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Infrastructures & Awareness Explorations in bridging the gap between users and infrastructures Juan David Hincapié Ramos.

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Presentation on theme: "Infrastructures & Awareness Explorations in bridging the gap between users and infrastructures Juan David Hincapié Ramos."— Presentation transcript:

1 Infrastructures & Awareness Explorations in bridging the gap between users and infrastructures - @jhincapie Juan David Hincapié Ramos

2 Infrastructure /'ɪnfrəstrʌktʃəʳ/... persistent socio-technical systems over which services are delivered to support an organization or society in general (Mainwaring ´04).


4 Pandora

5 Devices & Applications Cylindrical Transparent Touch Displays Tablets PDA’s Terrain Explorer Personal Communicator Joysticks Map Navigator Video Monitoring Video Chat Omnidiractional 3D Screen Space Navigator Infrastructures Communication Networks Storage Equipment Link to Earth Computing Platforms for Analysis Video Monitoring

6 Enables Supports Limits

7 Embeddedness Transparency Reach or scope Learned as part of membership Links with conventions of practice Becomes visible upon breakdown The Ethnography of Infrastructure - Star ´99 Invisibility

8 Let’s come back to Avatar?

9 Folding Blasting Sequencing


11 Local Ad-Hoc Low Cost Mini Grid Distributed | P2P | Voluntary


13 Voluntary Infrastructures Invisibility

14 Voluntary Infrastructures Users Contributors || Appropriation

15 Infrastructures + HCI Resourcefulness Appropriable Infrasctructures Seamful Design

16 render the invisible visible feedback not only draws attention but also provides a learning function -Van Houwlingen &Van Raaij, 1989 The power-aware cord - Gustafsson & Gyllenswärd, CHI 2005 slide taken from @jonfroehlich

17 Infrastructure Awareness Conceptual Framework | Design Increasing local awareness of a resource sharing infrastructure will lead to broader user participation, and hence to increased contribution of resources to the infrastructure.

18 GridOrbit Grid Awareness – Public Display Environments

19 Awareness Models Field Studies + Participatory Design

20 Awareness Model O Nimbus What the entity projects about itself Focus: What the entity is interested in

21 A B

22 U I IA


24 2010 User Studies - Interviews - Observations (place, activity, artefact) - Focus on collaboration & infrastructures

25 Findings Culture of Sharing Islands of Knowledge Mobility

26 Reflections on metaphors and design Deployment

27 Voluntary Infrastructures Users - @jhincapie Juan David Hincapié Ramos

28 - @jhincapie Juan David Hincapié Ramos

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