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Sociology. Agents of Socialization Agents of Socialization: People or groups that affect our self-concept, emotions, attitudes, behaviors, or other orientations.

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Presentation on theme: "Sociology. Agents of Socialization Agents of Socialization: People or groups that affect our self-concept, emotions, attitudes, behaviors, or other orientations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sociology

2 Agents of Socialization Agents of Socialization: People or groups that affect our self-concept, emotions, attitudes, behaviors, or other orientations toward life.

3 The Family The family is the first group to have a major impact on the development of our “self” Family and Social Class Discipline: style varies between social classes Skills: what is important? Development: how involved are the parents?

4 The Neighborhood Poor Neighborhoods vs. Wealthy Neighborhoods

5 Religion Religion influences values

6 Day Care Children who attend daycare are more likely to… Have weaker bonds with their mothers Have higher language skills “smart but mean” children

7 The School Latent Functions Hidden curriculum Not taught explicitly Stories used in English may bring ideas of democracy or justice Corridor Curriculum What students teach each other

8 Peer Groups Family influence declines as children are exposed to more agents of socialization Influence of peer groups can be dominating and extend to violating social norms

9 Sports Teach values as well as physical skills Profound effect on self-image

10 Workplace Early jobs teach us skills and influence our view of the world Anticipatory Socialization Learning to play a role before entering it Work can become part of our self-image

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