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What’s new in FP7 ? Main new elements compared to FP6: Annual budget from EUR 5 billion ►7 billion (mostly less in beginning years, more at the end) Duration.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s new in FP7 ? Main new elements compared to FP6: Annual budget from EUR 5 billion ►7 billion (mostly less in beginning years, more at the end) Duration."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s new in FP7 ? Main new elements compared to FP6: Annual budget from EUR 5 billion ►7 billion (mostly less in beginning years, more at the end) Duration extended to seven years (2007 – 2013) Basic research (~ EUR 1.5 billion per year) New infrastructures possible Simplification of procedures planned No additional cost model anymore

2 Cooperation – Collaborative research People – Human Potential JRC (nuclear) Ideas – Frontier Research Capacities – Research Capacity JRC (non-nuclear) Euratom + FP7 2007 - 2013 Specific Programmes

3 9 Thematic Priorities 1. Health 2. Food, agriculture and biotechnology 3. Information and communication technologies 4. Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies 5. Energy + 6. Environment (including climate change) 7. Transport (including aeronautics) 8. Socio-economic sciences and the humanities 9. Security and space + Euratom: Fusion energy research, nuclear fission and radiation protection Cooperation – Collaborative research

4  Frontier research  Support to individual teams, to promote excellence through Europe-wide competition  Dedicated implementation structure (Executive Agency)  Independent scientific governance (Scientific Council)  Simplified grant mechanism Ideas – Frontier Research

5  Independent; respected personalities, reflecting the full scope of European research  Responsible for scientific strategy, oversight and guarantee of quality in scientific decision-making  Prior to FP7 decision, would act as advisory body in the development of the “Ideas” programme ERC Scientific Council

6 Initial training of researchers Marie Curie Networks Life-long training and career development Individual Fellowships Co-financing of regional/national/international programmes Industry-academia pathways and partnerships Industry-Academia Scheme International dimension Outgoing International Fellowships; Incoming International Fellowships International Cooperation Scheme; Reintegration grants Specific actions Excellence awards People – Human Potential

7 1. Research Infrastructures Transnational Access Integrating activities Research e-infrastructures Construction of new research infrastructures and major updates of existing ones Design studies Support to existing research infrastructures: Support to new research infrastructures: Capacities – Research Capacity

8 FP7 budget (EUR billion, 2004 constant prices)

9 FP7 Timetable

10 Information EU research: Seventh Framework Programme: Information on research programmes and projects: RTD info magazine: Information requests:

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