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User-Centered Collection Development: Purchase On-Demand ebook patron-driven selection at UNCG Christine Fischer Head of Acquisitions/ University Libraries.

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1 User-Centered Collection Development: Purchase On-Demand ebook patron-driven selection at UNCG Christine Fischer Head of Acquisitions/ University Libraries University of North Carolina at Greensboro

2 UNC Greensboro NC’s Women’s College until 1963, then co-ed/UNCG Carnegie Classification – doctorate-granting institution with high research activity FTE is 17,157 ( at 11,000 in 2000; continuing to grow) Collection ◦ 2.8 million items (books, govt docs & microforms) ◦ 42,666 journals in Journal Finder ◦ 400+ electronic databases

3 Why try Patron-Driven Acquisitions? Changing user expectations Changing roles for librarians and faculty Changing research needs One of the first in the country to provide journal article pay per view Circulation Statistics Research studies emphasize value to collection per statistics Limits of shelf space

4 More information: Special issue Collection Management, volume 35, issue 3 & 4 2010 Patron-Driven Acquisitions: Current Successes and Future Directions Also, many sessions on PDA at upcoming Charleston Conference, November 3-6

5 University Libraries Vendors YBP primary book and approval vendor Coutts ◦ One-time money deposited ◦ Started with firm order ebook purchases ◦ MyiLibrary platform [Ingram Digital]

6 MyiLibrary Patron Select started in April 2009 One subject area – Computer Science Set up a profile [educ level, pub date, cost] 1,144 ebooks that matched the profile were loaded into the OPAC 70 e-books ordered – total $7,010 Expanded our offerings to include ebooks from Physics, Chemistry, Nursing, Business, ISOM First access is at no cost, second full access triggers purchase




10 Workflow Profiles developed Ebook holdings sent to Coutts monthly prior to download of Patron Select records into catalog Records downloaded from FTP site Invoiced monthly for books accessed twice Within ILS acquisitions module, charges applied to departmental fund codes


12 Patron Select since Jan. 2010 45 books purchased through August 2,272 records downloaded into catalog Jump in quantity purchased from average of 4 per month to 18 in August ◦ EBSCO Discovery Service increased usability for patrons ◦ Continue to review statistics

13 BUT – “What about my budget” Safeguards in place ◦ Vendors plans differ but can include:  Deposit accounts  Price ceilings on books included in plan  Real-time invoicing  Cut off access if needed  Usage Statistics  Revisit the Profile

14 Other opportunities Rittenhouse R2 ◦ 60-day pilot study ◦ Medicine, nursing, allied health ◦ 750 MARC records loaded in catalog; 18 books purchased ◦ Will extend test based upon value / user satisfaction EBL ◦ UNCG now purchasing firm orders through YBP ◦ Will consider patron-initiated ◦ All non-owned titles free for five minutes

15 Conclusion Monitor our Patron-Driven Acquisitions program by looking at statistics and books purchased Open up to all disciplines Continue to pursue more types of Patron-Driven Access, other vendors [perhaps EBL] Pilot with print purchase on-demand [History] Continue with traditional purchasing models Monitor duplication of formats – print/ebooks

16 Thank you Christine Fischer Head of Acquisitions UNC Greensboro Thanks to Beth Bernhardt and Marcie Burton for research contributions.

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