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Developing Defenseman and Defensive Zone

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1 Developing Defenseman and Defensive Zone
Jeff Giesen Assistant Women’s Hockey Coach St. Cloud State University

2 Defenseman Skills Skating Puckhandling Passing Shooting

3 Skating Probably the biggest thing in hockey Work on a daily basis
Good starts gives more confidence and can help on gap control both offensively and defensively Pivots, don’t crossover open up your hips

4 Skating Drills Up and Back Triple Circle Big Figure 8 Mirror drill
Small Figure 8 Horizontal Lateral Iron Cross

5 Puckhandling and Passing
Do as many things with pucks as possible Always try and keep the puck on the forehand Have players pass in practice Incorporate into off ice Communicate when passing both ways Don’t give your problem to someone else

6 Puckahandling Drills 3 circles with pucks Big figure 8 with pucks
Small figure 8’s Horizontal Lateral Iron Cross with pucks Chop chops and Figure 8’s with pucks

7 Passing Drills Breakout warm up Dump in with pivot B.O
Big figure 8 with one touch Small figure 8 with one touch Lateral Horizontal Rocking Horse

8 Shooting Proper technique Keep your head up
Something to incorporate into off ice workouts Keeping shots on net Change shooting lanes Limit stick handling

9 Shooting Drills Down up and around Pass re-pass for shot
With pass to partner Pass re-pass for shot Gather and Shoot One timers

10 Defensive Zone Defense is dull, boring commonplace. It is the unimaginative plodding attention to duty. It is grit and determination. There is never a day you can’t use defense. All you need is the decision to put out. To give 100 percent. What defense discloses is character. Effort and energy are a matter of will. Dr. George Sheehan Running and Being

11 Defensive Zone COMMUNICATE Always on the defensive side
Know your responsibilities Defense one in front at all times Centers working board to board Wings on points and high slot area Good position

12 Defensive Zone Keep your stick down in passing lanes Head on a swivel
Control your opponent in one on one situations Chase vs. contain Contain after the puck moves Establish good angles and gap control be quick, take away time and space

13 Defensive Zone Development
Breaking it down into smaller parts 1 on 1 Situations 2 on 2 3 on 2 3 on 3 5 on 5

14 1 on 1 Shadow Out of the corner Def. plays 3 1on1’s Zone entry
Fwd in the corner Fwd half way Fwd and D are even Def. plays 3 1on1’s Zone entry Fwds have three options

15 Situations 1 on 1 x 3 3 on 3 low 2 late back checkers
5 on 5 in the zone 5 on 5 ¾ ice scrimmage

16 In Closing Special thanks to Nicki DelCastillo for video help

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