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Research Infrastructures in Structural Biology - NMR Lucia Banci CERM, Florence, Italy Workshop "Future Needs for Research Infrastructures.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Infrastructures in Structural Biology - NMR Lucia Banci CERM, Florence, Italy Workshop "Future Needs for Research Infrastructures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Infrastructures in Structural Biology - NMR Lucia Banci CERM, Florence, Italy Workshop "Future Needs for Research Infrastructures in Biomedical Sciences“, Brussels, 16-03-05

2 Biomolecular structures determination First X-ray protein structures (myoglobin and hemoglobin) in the late 1950’s (Perutz and Kendrew, Nobel Prize 1962) Protein Data Bank (PDB) created in 1970-1971 First NMR protein structure (Proteinase Inhibitor IIa) in 1985 (Wüthrich, Nobel Prize 2002) Workshop "Future Needs for Research Infrastructures in Biomedical Sciences“, Brussels, 16-03-05 but…… NMR goes beyond structure !.dynamics, protein-protein interactions,

3 EU NMR Infrastructures in Structural Biology Equipped with:  spectrometers from 900 MHz down, 900, 800, and 500MHz with Cryoprobes  a WB 700 MHz for SSNMR CERM, Florence, IT Equipped with:  spectrometers from 900 MHz down (a 600MHz with cryoprobe) SONNMR, Utrecht, NL Equipped with:  spectrometers from 900 MHz down, several with Cryoprobes  a WB 600 MHz for SSNMR BMRZ, Frankfurt, D Manchester, UK Paris, F Ljubljana, SLO Göteborg, S Helsinki, FIN Madrid, E Lyon, F Workshop "Future Needs for Research Infrastructures in Biomedical Sciences“, Brussels, 16-03-05

4 Previous Funding to the three EU NMR RI (1994-2004) Access is still provided on voluntary basis to meet the request of the scientific community FP3 Limited Transnational access funded to the individual Infrastructures (RI) FP6 Funding for access has been discontinued “Design study” project under negotiation FP4 Transnational access funded to each RI which formed a cluster Concerted Action involving other EU NMR laboratories RTD’s FP5 Transnational access funded to each RI which formed a cluster Cluster formalization through ICN common access protocol RTD’s Workshop "Future Needs for Research Infrastructures in Biomedical Sciences“, Brussels, 16-03-05

5 Future Needs for existing NMR RI Support for technological/methodological advancement of the Infrastructures “Design studies” are an excellent instrument for forefront advancement of RI More funds for instruments: – keep the instrumentation updated EC could support about 20% depreciation cost/year – acquire new advanced equipment Reestablish access for European researchers: – Remote Access should be promoted Increased support for technical staff Workshop "Future Needs for Research Infrastructures in Biomedical Sciences“, Brussels, 16-03-05

6 Future Scientific Needs Integrated Structural Biology Infrastructure for Europe Workshop "Future Needs for Research Infrastructures in Biomedical Sciences“, Brussels, 16-03-05 Bioinformatics Clinical records Prioritization Module Structural Biology HT Expression Module Chemical Biology Biomedical Applications

7 FESP Forum for European Structural Proteomics Lucia Banci, Centro Risonanze Magnetiche, University of Florence, Italy Wolfgang Baumeister, Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany Udo Heinemann, Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin, Berlin Germany Gunter Schneider, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm Sweden Joel Sussman, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot Israel - Coordinator Workshop "Future Needs for Research Infrastructures in Biomedical Sciences“, Brussels, 16-03-05

8 Goals Assess Structural Genomics/Proteomics projects already in action at national, European, and global level. Assess existing Infrastructures (synchrotrons, NMR, EM, Protein Production, Bioinformatics) with respect to the needs for Structural Genomics/Proteomics in Europe, and comparison with the status in the rest of the world Develop strategic plans for an European policy in Structural Genomics/ Proteomics Workshop "Future Needs for Research Infrastructures in Biomedical Sciences“, Brussels, 16-03-05

9 Outcomes A database of the Structural Genomics/Proteomics projects worldwide A position paper which includes -- assessment of Structural Genomics/Proteomics Infrastructures and activities in Europe and worldwide -- a strategic road map to guide future directions of SG and SP initiatives in EU Workshop "Future Needs for Research Infrastructures in Biomedical Sciences“, Brussels, 16-03-05

10 To achieve these goals the active contribution of the entire SG/SP community is needed and sought for Contributions will be collected from:  visits to the Infrastructures involved in SG/SP activities  installation of a web site collecting contributions to the debate  targeted workshops Workshop "Future Needs for Research Infrastructures in Biomedical Sciences“, Brussels, 16-03-05

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