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Do Now – Wednesday, September 18, 2013 HAIKU HUMP- DAY! Write a haiku about the Crusades!

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now – Wednesday, September 18, 2013 HAIKU HUMP- DAY! Write a haiku about the Crusades!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now – Wednesday, September 18, 2013 HAIKU HUMP- DAY! Write a haiku about the Crusades!

2 Inspirational History September 18, 1793 – Capitol cornerstone is laid

3 Crusades Newscast!

4 Horrible Histories

5 Renaissance: Was It a Thing?

6 “Rebirth” During late Middle Ages, Europe suffered war & plague Those who survived wanted to celebrate life People questioned institutions that had been unable to relieve suffering Renaissance – How It Started

7 A revival of art and learning Hoped to bring back Roman and Greek culture Importance of the individual Move from rural living to urban (city) living Renaissance – The Basics

8 Three reasons Renaissance “born” in Italy: Thriving cities Wealthy merchants Classical heritage of Greece & Rome Renaissance – Why Italy?

9 THE RENAISSANCE MAN “Let the man we are seeking be very bold, stern, and always among the first, where the enemy are to be seen and in every other place, gentle, modest, reserved, above all things avoiding osterntation (showiness) and the impudent (bold) self-praise by which men ever excite hatred and disgust in all who hear them… I would have him more than passably accomplished in letters, at least in those studies that are called the humanities, and conservant not only with the Latin language but with Greek for the sake of the many different things that have been admirably written therein. Let him be well versed in the poets, and not less in the orators and historians, and aolso proficient in writing verse and prose.” Baldassare Castiglione, The Courtier “Renaissance Man & Woman”

10 RENAISSANCE WOMAN “To master Leonardo da Vinci, the painter. Hearing that you are settled at Florence, we have begun to hope that our cherished desire to obtain a work by your hand might be at length realized. When you were in this city and drew our portrait in carbon, you promised us that you would some day paint it in colors. But because this would be almost impossible, since you are unable to come here, we beg you to keep your promise by converting our portrait into another figure, which would be still more acceptable to us that is to say, a youthful Christ of above twelve years executed with all that sweetness and charm of atmosphere which is the peculiar excellence of your art.” Isabella d’Este, Letters “Renaissance Man & Woman”

11 #1. Do the qualities called for in the ideal Renaissance man and woman seem to emphasize the individual or the group? Give examples. #2. Isabella d’Este’s portrait was painted by Titian, and Castiglione’s by Raphael, two famous painters. What does this tell you about the subject’s social status? “Renaissance Man and Woman”

12 X_mqpzdU Renaissance Man

13 Students will work silently on identifying the main ideas of the topics below. Students will identify 2 to 3 take-aways from the textbook for the topics below: Humanism (Classical & Worldly Values pages. 472-473) Renaissance Art (pages. 474-475) Renaissance Literature (pages. 475 – 477) Elizabethan Age (pages 483) Printing Press (pages 484) Group Work!!

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