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Video: min. Subject Headings. Education – ERIC Psychology – PsycINFO Leadership/management organizational behavior – ABI/Inform – Business Source Complete.

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Presentation on theme: "Video: min. Subject Headings. Education – ERIC Psychology – PsycINFO Leadership/management organizational behavior – ABI/Inform – Business Source Complete."— Presentation transcript:

1 Video: min. Subject Headings

2 Education – ERIC Psychology – PsycINFO Leadership/management organizational behavior – ABI/Inform – Business Source Complete Databases and Disciplinary Perspectives Health care – Medline – CINAHL Speech Language Pathology – Linguistics and Language Behavior Computer Science – ACM – IEEE – Science Direct

3 Clothing: – Dress – Raiment – Garb – Attire – Garment – Apparel – Clothes – Outfit Controlled Vocabulary: - Used to look for “like” terms

4 Minority groups: – African Americans – Blacks – Latinos – Hispanics – Mexicans – Puerto Ricans – Native Americans – Asians – Chinese – Indians – Etc. Advantages of Controlled Vocabulary: - Scope Notes Scope note : “subgroups within a larger society that are distinguished from the majority and each other by race, national heritage, or sometimes by religious or cultural affiliation”.

5 Indians – Native Americans? – People from India? Mercury – God? – Metal? – Car? – Planet? Advantages of Controlled Vocabulary: - Precise results

6 Keyword Searching Using Boolean Operators

7 Descriptor Searching

8 “We want to look for concepts, but we are forced to search for words” (Walker & Janes as cited in Bell, 2011) – Pros and cons of Twitter – Empirical research articles on reading comprehension – Trends and issues in globalization Controlled Vocabulary

9 first grade inclusion math ESOL or TESOL unemployment Keyword Subject Heading Grade 1 inclusive schools mathematics English (Second Language) retrenchment

10 Cancer --- MeSH heading: neoplasms SCOPE: New abnormal growth of tissue. Malignant neoplasms show a greater degree of anaplasia and have the properties of invasion and metastasis, compared to benign neoplasms. Used for: neoplasms, tumors, benign neoplasms, cancers Advantages of Controlled Vocabulary: - Helps broaden understanding of an unfamiliar topic

11 Controlled vocabulary in different databases for the same concept: Autism Advantages of Controlled Vocabulary: - Precise results

12 Others Use “Autistic Disorder” Medline CINAHL


14 Thanks!

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