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Focus Area Networks ECTP Conference, and brokerage event Livia Pardi, Autostrade per l’Italia Govert Sweere, FEHRL.

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Presentation on theme: "Focus Area Networks ECTP Conference, and brokerage event Livia Pardi, Autostrade per l’Italia Govert Sweere, FEHRL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Focus Area Networks ECTP Conference, and brokerage event Livia Pardi, Autostrade per l’Italia Govert Sweere, FEHRL

2 ECTP Conference, Brokerage event, session n.6, Versailles, 22 November 2006 2 Brokerage event: organization 11.15 – 13.00 Brokerage event for proposals in FP7 & Eurekabuild 11.15-11.30: Introduction of FA Networks & Presentation of Priorities & Roadmap 11.30-12.05: Presentation of ideas for proposals (7) 12.10 -13.00 Parallel sub-sessions (7) devoted to the exchange of ideas and partnering for the formation of Consortia

3 ECTP Conference, Brokerage event, session n.6, Versailles, 22 November 2006 3 Structure of the ECTP 800-1000 members HLG SG Secretariat Plenary Assembly National Platforms (25) Material s Buildings Materials Quality of life Cities & Buildings Cultural Heritage Underground Construction Networks ICT AG SMEs Mirror Group AG Clients & Users

4 ECTP Conference, Brokerage event, session n.6, Versailles, 22 November 2006 4 Networks of infrastructures All types of services offered to citizens  Transport/mobility (roads, railways, waterways, ports and airports)  Services/supply (gas, water, energy, telecommunications, etc)

5 ECTP Conference, Brokerage event, session n.6, Versailles, 22 November 2006 5 Change in perspective: Integrated approach a)The infrastructure in itself is an integrated product or system b)It includes different functions and answers to different needs throughout its life-cycle c)Construction is the construction of the innovated system From research to optimal use From components to system From construction, thru operation and maintenance to…..

6 ECTP Conference, Brokerage event, session n.6, Versailles, 22 November 2006 6 Organization and links to other ETPs. FA Networks Autostrade per l’Italia & Fehrl Roads & Highways Autostrade per l’Italia & CEDR ERTRAC Waterways Rijskwaterstaat and Geodelft Waterborne. Railways Banverket & … ERRAC Water distribution and sewerage UKwir & … WSSP Water supply and sanitation Gas Gerg & Gaz de France

7 ECTP Conference, Brokerage event, session n.6, Versailles, 22 November 2006 7 Way of working Input from stakeholders Vision 2010 Vision 2020 Vision 2030 Strategic Research Agenda 2010 Strategic Research Agenda 2020 Strategic Research Agenda 2030 Definition of the research priorities Input for the 7 ° FP and subsequent programs Input from stakeholders Vision 2010 Vision 2020 Vision 2030 Strategic Research Agenda 2010 Strategic Research Agenda 2020 Strategic Research Agenda 2030 Definition of the research priorities Input for the 7 ° FP and subsequent programs Current status

8 ECTP Conference, Brokerage event, session n.6, Versailles, 22 November 2006 8 Vision 2030 (1/3) 1.Transport and utilities are an European asset (and represent a huge public investment)  Guarantee functional networks and services responding to the needs of users and clients: - by balancing the need of new constructions - by preserving the patrimony - by adopting solutions, techniques and materials that extend the life-cycle increase capacity and durability with low impact on operation and with high standards of safety/security

9 ECTP Conference, Brokerage event, session n.6, Versailles, 22 November 2006 9 Vision 2030 (2/3) 2.Infrastructure must be at the service of citizens (providing reliable service for very long periods of time, spanning several generations)  Answer to the increasing public demand in terms of safety of supply and mobility and of security from natural and manmade hazards  Reduce the impact on users and communities due to transport and service daily activities  Support the territorial development  Protect and increase its value; by a better development of design and construction by using environmentally-friendly materials and technologies

10 ECTP Conference, Brokerage event, session n.6, Versailles, 22 November 2006 10 Vision 2030 (3/3) 3.Developing the Networks in Europe, in an integrated and systematic way, is the main factor of growth of the competitiveness of the European economic system  Increase the competitiveness and  Guarantee the economic and social development across Europe: by integrating within, between and cross-border networked systems for the quick and safe exchange of mobility, goods and supply  Increase the efficiency of the level of service, reliability, security, information even under critical conditions

11 ECTP Conference, Brokerage event, session n.6, Versailles, 22 November 2006 11 Priorities and timeline (from general SRA) 1.Technologies for Healthy, Safe, Accessible and Stimulating Indoor Environments for All (1.1) 2.Innovative Use of Underground Space (1.3) 3.New Technologies, Concepts and High-tech Materials for Efficient and Clean Buildings (2.1) 4.Reduce Environmental and Man-made Impacts of Built Environment and Cities (2.2-1.2) 5.Sustainable Management of Transports and Utilities Networks (2.3-1.4) 6.A Living Cultural Heritage for an Attractive Europe (2.4) 7.Improve Safety and Security within the Construction Sector (2.5) 8.New Integrated Processes for the Construction Sector (3.2-3.1-3.4) 9.High Added Value Construction Materials (3.3)

