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RCCNZ Organisational Capability Marine SAR Chris Henshaw Search and Rescue Officer, RCCNZ. 17 May 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "RCCNZ Organisational Capability Marine SAR Chris Henshaw Search and Rescue Officer, RCCNZ. 17 May 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 RCCNZ Organisational Capability Marine SAR Chris Henshaw Search and Rescue Officer, RCCNZ. 17 May 2010

2 Primary Function To Coordinate Category II Search and Rescue activity in New Zealand’s Search and Rescue Region (NZ SRR).

3 What are we A Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (JRCC) Maritime, Aviation and Land 24 / 7 Search and Rescue Officers (SARO’s) trained to international maritime and aviation SAR standards (IAMSAR)

4 What we do Co-ordinate SAROP’s (CAT II) at a national level in the NZ SRR. Typically these are blue water marine, aviation and distress beacon related operations ( Note: Police are responsible for co-ordinating CAT I incidents) Provide search and rescue (SAR) services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year Work with over 100 rescue services and related agencies nationwide plus more than 10,000 SAR personnel and volunteers Coordinate and liaise with international SAR agencies

5 Capability At all times (24/7), a minimum of two Search and Rescue Officer’s (SARO’s) are on duty to coordinate a Search and Rescue operation Any SARO can undertake the Search Mission Controller’s role (equivalent to the Incident Controller’s role under CIMS) during an incident Additional RCCNZ staff, Police, NZDF, LandSAR and Diplomatic personnel are available in the event of a requirement to “scale up” during an incident SARO’s can undertake any of the CIMS management roles

6 Capability RCCNZ Staff have a wide range of skills and experiences, commercial and recreational, to underpin their SAR knowledge Maritime-Commercial (blue water, international), Defence, Coastguard, private vessels Aviation-RAF, RNZAF, RAAF, private pilots license, Commercial Land-Police, Defence, LandSAR Communications – Radio Operators

7 Resources Each SARO has access to a wide range of SAR assets with which to effect timely, safe and efficient rescues (examples are) Defence–RNZAF (P3 Orion, Helicopter), RNZN (IPV’s, OPV’s,) Commercial–Helicopters, Fishing and Cargo vessels, Volunteers–Coastguard, LandSAR, Radio Operators Police MOC Computer systems and software (e.g. SARMAP)

8 Resources - SARMAP SARMAP is a computer package which utilises real time tidal and wind information to model drift characteristics of MOB, drifting vessels/objects. Used to assist in planning and determining search areas. SARMAP is a tool uses real time info proven used in conjunction with local knowledge

9 Response Tasking of appropriate SAR assets (aircraft, helicopters, vessels, personnel, fire, ambulance) to an incident without unnecessary delay Search area determination planning (SAD’s) for marine incidents - local and international - support to Police / NZDF / Coastguard Tracking of SAR Assets (e.g. AIS, TracPlus, Spidertracks)

10 Types of Incidents Hen and Chicken Islands (May 2009) Alarm raised through the activation of a 406 EPIRB Photo courtesy of NEST

11 Rescue Coordination Centre New Zealand Operations Room (24/7) 04 577-8030 EMAIL

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