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Who Are We? By Thomas Redd (With Pictures from the Internet)

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Presentation on theme: "Who Are We? By Thomas Redd (With Pictures from the Internet)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who Are We? By Thomas Redd (With Pictures from the Internet)

2 The Planet Earth We are not alone in the solar system. We have other planets close to us. Take a look and see what our world is really like in the universe.

3 Note the enormous size of the earth

4 Or is it so large?

5 In fact, the earth is tiny!

6 No! It is miniscule!

7 Even our sun is tiny!!

8 Where are we in the vastness of the universe? We really don’t amount to much, do we?

9 This is a hubble telescope Ultra Deep field infrared view of countless ‘entire’ galaxies billions of light years away.

10 This is a close-up of one of the darkest regions of the previous photograph

11 It is mind boggling to think about the expanse of space beyond what we know.

12 How big are we? HUMBLING, ISN'T IT?


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