12 ECTP Conference, Brokerage event, session n.6, Versailles, 22 November 2006 12 Fiche n.5 1 Comprehensive management of transport & utilities infrastructure to reduce impact on service 2 Standards, models and databases to assess, follow & predict the long-term performance of structures/components subject to ageing and deterioration 3 Extending life time of structures or increasing their capacity, with no reduction in safety and with positive impact on maintenance 4 New testing methods for early detection of damage for structures and infrastructures, even buried, with minimal impact on traffic and supply 5 Application of new/non-conventional/multifunctional/traditional materials, with low environmental impact, high durability, reduced operation costs, increased comfort for users/citizens 6 Integrated life-cycle assessment systems combining cost-efficient and easy-to-maintain sensors, monitoring and performance prediction systems 7 ICT and ITS systems to optimize traffic, serviceability and security of networks integrating traffic and transport monitoring and management, Sustainable Management of Transports and Utilities Networks Assets have to be well maintained, modernized and extended for the increasing demands of a changing society. Better technologies and processes have to reduce maintenance and works and increase durability and safety to reduce network failures and out-of-service conditions.

13 ECTP Conference, Brokerage event, session n.6, Versailles, 22 November 2006 13 Fiche n.4 Reduce Environmental and Man-made Impacts of built environment and cities Reducing the impacts of infrastructure networks construction and operation on the nature and urban environment, due to transport and service daily activities has to be met. 1 Reduction of impact of transport and utility networks: new technologies for the construction and maintenance of infrastructure, reducing construction costs and delays: solutions include reducing traffic noise, vibration, air and water pollution, and trenchless construction or using small size trenches 2 New concepts and procedures to reduce the impact of accidents involving dangerous and hazardous goods

14 ECTP Conference, Brokerage event, session n.6, Versailles, 22 November 2006 14 Fiche n.7 Improve Safety and Security within the Construction Sector Safety and security of all infrastructure must be ensured, as any disruption of service may result in large socio-economic consequences. Safety of users must also be assured. Availability and accessibility of infrastructure of transport and supply must be guaranteed 1Development of systems, models and tools for risk and safety management of infrastructure and defense systems against natural and man made hazards, integrating issues such as safety culture, business processes, economic impacts, roles and responsibilities, training and competency, quality and performance management, accessibility and partial functionality of hazard defense systems, infrastructure and key buildings and facilities after damage 2Systems for the management of risk and emergencies and partial functionality of the networked system 3Reliable and long-life systems to monitor and control all security/safety parameters for infrastructures

15 ECTP Conference, Brokerage event, session n.6, Versailles, 22 November 2006 15 What we expect in the calls NMP  Resource Efficient and Clean Buildings  Innovative added-value construction product-services  Integrated life-cycle assessment systems for networks  Management of transport & utilities networks Environment  Low resource consumption buildings and infrastructure Transport  Recycling and re-use of vehicles and infrastructure  Advanced infrastructure construction (and monitoring) concepts  New methods of organising construction - new types of contracting etc ICT  Critical Infrastructures protection  ICT for Mobility, Environmental Sustainability and Energy Efficiency

16 ECTP Conference, Brokerage event, session n.6, Versailles, 22 November 2006 16 Thank you for your attention

17 ECTP Conference, Brokerage event, session n.6, Versailles, 22 November 2006 17 Brokerage event: Speakers 1.Peter Haardt, Bast, “Quality, sustainability and lifecycle management for infrastructure networks” 2.Jo Parker, Watershed Associates, “Integrated approach to managing utility network assets” 3.Michel Ray, Scetauroute/Egis, ”Management of interventions along infrastructures” 4.Jean Pierre Capdevielle, Gaz de France, “New methods to evaluate the residual times of the distribution PE gas pipes” 5.Helmut Wenzel, VCE, “Monitoring and Assessment of infrastructures” 6.Marianne Grauers, VTI, “Cost effective and environmentally friendly rehabilitation of existing roads ” and “ Improving the cost/benefit of infrastructures by using new types of contracting, models and monitoring techniques” 7.Bas Hemmen, GeoDelft, “Limiting differential settlement in infrastructures”.

18 ECTP Conference, Brokerage event, session n.6, Versailles, 22 November 2006 18  Room A: Management processes 1.Peter Haardt, Bast, “Quality, sustainability and lifecycle management for infrastructure networks” 2.Jo Parker, Watershed Associates, “Integrated approach to managing utility network assets” 3.Michel Ray, Scetauroute/Egis, ”Management of interventions along infrastructures” 4.Jean Pierre Capdevielle, Gaz de France, “New methods to evaluate the residual times of the distribution PE gas pipes”  Room B: Technical solutions 1.Helmut Wenzel, VCE, “Monitoring and Assessment of infrastructures” 2.Marianne Grauers, VTI, “Cost effective and environmentally friendly rehabilitation of existing roads ” and “ Improving the cost/benefit of infrastructures by using new types of contracting, models and monitoring techniques” 3.Bas Hemmen, GeoDelft, “Limiting differential settlement in infrastructures”.

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