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Washington State by Lorenzo Jackson III Washington State Official languageCapital  English Official State Flag  Olympia.

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2 Washington State by Lorenzo Jackson III

3 Washington State Official languageCapital  English Official State Flag  Olympia

4 Washington State Largest cityTotal population  Seattle  6,549,224

5 Washington State Rank in US 18 th in US in population Lieutenant Governor Brad Owens  State Song of Washington  "Washington, My Home“ State Motto Washington’s state motto is Al-ki which is a Chinook Indian word meaning “bye and bye” or “hope for the future.” State Insect Green Darner Dragonfly. Washington State Flag

6 Washington State Governor Christine Gregoire Time zone Pacific Time Zone State Bird Willow Goldfinch Median Income $53,515.oo 13 th in all the states

7 Washington State abbreviation When were they admitted to union  WA-US-WA  The state of Washington ranks first in the nation in production of red raspberries (90.0% of total U.S. production), hops (75.0%), apples (58.1%), sweet cherries (47.3%), pears (42.6%), Concord grapes (39.3%), and Niagara grapes (31.6%).  November 11, 1889

8 Washington State Area of the statewidth  184,827 km2  Washington is the base for home to many Internet companies, including,, and Microsoft is located in Washington  240 miles (400 km)  The oldest operating gas station in the United States is in Zillah. Washington is the place for the first soft serve ice cream machine. 

9 Washington State Latitude 47 degrees 20.0 N Longitude 120 degrees.16.1’ W Washington State Nickname  The Evergreen State  Highest Point Lowest Point  Mount Rainier Is at sea level where the Pacific Ocean meets in the west.

10 Washington Landmarks Space Needle First revolving restaurant Only state named after president Mt Rainier Grand Coulee Dam

11 Washington Pictures

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