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Directions Use pages 79-81 in your spiral to write the notes Some pages you will not write. There is a symbol like this to let you know.

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Presentation on theme: "Directions Use pages 79-81 in your spiral to write the notes Some pages you will not write. There is a symbol like this to let you know."— Presentation transcript:


2 Directions Use pages 79-81 in your spiral to write the notes Some pages you will not write. There is a symbol like this to let you know.

3 The Civil War 1861-1865

4 Causes of the Civil War 1. States’ Rights 2. Slavery 3. Tariff Disputes 4. Sectionalism (differences in economies and cultures)

5 February 1861- 11 southern states seceded from the U.S. Named The Confederate States of America Elected Jefferson Davis as President


7 Fort Sumter First battle of the Civil War





12 Click on movie to start to play.


14 Union Strategy “Anaconda Plan” Seize control of the Mississippi River Union Army would take over Richmond, Va(capital) Naval blockade of Southern ports

15 George B. McClellan First commander of the Union Army Was called to train 150,000 troops for the Union Largest Army ever

16 Confederate Strategy Only had to avoid losing Repel Northern invasion and seek support from Gr. Britain and France (dependent on S. cotton)

17 Robert E. Lee The commander of the Confederate armyThe commander of the Confederate army Originally offered the head of the Union army Could not fight against his home state


19 1862-Union forces again tried to advance on Richmond, without success. Robert E. Lee and Davis decided the best way to defeat the North was to invade. Late 1862, Lee’s forces crossed into Maryland



22 Battle of Antietam 23,000 soldiers were killed, wounded, or captured---bloodiest single day of the war. Lee retreated back to Va. Union leaders did not follow

23 Click on movie to start to play.

24 1862-Ulysses S. Grant began to secure Mississippi River Ulysses S. Grant becomes the Union army’s commander


26 Emancipation Proclamation Announcement on January 1, 1863, by President Lincoln that all slaves in Confederate territory ONLY would be considered free.


28 Results of the E. P. Changed the purpose of the war to free the slaves Swayed British opinion to Union Persuaded blacks to enlist in the Union Army Answered the question of whether the nation would be ½ slave if the Union won the war


30 Battle of Gettysburg (turning point) South attacked into the North Lost too many soldiers, weakened Confederate army Never able to attack North again

31 Click on movie to start to play.





36 Gettysburg Address Lincoln spoke at the battlefield to dedicate the cemetery 2 min. speech-explained the meaning of the war Raised the purpose of the Civil War to the survival of democracy


38 Click on movie to start to play.


40 Battle of Vicksburg(turning point)1863 Ulysses S. Grant captured Vicksburg, and control of the Miss. R. Cut the Confederacy in 2 Declared “Total War” (complete devastation)

41 Click on movie to start to play.



44 1864-Lincoln wins reelection 1865-Second Inaugural Address Called for an end to slavery and binding up the wounds of the nation



47 Total War General William Sherman “Sherman’s March” Burned and destroyed everything of value in its path.

48 Surrender at the Appomattox Court House, Va. Richmond fell to the Union Lee surrendered

49 Click on movie to start to play.

50 RECONSTRUCTION The time period after the Civil War when the nation was trying to rebuild itself into a strong nation again, and heal the bad feelings between the North and the South

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