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Timeline of the Congress Forum (4 days) Aliances Workshops Global thematic workshops Knowledge Café UNDP Poble Exhibitions - Posters Roundtables and.

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2 Timeline of the Congress

3 Forum (4 days) Aliances Workshops Global thematic workshops Knowledge Café UNDP Poble Exhibitions - Posters Roundtables and high-level segment Social events and receptions Conservation Cinema Learning Opportunities Press events Field excursions Members Assembly (3 days) Elections: President, Treasurer, Regional Councillors, Commission Chairs Approbation: Programme 2009-2012 Commission Mandates Membership dues Adoption: Resolutions and recommendations General IUCN policies Define the global conservation agenda Enhance knowledge and experience sharing Discuss and debate critical conservation issues Define global policies and the IUCN Programme of work 2009-2012 World Conservation Congress 5-14 October 2008, Barcelona

4 17h00-18h30 2 nd Sitting Ceremonial Opening Welcome from the Government of Spain and the Government of Catalonia Keynote speeches by World Leaders and Dignitaries Overview of Forum - Expected Outcomes Sunday, 5 October 2008 16h30-16h45 1 st Sitting: Congress Opening Appointment of Credentials Committee Forum Opening09h00-11h00 Introduction of the Theme: A diverse and Sustainable World Through keynote speeches and presentations the Congress Theme and Forum Sub-themes are introduced; Outcomes are identified 3 rd Sitting: Congress Opening - continued 08h30-09h00 Preliminary report of the Credentials Committee, adoption of agenda and appointment of other committees 11h30-13h00 Thematic Stream Openings A New Climate for Change Keynotes introduce workshop format and objectives are explained Healthy Environments - Healthy People Keynotes introduce workshop; format and objectives are explained Safeguarding the Diversity of Life Keynotes introduce workshop; format and objectives are explained 14h30-16h00 Member, Commission, Partner sponsored events 20h30-22h00 16h30 -18h00 Regional and other meetings Member, Commission, Partner sponsored events Monday, 6 October 2008 13h00-14h30 Lunch Reception – Entertainment (To be confirmed) Reception hosted by Spanish government 18h30-21h00 18h30 -20h00 Member, Commission, Partner sponsored events

5 09h30-11h00 13h00-14h30 14h30-16h00 16h30-18h00 18h30-20h00 11h30-13h00 20h30-22h00 Member, Commission, Partner sponsored events Lunch Member, Commission, Partner sponsored events Regional and other meetings Global Thematic Workshops: Breakout Sessions Lunch A New Climate for Change - Breakout sessions Healthy Environments - Healthy People - Breakout sessions Tuesday, 7 and Wednesday 8 October 2008 Safeguarding the Diversity of Life - Breakout sessions

6 09h30-11h00 Member, Commission, Partner sponsored events 11h30-13h00 13h00-14h30 Lunch 14h30-16h00 16h30-18h00 Member, Commission, Partner sponsored events Forum Closing 18h30-20h00 Keynotes deliver the core messages/conclusions from the Thematic streams and Member/Partner events 20h30-23h00 Reception hosted by Catalan Government Reception – Entertainment (To be confirmed) Thursday, 9 October 2008 MS- America (165) Official Regional Member meeting N-America (123) Oceania (40) W-Europe (289) E-Europe (65) W-Asia (62) SE-Asia (130) Africa (175) A New Climate for Change - Breakout sessions Healthy Environments - Healthy People - Breakout sessions Safeguarding the Diversity of Life - Breakout sessions Global Thematic Workshops: Breakout Sessions

7 Forum Type of activity Theme 1: A new climate for change Theme 2: Healthy environments, healthy people Theme 3: Safeguarding the diversity of life Total Aliances workshops 3468121223 Commission sessions 882036 Global thematic workshops 11192151 Sustainability dialogues -- 7 DG slots -- 6 Donors slots -- 8 Host country -- 12 Total-- 343

