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Strategic Planning Committee Preliminary Report Don Peters.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Planning Committee Preliminary Report Don Peters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Planning Committee Preliminary Report Don Peters

2 Informal USA-Canada Meeting/ District of the Year 2000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015

3 USA-Canada Formal Organization/ YEOTalk Informal USA-Canada Meeting/ District of the Year 2000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015

4 Gift Exchange USA-Canada Formal Organization/ YEOTalk Informal USA-Canada Meeting/ District of the Year 2000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015

5 YEOResources Gift Exchange USA-Canada Formal Organization/ YEOTalk Informal USA-Canada Meeting/ District of the Year 2000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015

6 Interactive First Night Questions YEOResources Gift Exchange USA-Canada Formal Organization/ YEOTalk Informal USA-Canada Meeting/ District of the Year 2000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015

7 LTEP Form/ Multi-lingual Youth Protection Brochure Interactive First Night Questions YEOResources Gift Exchange USA-Canada Formal Organization/ YEOTalk Informal USA-Canada Meeting/ District of the Year 2000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015

8 Achievement Awards/Committee Structure/Book Donations/Abe Kuttothara Outstanding District Award LTEP Form/ Multi-lingual Youth Protection Brochure Interactive First Night Questions YEOResources Gift Exchange USA-Canada Formal Organization/ YEOTalk Informal USA-Canada Meeting/ District of the Year 2000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015

9 Mexico/ NAYEN Achievement Awards/Committee Structure/Book Donations/Abe Kuttothara Outstanding District Award LTEP Form/ Multi-lingual Youth Protection Brochure Interactive First Night Questions YEOResources Gift Exchange USA-Canada Formal Organization/ YEOTalk Informal USA-Canada Meeting/ District of the Year 2000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015

10 Reorganization (Zones to Regions) Mexico/ NAYEN Achievement Awards/Committee Structure/Book Donations/Abe Kuttothara Outstanding District Award LTEP Form/ Multi-lingual Youth Protection Brochure Interactive First Night Questions YEOResources Gift Exchange USA-Canada Formal Organization/ YEOTalk Informal USA-Canada Meeting/ District of the Year 2000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015

11 Online Protection Training/ Conference Guidelines Reorganization (Zones to Regions) Mexico/ NAYEN Achievement Awards/Committee Structure/Book Donations/Abe Kuttothara Outstanding District Award LTEP Form/ Multi-lingual Youth Protection Brochure Interactive First Night Questions YEOResources Gift Exchange USA-Canada Formal Organization/ YEOTalk Informal USA-Canada Meeting/ District of the Year 2000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015

12 ??? Online Protection Training/ Conference Guidelines Reorganization (Zones to Regions) Mexico/ NAYEN Achievement Awards/Committee Structure/Book Donations/Abe Kuttothara Outstanding District Award LTEP Form/ Multi-lingual Youth Protection Brochure Interactive First Night Questions YEOResources Gift Exchange USA-Canada Formal Organization/ YEOTalk Informal USA-Canada Meeting/ District of the Year 2000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015

13 Financial Planning Committee Board 2013-14 Goals/ Objectives Strategic Planning Committee Funding Requirements 2013-14 Budget 2013-14 Plan

14 Strategic Planning Committee Strategic Planning Sub Committees NAYEN needs YOUR Help! 1 Mission Statement 5 Strategic Priorities 10 Goals Long-term Plan Short-term Plan

15 The North American Youth Exchange Network shall facilitate collaboration among and provide support to Rotary Districts and Multi-Districts in the USA, Canada, and Mexico to promote Rotary youth exchange around the world.

16 1.Provide access to resources that support and promote the RYE program 2.Provide innovative methods of delivery of training and other resources 3.Promote sound organizational development 4.Facilitate networking in the RYE community 5.Serve as advocate for the RYE program

17 Identify Best Practices for all critical components of a model Rotary Youth Exchange program and make these readily available to the entire RYE community. Chair – Paul Reagan

18 1.Identify areas of YE for which Best Practices would be of value, e.g., A.Inbound Long-term i.Finding Host Families ii.Training Host Families iii.Vetting Host Families

19 2. Prioritize Best Practices and schedule areas of focus accordingly 3. Poll districts/multidistricts for their Best Practices in the specific areas of focus 4.Analyze suggested Best Practices to determine if they will work for other districts/multi-districts

20 5.Sort & Categorize into most useful areas of focus. (e.g. – practice usefulness may vary based on program size, etc. ) 6.Publish categorized Best Practices so that they are readily and easily found.

