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International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science At a glance IFToMM November 2010 Mission To promote research and development.

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Presentation on theme: "International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science At a glance IFToMM November 2010 Mission To promote research and development."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science At a glance IFToMM November 2010 Mission To promote research and development in the field of Machines and Mechanisms by theoretical and experimental methods, along with their practical application main activity by IFToMM 47 IFToMM Members of territory and national Organizations 12 Technical Committees: Computational Kinematics Dynamics of Multibody Systems Energy Sustainable Systems Human-Machine Systems Mechanical Transmissions Micromachines Vibrations Reliability Robotics and Mechatronics Rotordynamics Transportation Machinery Tribology 5 Permanent Commissions: Communications Education History of MMS Publications Standardization of Terminology 1 Journal: Problems of Mechanics 2 affiliated Journal: Mechanism and Machine Theory Chinese J. of Mechanical Engineering A World Congress every 4 years IFToMM generations 1950’s –’79 First generation: Founding fathers and their friendly colleagues up to the 4th IFToMM World Congress in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1975 with prof Leonard Maunder as Congress Chairperson 1980-95 Second Generation: Pupils and people educated by founding fathers and their friendly colleagues; up to the 9th World Congress in Milan in 1995 with prof Alberto Rovetta (Bianchi’s pupil) as Congress Chairperson 1996-today Third Generation: People educated in the frame of IFToMM and within IFToMM activity with 47 organizations as IFToMM members, with Dr. Jean- Pierre Merlet as General Chairperson for 12th World Congress in Besan ç on in 2007. Why IFToMM? ‘Yesterday’ (foundation act in 1969): To initiate and to facilitate international collaboration between Eastern and Western countries ‘Today’: To assist and to enhance international collaboration and modern results on MMS ‘Tomorrow’: To provide leadership for cooperation and development in Mechanism and Machine Science (MMS) How IFToMM can be reached Through your local Member Organization, to become active in IFToMM Through an IFToMM Technical Committee Chairperson, to participate in a specific activity Through the IFToMM Executive Council Through the IFToMM Secretary General IFToMM webpage: ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BELARUS BRAZIL BULGARIA CANADA CHINA-BEIJING CHINA-TAIPEI CROATIA CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK EGYPT FINLAND FRANCE GEORGIA GERMANY GREECE HUNGARY INDIA ISRAEL ITALY JAPAN KAZAKHSTAN KOREA LITHUANIA MACEDONIA MEXICO MONGOLIA NETHERLANDS PERU POLAND PORTUGAL ROMANIA RUSSIA SERBIA SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SPAIN SWITZERLAND TUNISIA UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM USA VIETNAM IFToMM members Activities of PCs and TCs Promoting the specific technical field through Meetings Joint research collaborations Teaching collaborations Conference events Publications Any individual may become a member of a TC or a PC. Just ask a TC/PC Chairperson and/or a Chair of IFToMM Member Bodies of IFToMM General Assembly The General Assembly is the supreme body of the Federation and determines its policy. It is composed of the Chief Delegates of IFToMM Members and members of the Executive Council. Executive Council The Executive Council manage the affairs of the Federation between the sessions of the General Assembly. It is elected every four years, meets annually, and is composed of the President, Vice-President, Secretary- General, Treasurer, and six ordinary members. Commissions and Committees Each Permanent Commission and Technical Committee is composed of a Chairperson, appointed by the Executive Council, and a Secretary and members, nominated by the Chairperson and appointed by the Executive Council. A Chairperson shall not serve for more than two terms consecutively. The general goals for the work of the Commissions and Committees are aimed at promoting their fields of interest by attracting researchers and practitioners, including young individuals. by Marco Ceccarelli (Secretary General (2004-2007) and Carlos S. López-Cajún (Secretary General 2008-2011)

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