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Day Three PROBE TRIP TO PLUTO. LEARNING OBJECTIVE Students will determine what instruments are on the space probe traveling for Pluto. Students will give.

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Presentation on theme: "Day Three PROBE TRIP TO PLUTO. LEARNING OBJECTIVE Students will determine what instruments are on the space probe traveling for Pluto. Students will give."— Presentation transcript:


2 LEARNING OBJECTIVE Students will determine what instruments are on the space probe traveling for Pluto. Students will give a presentation on what they have found distance between Earth and Pluto and what devices needed on the space probe.

3 PLANS FOR DAY THREE What equipment should we use to find more information on Pluto? Selective Telescope equipment History of space probes passed the same Pluto’s area. Instruments on New Horizons Prepare for Presentation

4 SELECTIVE TELESCOPE EQUIPMENT Powerful telescopes on Earth and Hubble Not good enough! And we needed to have unmanned spacecraft to go fly-by and gather data closest to Pluto and send data to Earth for analysis.

5 HISTORY OF SPACECRAFT TO PLUTO First and second spacecraft: Pioneer 10 and 11 launched in 1972 and 1973 but stopped sending data, and they are the farthest man-made spacecraft outside of the solar system.

6 HISTORY OF SPACECRAFT Voyager 1 and 2 launched in 1977 Very old technology but still sending data! Now sailing through interstellar space which is 11 billion miles from Earth Primitive computers on board but must be aligned to Earth for a small 4KB data to be sent.

7 SPACE PROBE: NEW HORIZONS Launched on January 19 th 2006 at Cape Canaveral, Florida. Newer technology better computers and able to send better quality 8GB data. Will arrive to probe Pluto on July 14 th 2015! Mark your calendar for that special day!

8 SPACE PROBE: NEW HORIZONS Speed is 36,400 miles per hour! Animation Video: Will complete traveling for 3,462 days (9.5 years) to Pluto Data from New Horizons will travel 4 hours to reach Earth! Because of 4 billion miles is a long way!

9 SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS ON NEW HORIZONS Ralph – takes color pictures during day time Alice – takes pictures in night time REX – measures the temperature of the planet LORRI – telescopic pictures on Pluto’s surface SWAP – measures the chemistry on Pluto and other planets PEPSSI – measures high active chemistry on planets SDC – counting dirty particles collected on the spacecraft while traveling.

10 STUDENTS’ ACTIVITY Pick one instrument from the list: New Horizon Research via the website: Put the information in the PowerPoint or other web 2.0 presentation tools starting with a title,introduction, contents, and the summary. Worksheet is available for students use as a guide.

11 GUIDE TO EFFECTIVE PRESENTATION Name of Title, who is the student, date, course name. Table of content or agenda or a plan to present Third slide: what is the name of instrument and what does it do? Fourth slide: Why is it important to use this instrument? Fifth slide: What will we find from using this instrument? Sixth slide: Guess what will happen if we use this instrument Seventh slide: Summary, reminder, suggestion



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