8 Forum Type of activity Theme 1: A new climate for change Theme 2: Healthy environments, healthy people Theme 3: Safeguarding the diversity of life Total Knowledge Café 195391163 Posters 93578122 Cons. Cinema 2193455 Social events -- 18 Learning opportunities 6251950 UNDP Poble -- StB, etc, etc -- Total -- 408

9 Geographic breakdown Thematic breakdown Linguistic breakdown

10 A new climate for change Reviewing different mitigation and adaptation strategies Protected areas and climate change Environmental governance and the impacts of climate change Ensuring a better understanding of the impact of climate change on various ecosystems Strategies for meeting increasing global energy demand

11 Healthy environments – healthy people The interface between conservation and sustainable development Sustainable production landscapes to meet increasing human needs Protected areas and people Human health and biodiversity Business and development Communicating, educating and networking

12 Safeguarding the diversity of life The role of protected areas in conservation Species conservation and assessment Marine conservation Environmental Governance Regional strategies and approaches Sustainable Management of Natural Resources Engaging broad participation in conservation Generating Conservation Knowledge Conservation Finance Biocultural diversity

13 FORUM Sue Mainka Deputy: Pascal Girot Assistant: Georgina Peard FACILITATION & LEARNING Gillian Martin-Mehers FORUM OPENING& CLOSING Sally Jeanrenaud Dep: Andrés Alcántara TRAINING COURSES Lizzie Crudgington Support: D. Rojas FORUM OUTPUTS Jeff McNeely SUSTAINABILITY DIALOGUES S. Jeanrenaud FACILITATORS NIGHT SCHOOL MGR N. Thonnard Voillat

14 WORKSHOP OVERALL COORDINATION Georgina Peard Deputy: P. Shadie ON-SITE EVENT MANAGEMENT Head: Vacant Assistant: Vacant ALIANCES POSTERS UNDP POBLE Sean Southey COMMISSIONS David Sheppard CONS. CINEMA CULTURAL EVENTS Hans Berggren STREAM 1 – CLIMATE CHANGE S. Mainka/E. Buckle STREAM 2- HEALTHY ENVIRONM. Jean Yves Pirot / Neville Ash STREAM 3 – DIVERSITY Jeff McNeely / J.C. Vié SPEAKER COORDINATION FORUM Sue Mainka Deputy: Pascal Girot Assistant: Georgina Peard

15 Stream Teams  A New Climate for Change Neville Ash, Ninni Ikkala, Liz Willets  Healthy Environments, Healthy People Jean-Yves Pirot, Elodie Chene  Safeguarding the Diversity of Life Jeff McNeely, JC Vie, Christina Sander

16 Energy: N. McCormick Markets & Business: J. Bishop Env. Law & Governance: F. Burhenne Rights and Livelihoods: G. Oviedo Mediterranean: R. Salman Protected Areas: P. Rosabal Islands: R. Murti + Y. de Soye Marine: S. Gotheil Forest Production Landscapes: B. Riche Species: J. Griffin Water: K. Cross Biocultural Diversity (incl. Indig. Peoples): G. Oviedo Journeys & crosscuts leads

17 Forum 800 activities  In total, more than 800 activities during the Forum  3 Thematic streams  12 Journeys  Programme available on the Congress website

18 Capturing outputs… overview of key issues and impact for IUCN (coordinated by the Chief Scientist) published within 6 months after the Congress; summary of posters included; evaluation of the impact of the Forum on IUCN’s Programme; process for feeding in to the Barcelona Commitments needs further discussion.

19 Next steps… Confirmation of titles, abstracts and main organizer of each event by the 15th June (20th June for GTW). First draft programme available on the web: beginning of July Finalisation of proposals (agenda, speakers list, etc.): end of July. Final programme on the web: August. Printed programme: September. PowerPoint presentations and other support uploaded on the Congress IT system: end of September.

20 Contacts Forum (Aliances workshops, Knowledge Café, Posters, Cinema): Sebastià Semene Guitart. Forum (Social Events): Nadia Akhmisse. Motions: Joachim Monkelbaan / Constanza Martínez. Congress (logistics, hotels): Nadia Akhmisse. Congress (pavilions): François Rogers. Congress (general, registration): Pamela Grasemann.


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