21 1.Determine skill sets needed by committee members to accomplish the various tasks; recruit committee members accordingly. 2.Have co-chairs of the committee, splitting management tasks. Each chair should be prepared to manage the full committee

22 3.Determine amount of time it will take to accomplish Best Practices Tasks based on committee size 4.Develop work plan, timeline, and budget requirements based on committee staffing, time requirements, and priority of focus areas.

23 Anybody interested? If so, 1.Complete Strategic Planning Survey and/or 2.Attend Goal 1A (Best Practices) Breakout Session – Paul Reagan

24 Maintain a single portal on the internet for access to information relating to any facet of Rotary Youth Exchange, e.g., resources, training, promotion, inquires, etc. Chair – Junso Ogawa Discussion Leader – Bob White

25 1.Develop list of possible features of single portal, e.g., links to Annual Conferences Resources, e.g., Yeoresources, etc. General NAYEN information  History  Bylaws  Minutes  Services

26 1.Develop list of possible features of single portal, e.g., links to Info for interested students  Basic info regarding Rotary youth exchange  Inquiry form for more information Other Rotary groups, e.g., EEMA, ABIJ, RI YE, etc.

27 2.Develop overall design of single portal with emphasis on ease of use and understanding of site and flow between webpages 3.Recruit authors for any additional material and/or features to be added, etc. 4.Design, develop, and implement website

28 Anybody interested? If so, 1.Complete Strategic Planning Survey and/or 2.Attend Goal 2A (Single Portal) Breakout Session – Bob White

29 Develop and maintain fee-based online training modules for various aspects of RYE. Chair – Dennis White

30 1.Curriculum (on line courses) a.Personnel to develop curriculum - YE Experts b.Topics - identify all YE training needs and which ones will work in an online format c.Priorities - Which topics should be developed next d.Coordinate with Best Practices initiatives - for a consistent approach to training throughout YE

31 2.Online software (currently Articulate) - is this the best for us? 3.Spanish translation and possibly other languages 4.Cost: Additional software, curriculum development, data-base management, web-hosting

32 5.Fee-based systems: a. Pay per use b. Districts/MD purchase bulk rights c. Other? 6.Data-base issues: a.Single data base b.Integrating training results with other data bases

33 7.Management a.Create a permanent online training management committee b.Find other interested, experienced YEOs to help

34 Potential recipients of training: 1.StudentsOutbound Inbound Rebound 2.ParentsOutbound Inbound Rebound Host Parents

35 Potential recipients of training: 3.YEOS Club District 4.Club Counselor 5.Other Rotarians and Volunteers

36 Training Topics 1.Youth Protection 2.DOS Requirements 3.Cultural Awareness 4.District Policies/personnel

37 Training Topics 5.What Is Rotary? 6.Re-entry Issues 7.Integrate Rotex into Rotary 8.District/MD Organization 9.RYE 101 (the basics)

38 Anybody interested? If so, 1.Complete Strategic Planning Survey and/or 2.Attend Goal 2B (Online Training) Breakout Session – Dennis White

39 Reorganize YEO Resources to optimize ease of use. Chair – Charlie Kelly

40 1.Inventory data currently available on website 2.Determine data that is most current for specific topics. 3.Identify additional resources for possible inclusion via poll of committee members, survey of RI YE community, e.g., online training modules, etc.

41 4.Develop overall design of library with emphasis on ease of use, understanding of site and flow between webpages 5.Design, develop, and implement Website Maintenance process

42 Anybody interested? and/or 2.Attend Goal 2C (YEOResources) Breakout Session – Charlie Kelly If so, 1.Complete Strategic Planning Survey

43 Integrate the Strategic Plan and Financial Plan into a unified Operational Plan consisting of a Tactical Plan with specific sequential action steps and time lines and a Budget. Chair – Don Peters

44 Financial Planning Committee Board 2013-14 Goals/ Objectives Strategic Planning Committee Funding Requirements 2013-14 Budget 2013-14 Plan

45 Anybody interested? If so, 1.Complete Strategic Planning Survey and/or 2.Share thoughts with Chair Don Peters

46 Implement a comprehensive leadership development plan which will provide multiple candidates with diverse backgrounds for future NAYEN Board of Directors and Committee positions. Chair – Terrance McNaughton

47 1.Determine qualifications for leadership positions Officers Directors Committee Chairs 2.Identify leadership development plans Pool of potential candidates Path of progression

48 3.Analyze Strategic Planning survey results Tabulate results by various demographics, e.g., region, program size, gender, race/ethnicity, etc. Compile results by expertise, skill set, interests, etc.

