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Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology 1 Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research (OFCM) Briefing.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology 1 Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research (OFCM) Briefing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology 1 Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research (OFCM) Briefing for OFCM 2.0 meeting May 11, 2015

2 Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology 2 Need for Federal Coordination OFCM history shows benefits of Federal Coordination –Tropical Cyclone Research –RADAR based observing systems –Operational support and backup Much has changed since OFCM was first conceived 50+ years ago –Meteorology being considered component the coupled earth/ocean/atmosphere system –Observing evolving from human-centered to automated –Volume, complexity, and application of meteorological satellite data –Recognition of vulnerability to solar events –Role of the private sector in observations and services –Weather Ready Nation - Extreme events, relevance and usefulness of products Has OFCM evolved sufficiently to respond to these changes?

3 Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology 3 Current Mission/Vision of OFCM To ensure the effective use of federal meteorological resources by leading the systematic coordination of operational weather requirements, services, and supporting research, among the 15 stakeholder federal agencies and offices. High-Level Focus: –Address needs, issues, and problems –Resolve differences, find common threads –Leverage partnerships and collaboration –Prepare studies, reports, plans, and handbooks –Perform crosscut reviews, assessments, and analyses –Unbiased broker for interagency issues

4 Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology 4 Current Major Coordination Activities… Tropical Cyclone Research and Operations –DoD, DOC, NASA, NSF, DOI, DHS, DOT Operational Processing Center Support –DoD, DOC Aviation Weather –DOT, DOC, DOD, DHS, NASA, NTSB, NSF Space Weather; Operational Environmental Satellites –DOC, DOD, NASA, NSF, DOI, DHS, DOE, DOT, DOS, EOP Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion (ATD) Modeling –DOC, DOD, NASA, NSF, DHS, DOE, EPA, NRC Multifunction Phased Array Radar (MPAR) –DOC, DOD, DOT Disaster Impact Assessments –DOC, DOD, NASA, NSF, DOI, DHS, DOE, DOT, EPA, NRC Federal Handbooks and Federal Plan –DOC, DOD, NASA, NSF, DOI, DHS, DOE, DOT, DOS, EOP, EPA, NRC, NTSB, USDA

5 Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology 5 OFCM Impacts Three examples of significant efforts with impact: Operational Center Synergy Tropical Cyclone Research ACE Follow-on (DSCOVR)

6 Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology 6 Organizational position of OFCM differing opinions on where it should be ? FCMSSR/ICMSSR Is membership at the right level ? FCMSSR has not met in 10 years Should role include budget strategy ? Expand focus to Ocean/Earth Systems where relevant to Meteorology Work Arctic issues stay connected to other Arctic Programs Resolve roles and redundancy with OSTP initiatives Reinvigorate National Aviation Weather Council have broader role Key Takeaways from Stakeholder Meetings

7 Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology 7 Expand focus of the Fed plan to interagency efforts in out years Updating Federal Meteorological Handbooks (FMH) is an important focus Routine stuff is important Manning and other support ? Interagency role in geospatial services and systems Space Weather Program: Sustain level of activities. Continue annual SWEF. Reestablish a close working relationship with OSTP and OMB. Complete the NSWP Implementation Plan and support the SWORM Action plan Continue the annual IHC, and move toward next steps of the TC Research Plan Key Takeaways from Stakeholder Meetings

8 Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology 8 Key Takeaways from Stakeholder Meetings New Requests:  NWS – Advisories, Watches and Warnings – Connection to Stakeholders  NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) – Develop methodology to determine precipitation and flood risk HMRs (Hydrometerological Reports)  NRL – Community modeling effort  BASC/NAS – Inquiry from Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (BASC) concerning OFCM role coordinating modeling efforts  Other need: NWS/FAA NEXGEN connection to other stakeholders

9 Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology 9 Discussion QUESTIONS?

10 Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology 10 Backups -----

11 Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology 11 Recent/Upcoming Activities Cooperative Support and Backup (CSAB) (Monthly) Committee for Operational Environmental Satellites (COES) (May) Working Group for Wildland Fire Weather (May) Working Group for Observational Data (May) Committee for Operational Processing Centers (COPC) (May) Atmospheric Transport and Diffusion meeting (June)  Sponsor a session to inform on the status and plans of the Federal atmospheric transport and dispersion (ATD) experimental, observational and modeling efforts Coordinating meeting w/ federal partners to discuss how NWS communicates Watches, Warnings, and Advisories (June) Working Group for Multifunction Phased Array Radar (MPAR) (June) Working Group for Disaster Impact Assessments and Plans (June) Working Group for Volcanic Ash (June) FMH 11 (in Review); FMH-1 (meeting planned for Jun) Space Weather Enterprise Forum (Sep) Committee for Operational Processing Centers (COPC) (Oct/Nov) Assisting NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) in developing new methodology for flood risk (Fall) Federal Plan (On-Going)

12 Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology 12 Federal Committee for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research (FCMSSR) Interdepartmental Committee for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research (ICMSSR) National Space Weather Program Council Committee for Space Weather National Aviation Weather Program Council Committee for Aviation Services and Research Environmental Services, Operations, and Research Needs Environmental Information Systems and Communications Integrated Observing Systems Climate Analysis, Monitoring, and Services Cooperative Research Federal Coordinator for Meteorology National Operational Processing Centers Program Council Committee for Operational Processing Centers Committee for Operational Environmental Satellites Federal Coordinating Infrastructure Multifunction Phased Array Radar Executive Council Working Group for Multifunction Phased Array Radar Working Groups (enduring) Joint Action Groups (short-term)

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