outweigh it’s political ones?

18 Pick a statement which best sums up your learning this lesson. Explain how it is related...

19 Did the economic troubles of the Weimar Republic outweigh it’s political ones? Why did Hyperinflation cause so much damage? What were the political and economic problems of 1919-1923? What was hyperinflation?

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