49 4.Volunteer opportunities Request from NAYEN Committees Match with volunteers based on survey results Publicize opportunities via Yeotalk periodically 5.Work with Board regarding election of Directors

50 6.Publicize development paths of current leaders Compile data Highlight development of selected leaders periodically  Newsletter  Conference breakout session

51 Anybody interested? If so, 1.Complete Strategic Planning Survey and/or 2.Attend Goal 3B (Leadership Development) Breakout Session – Terrance McNaughton

52 Encourage increased communication between NAYEN Board members and representatives of the districts in their region. Chairs – Lyn Stroshin/ Chrysanne Manoles

53 1.Enhance communication link between Board member and districts Email list of districts in a region for each Board of Director Standard email templates, e.g., introduction to new YEOs List of districts in a region that have/have not been represented recently at a NAYEN conference

54 2.Develop Welcome Packet For new District YEOs, District YEOs not recently at NAYEN NAYEN Information  Services Offered, e.g., Yeotalk, etc.  Annual Conferences  Awards

55 3.Concept for Periodic Newsletter Upcoming Annual Conference Latest developments, e.g., changes in visa requirements Emerging Issues General RYE Timeline Feature of the Month, e.g., Best Practice, online training, etc. NAYEN Awards Summary of recent Board meeting

56 Anybody interested? If so, 1.Complete Strategic Planning Survey and/or 2.Attend Goal 3C (Board Communications) Breakout Session – Lyn Stroshin / Chrysanne Manoles

57 Encourage and empower the Conference Planning Committee to develop topical and informative agendas for all levels of Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) experience so as to attract the largest and broadest conference participation Chair – Guillermo Lopez Portillo

58 1.Develop survey questions to determine: Why do you attend conferences? What do you like the most about the conferences? or Why do you not attend conferences?

59 1.Develop survey questions to determine: How long should conferences last? Are Pre-Conference workshops of interest to you? If so, what topics should be covered?

60 1.Develop survey questions to determine: Should conferences include additional events? If so, which are of most interest to you?  Pre-conference Tour(s)  Conference program for spouses  Post-conference Tour(s)

61 2.Identify Best Practices of Past Conferences 3.Create committees for future conferences Program Publicity Administration (Conference guidelines, Facilities, Technology, Proposal Evaluation) Finance (Budget)

62 Anybody interested? If so, 1.Complete Strategic Planning Survey and/or 2.Attend Goal 4A (Annual Conferences) Breakout Session - Guillermo Lopez Portillo

63 Work with the Rotary International Youth Exchange (RIYE) Staff, the RIYE Committee, and regional/national YE groups (EEMA, ABIJ, Australia, ROTEX, and others) to promote and improve the Rotary Youth Exchange program. Chair – Bob White

64 1.Prepare Concept Proposal for establishment of working group 2.Share Concept Proposal with Rotary Group representatives

65 Anybody interested? If so, 1.Share thoughts with Chair Bob White

66 Influence regulatory agency requirements by developing and maintaining an excellent working relationship with any agency governing youth exchange programs in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Chair – Jody Davis Discussion Leader – Don Peters

67 1.For the youth exchange programs in Canada and Mexico, identify Governing regulatory agencies, as appropriate Applicable regulations and the primary contact person with each such agency

68 2.Analyze any proposed regulations addressing youth exchange in general for effect on RYE programs and prepare comments from NAYEN perspective.

69 3.Work with Conference Committee to invite representatives from regulatory agencies to Annual Conferences to enhance understanding of all.

70 Anybody interested? If so, 1.Complete Strategic Planning Survey and/or 2.Attend Goal 5B (Regulatory Bodies) Breakout Session – Don Peters

71 1A Best Practices –Paul Reagan 2A Single Portal –Bob White 2B Online Training –Dennis White Single Portal –Bob White 2C 3A Integrated Plan –Don Peters

72 3B Leadership Development – Terrance McNaughton 3C Board Communications – Lyn Stroshin/Chrysanne Manoles 4A Annual Conferences – Guillermo Lopez Portillo Rotary Groups –Bob White 5A 5B Regulatory Bodies –Don Peters

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