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Representing, Querying and Mining Knowledge about Autism Phenotypes

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Presentation on theme: "Representing, Querying and Mining Knowledge about Autism Phenotypes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Representing, Querying and Mining Knowledge about Autism Phenotypes
Amar K. Das, MD, PhD Departments of Medicine and of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

2 Outline Prior work NDAR project Phenologue project Future directions

3 Represent findings and their links using structured knowledge
Hasler G,et al. Toward constructing an endophenotype strategy for bipolar disorders. Biological Psychiatry (2006) Represent findings and their links using structured knowledge

4 Phenomics “A primary task for the new field of phenomics will be to clarify what, in practical terms, constitutes a phenotype and then to delineate the different phenotypic components that compose the phenome.” Freimer & Sabatti, Nature Genetics (2003)

5 Phenotypes in Psychiatry
‘The observable structural and functional characteristics of an organism determined by its genotype and modulated by its environment’ Diagnostic component Intermediate phenotype Quantitative phenotype Covariates


7 dbGaP Mailman, M.D. Nature Genetics (2007)

8 PhenoWiki

9 PhenoWiki

10 Current Approaches Lack of standardization Lack of organization
Lack of computability

11 NDAR Project Systematic review Extension to NIFSTD ontology
Rulebase development

12 Systematic Review “(ADI-R or ADOS or Vineland) and (genes or genetics) and autism” 26/43 papers relevant 156 unique phenotypes found Mean # phenotypes 4.1, range 0-13 Three basic types (1:1, sum, cutoff score)

13 Systematic Review Different terms Different cutoff scores
e.g., ‘age of first phrases’ and ‘age of onset of phrase speech’ Different cutoff scores e.g., ‘delayed word’ Different definitions e.g., ‘regression’ e.g., use of different instruments

14 SWRL: Semantic Web Rule Language
Rules in SWRL can be used to deduce new knowledge about an existing OWL ontology Specification can be extended through the use of built ins

15 NDAR Codebook

16 Extension to NIFSTD

17 Phenologue Project (R01 MH877)
Develop a knowledge base that maps phenotypes to brain connectivity, neural deficits, and genetic markers Develop logic-based methods to encode and classify phenotypes based on multi-scale measurements Create tools to acquire new phenotypes and annotate phenotype-genotype findings in online resources such as published literature Develop query-elicitation methods that can evaluate hypotheses about the phenotypes using deductive inference

18 Phenotype Definitions
Phenologue Project Query Database Phenotype Definitions New Associations Catalog Analysis

19 Axiomé Rule Management Tool
Rule paraphrasing Rule elicitation Rulebase visualization Knowledge mining using rules Hassanpour. S., et al. RuleML (2009)

20 Computational Phenomics
Develop methods to Apply machine learning methods to discover groups of rules with common semantics Use natural language processing method to discover phenotype rules in published text

21 Semantic Similarity

22 Semantic Clustering Use vector space model and k-means clustering

23 Semantic Clustering Found 17 phenotype clusters Example cluster
ConcludePositiveHistoryofRegression ConcludeNegativeHistoryofRegression ConcludeQuestionableHistoryofRegression1 ConcludePositiveHistoryofRegression2 ConcludePositiveHistoryofRegression1 ConcludeQuestionableHistoryofRegression2 ConcludeNoPhrases ConcludePhrases

24 Text Mining Hassanpour. S., et al. ACM IHI (submitted)

25 Evaluation of Precision
Level of Semantics Precision Only rules 62% Only ontology hierarchies 73% Both rules and ontology hierarchies 76%

26 Future Directions Develop rule management technologies to support grouping Expand ontology to capture multi-scale representation of endophenotypes

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