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ANNUAL MEETING Rachael Podolsky Executive Director June 23, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "ANNUAL MEETING Rachael Podolsky Executive Director June 23, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANNUAL MEETING Rachael Podolsky Executive Director June 23, 2010

2 “Our mission is to promote volunteerism for children and their families through social, civic and environmental opportunities within the local community.” Introduction

3  Comprehensive website including a calendar featuring volunteer opportunities in the local community  A full-service organization operating as a registered 501 (c)(3) Org includes:  Full-time Executive Director  10-member Board of Directors  Summer intern  SEO and Blogger  Community resource for children ages 5-12 and their families looking for volunteer opportunities in the community Introduction: What is kidServe?

4 Director Roles: Keys to Our Success Diversity Technology Fundraising Program Management kidServe

5 o Reach diverse communities within King County o Make sure that all communities can feel empowered to volunteer and make a difference in their community o Distribution Channels o Fliers in backpacks o Boy Scouts / Cub Scouts o Community Events o Network with local government agencies and smaller community outreach programs Business Organization: Diversity

6 o 2 fundraisers per year o Pantry Drive with Ronald McDonald House (2 weekends beginning after Thanksgiving) o Summer event (kids fun run, kids fashion show…) o Grant writing – 6 per year o Network with community to find money, corporations that share our vision o Donations from website o Use social media and online partnerships to tell people about our mission, and hopefully receive donations Business Organization: Fundraising

7 o Development Administration o Add more features, change, update, add more content o Take our current business model and integrate into our online model o Leverage technology o Useability – understanding intent of online users and making use of their online feedback o Analytics – looking at behavior patterns, driving people to site from other mediums o Develop Online Partnerships o Content entries onto blog o Agency partnerships (non-profits) Business Organization: Technology

8 o Network with non-profit volunteer managers to create experiences to bring to our constituents o Day-to-day website management o Direct link from user to organization o Act as voice of kidServe to volunteer users o Drive marketing and public relations o Liaison to BOD o Maintain and upgrade website o Act as voice of kidServe and promote volunteerism within community Business Organization: Program Management

9 Website: Current Snapshot

10 Website: Site Map Our Current kidServe Website

11 Facebook Marketing Current Fan Count: 275 Total visits: 994 Marketing: Facebook Marketing

12 Results of Marketing: Results of

13 Marketing: Publications

14 Traffic Source and Demographics Traffic Source Marketing: Traffic Source and Demographics

15  Cheerful Givers  Food Lifeline  Campfire USA  Friends of the Cedar River Watershed  Discovery Park  Treehouse  Operation Sack Lunch  Union Gospel Mission  EarthCorps Partnerships: Our Volunteer Experience Partners

16 The Future ? T ogether we will build kidServe into a fantastic resource for our community of young volunteers as well as the non-profit organizations we serve.

17 o Fill the calendar with more and more volunteer opportunities o Update and upgrade website, improve regular operations o Receive 501(c)(3) status in July 2010 o Begin writing grants as well as procuring grant opportunities o Local Media Tour o Forge partnerships with local schools and more non-profit organizations o Form and utilize sub-committees to better the organization and strengthen our presence in the community The Future: Board Goals 2010-2011

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