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Ian Robertson Chief Executive A Sustainable Model for Developing Enterprise Education and Graduate Entrepreneurship: UK Approach A Policy Dialogue on Enterprise.

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Presentation on theme: "Ian Robertson Chief Executive A Sustainable Model for Developing Enterprise Education and Graduate Entrepreneurship: UK Approach A Policy Dialogue on Enterprise."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ian Robertson Chief Executive A Sustainable Model for Developing Enterprise Education and Graduate Entrepreneurship: UK Approach A Policy Dialogue on Enterprise Education Sri Lanka 4 th March 2010

2 Vision Background and Importance Role and Structure Definitions Making It Happen

3 A Higher Education environment driven by: Entrepreneurial Institutions Entrepreneurial Staff Entrepreneurial Stakeholder Partnerships Entrepreneurial Opportunities Leading to: Entrepreneurial Graduates Entrepreneurial Lives and Careers Entrepreneurial Organisations and Communities The Vision for UK Higher Education

4 Background: Launched by Gordon Brown in 2004; started 2005 US Experience UK Catalyst to Make Things Happen Importance of Entrepreneurial Capacity in HE: Potential impact on competitiveness and social cohesion Globalisation: uncertainty and complexity Universities need to be globally competitive Graduates need to be globally competitive Pressures on the public purse Background and Importance

5 Role: To embed a culture of entrepreneurship across HE To increase the number of graduate start ups and students considering starting a business To increase HE Industry collaboration The development of Entrepreneurial Universities Structure: Independent company supported by government Chaired by DG British Chambers of Commerce Government provides £1m - £2m grant NCGE leverages £2 for £1 of govt funding Role and Structure

6 DEFINITIONS The Enterprise Concept focuses upon the development of the enterprising person and the enterprising mindset through a demonstration of enterprising skills, behaviours and attitudes across a diversity of contexts. These include intuitive decision making, the capacity to make things happen autonomously, networking, initiative taking, opportunity identification, creative problem solving, strategic thinking, and self efficacy. The focus is on creating entrepreneurial ways of doing, thinking, feeling, communicating, organising and learning. The Entrepreneurial Concept focuses upon the application of these enterprising skills and the entrepreneurial mindset in setting up a new venture, developing/growing an existing venture or designing an entrepreneurial organisation. The context might be business, social enterprise, charitable purpose, non-governmental organisations or public sector bodies. Entrepreneurship makes it happen. The Innovation Concept is the product of the Entrepreneurial Concept. Innovation is defined as creating and exploiting opportunities for new ways of doing things resulting in better products and services, systems and ways of managing people and organisations. The successful pursuit of innovation is a function of individual enterprising endeavour and entrepreneurial organisation capacity. Entrepreneurship is a necessary pre-condition for Innovation

7 THE WORK OF THE NCGE Focused mainly upon direct support for enhancing the entrepreneurial capacity of students in UK Universities: Promotion and Awareness Creation (workshops, start up activities) Network Development (building links with influencers/stakeholders) Monitoring of Need and associated Provision (mapping, research, barriers) Developing Intelligence (website, portal) Teacher development and Education (educators programme, materials) Policy Shaping (policy papers, conferences, stakeholder seminars) While NCGE will continue to enhance the capacity as per above the major thrust is on Phase 2. Phase 1 2005- 07

8 Creating the conditions for long term sustainability of entrepreneurship education and associated activity in HE. Internal - support for: Integration with university strategy Leadership and management development Curriculum embededdness; Pedagogical innovation; Champions Development from research Multi disciplinary approach Staff rewards, accreditation, status External - support for: Closer links with industry and public sector Active engagement of entrepreneurs IP and Knowledge exploitation; incubator development Attracting professors and fellows of practice Sponsorship and partnership Graduate and academic entrepreneurship Phase 2 2008 -

9 LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT NCGEACTIVITYOUTPUTSIMPACTPARTNERS UENs University Enterprise Networks Public, private, university partnerships in key economic sectors 5,000 Skills Assists 500 new collaborations 400 new businesses 368 new jobs 286 new innovations Greater Ind/ HE collaboration Increasing UK competitiveness More innovative universities 59 partners: 27 universities 18 companies 14 public sector bodies Entrepreneurial University Leadership Programme International programme for future leaders of HE In 2010, 23 senior-level participants from 6 countries Entrepreneurial leaders of entrepreneurial universities Oxford University plus Leadership Foundation for HE, CIHE, international contributors THE Entrepreneurial University of the Year Times Higher and NCGE annual award for British Universities Most prestigious HE award after University of the Year Recognised criteria for an entrepreneurial university More entrepreneurial universities National and internal role model for other institutions Times Higher Policy and ResearchInforming policy and shaping the environment for entrepreneurship Thought leadership publications Bi-Annual Mapping of Enterprise in HE Stimulating change in entrepreneurship support and practice NESTA, CIHE HEA RDAs ISBE

10 ACADEMIC ENVIRONMENT NCGEACTIVITYOUTPUTSIMPACTPARTNERS IEEP Int. Entrepreneurship Educators Programme UK programme for leaders of entrepreneurship education in HE and FE 2009 – 2012, 80 trained educators; 50 HEI/FEC 2 Leads to an MA 1 Embedding entrepreneurship across all disciplines 2 Leads to more entrepreneurial graduates EEUK, HEA, Kauffman Foundation 3EP Euro Entrepreneurship Educators Programme European programme for leaders of entrepreneurship education in HE and FE 2010-2013: 180 trained educators across Europe NCGE leading the embedding of entrepreneurship education across Europe A number of EU member and accession states Enterprise Champions12 dedicated enterprise champions in 12 universities in north west England 2008-2013: 7,800 Skills Assists 700 New Businesses 500 New Jobs Increase number of graduates in self employment or business Support culture change NWDA, NWUA, 12 NW HE institutions Academic Entrepreneurship National programme to enhance the impact of research and Intellectual Property More research and teaching staff engage in commercialisation More ventures, IP exploitation Increased economic growth Doug Richards, Unico, Praxis International Conference & Awards IEEC (Int. Ent. Educ. Conf) National Ent Educator Awards 300+ educators; 40+ countries 3 national awards: in-curricula, extra curricula, student society Dissemination and recognition of best practice EEUK

11 STUDENTS & GRADUATES NCGE ACTIVITY OUTPUTSIMPACTPARTNERS Make It HappenNational programme to channel unemployed graduates into self- employment or business start-up 6,000+ graduates engaged 3,250 on start-up progs 1,350 in business by 03/2011 More graduates economically active More graduate start-ups HSBC Business Link Flying StartNational programme to engage students in entrepreneurship 20,000+ supported online 3,000+ actively engaged 35 student societies supported Increased student motivation Increased enterprise capacities More student start-ups HEIs Student Ent Soc

12 Thank You

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