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The Millennium Development Goals – A Decade of Achievements and Challenges at the Regional Level Bader Omar AlDafa Under-Secretary-General, Executive Secretary.

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Presentation on theme: "The Millennium Development Goals – A Decade of Achievements and Challenges at the Regional Level Bader Omar AlDafa Under-Secretary-General, Executive Secretary."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Millennium Development Goals – A Decade of Achievements and Challenges at the Regional Level Bader Omar AlDafa Under-Secretary-General, Executive Secretary UNESCWA

2 Global context Compound crises lead to significant setbacks on overall economic performance Regional characteristics disparate levels of development comparing high-income GCC countries and LDCs political tensions and smoldering conflict high proportion of youth Slide 2 The Arab Region has undertaken significant efforts towards achieving the MDGs, but progress is uneven.

3 Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger (MDG 1) Slide 3

4 Achieve universal primary education (MDG 2) Slide 4 Enrolment ratio in primary education (latest available data, percentage)

5 Promote gender equality and empower women (MDG 3) Slide 5 Seats held by women in national parliaments (latest data, percentage)

6 Reduce child mortality (MDG 4) Slide 6

7 Improving maternal health (MDG 5)

8 Combat HIV/Aids, Malaria and other diseases (MDG 6) Slide 8 In the 1990s the tuberculosis incidence in Arab LDCs was about nine times higher than in other subregions. Despite an overall decline, this gap widened to a 13 times higher tuberculosis incidence rate in the late 2000s.

9 Ensure environmental sustainability (MDG 7) Slide 9

10 Global partnership for development (MDG 8) Slide 10

11 The way forward…. … renewed commitment to the attainment of the MDGs by 2015 and delivering better results of global, regional and national partnerships for development We need to review our strategy and accelerate implementation Consideration of the MDGs as a holistic framework instead of treating each development goal independently: Its elements are linked in a systemic manner and therefore integrative policy response should be designed Pursuing equity-focused approaches more strongly (i.e. equal access and chances, concern for most vulnerable groups) will accelerate progress towards the attainment of the MDGs and be more cost-effective Accelerating of development and implementation of legislation on equal rights and equal opportunities in all areas (i.e. economic participation, social protection) Mainstreaming the MDGs into national policies (i.e. national poverty reduction strategies) Dedication of resources (i.e. honoring the agreed ODA commitments)

12 Data source: ESCWA (2010): Charting the progress of the MDGs in the Arab Region - A Statistical Portrait Thank you!

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