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Courtesy of Craig Harrison’s Expressions of Excellence!™ CampNSA Fundraising Ideas Page 1 RAINMAKING! 15 Fundraising Ideas.

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Presentation on theme: "Courtesy of Craig Harrison’s Expressions of Excellence!™ CampNSA Fundraising Ideas Page 1 RAINMAKING! 15 Fundraising Ideas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Courtesy of Craig Harrison’s Expressions of Excellence!™ CampNSA Fundraising Ideas Page 1 RAINMAKING! 15 Fundraising Ideas for Chapter Revenue Enhancement For 2006-2007 Camp NSA Presidents-Elect

2 Courtesy of Craig Harrison’s Expressions of Excellence!™ CampNSA Fundraising Ideas Page 2 1. Movie Night! Charge admission. Show Convention & Winter Workshop videos/DVDs. –Discuss what you like, what doesn ’ t work, … Variation: Demo Video night and show speakers' demo videos. –Discuss what's effective, how to produce one's own. Hold on weeknight or weekend. Just add popcorn!

3 Courtesy of Craig Harrison’s Expressions of Excellence!™ CampNSA Fundraising Ideas Page 3 2. Resource Table Sell members & guest speakers' products (with permission), tapes/CDs, and even of current / past chapter meetings and events Announce that % of $ goes to chapter. Create tracking sheets, agreements, release forms for any taping and selling

4 Courtesy of Craig Harrison’s Expressions of Excellence!™ CampNSA Fundraising Ideas Page 4 3. Sell Sponsorships For meetings, events, website, directory. Sell banner ads, create sponsor programs, sell ad space in your print directory, newsletters, e-zines, etc. Create packages of perks for sponsors that may include speaking promos at meetings, signage, visibility in printed materials for logo, business name, etc.

5 Courtesy of Craig Harrison’s Expressions of Excellence!™ CampNSA Fundraising Ideas Page 5 4. Video Shoots Bring in a reputable videographer Book a venue Invite an audience Sell time to have demo videos shot.

6 Courtesy of Craig Harrison’s Expressions of Excellence!™ CampNSA Fundraising Ideas Page 6 5. Speakers Showcase Stage day / night Showcase with sampling of speakers for meeting planners, corporate buyers. Partner with local MPI, ASAE chapter or stage this solo. Charge speakers, audience members, garner a percentage of speaking fees derived from spin-offs of actual event.

7 Courtesy of Craig Harrison’s Expressions of Excellence!™ CampNSA Fundraising Ideas Page 7 6. One-Day Special Events Partner with local Chambers, CVBs, colleges/universities and others to teach: –Public Seminar on Public Seminars –MBA in a Day –How to Be An Emcee Split costs and gate. Both parties promote. –See compilation on gate splits for more details.

8 Courtesy of Craig Harrison’s Expressions of Excellence!™ CampNSA Fundraising Ideas Page 8 7.In-Kind Donations Anything (products/services) that cost the chapter money can be sought as a donation: –Lighting –Taping –meeting space –Sound –Printing –Web hosting –Travel –etc.

9 Courtesy of Craig Harrison’s Expressions of Excellence!™ CampNSA Fundraising Ideas Page 9 8. Speaker Auction Stage classy auction of speakers' presentations for bureaus and local companies Use top chapter speakers Charge % of normal fee Proceeds go directly to chapter

10 Courtesy of Craig Harrison’s Expressions of Excellence!™ CampNSA Fundraising Ideas Page 10 9. Special Fundraising Events Hold an annual event similar to the Foundation Benefit to fund chapter ’ s own projects, scholarship funds or other needs. May be at special venue, on boat … Can be linked to a time of year OR … link to a current event.

11 Courtesy of Craig Harrison’s Expressions of Excellence!™ CampNSA Fundraising Ideas Page 11 10. Affiliate Program Speakers University or Pro – Track style multi-month programming for non-members. Charge non-members to receive training in how to become a professional speaker. Use Chapter CSPs, other resources to groom future members

12 Courtesy of Craig Harrison’s Expressions of Excellence!™ CampNSA Fundraising Ideas Page 12 11. Anthology Books Chapter members author a book. Sell wisdom on pro speaking. Members write a chapter apiece. Proceeds go to the chapter. Print-on-demand

13 Courtesy of Craig Harrison’s Expressions of Excellence!™ CampNSA Fundraising Ideas Page 13 Anthology Book - One Model Chapter recruits 12 to 20 speakers to each write a chapter for a book on a central theme Each person buys 400 books at $5.00 ea. + shipping (usually around 50 ¢ /book). Books ’ cover price: $25

14 Courtesy of Craig Harrison’s Expressions of Excellence!™ CampNSA Fundraising Ideas Page 14 12. Compilation of Forms Assemble various forms of value to speakers Bundle and Sell as a set: –Contracts, –booking forms –checklists –templates –Etc.

15 Courtesy of Craig Harrison’s Expressions of Excellence!™ CampNSA Fundraising Ideas Page 15 13. Coaching Clinics Use visiting speakers (or chapter resources) who coach and sell their time before/after chapter meetings for private or semi-private coaching sessions. Split gate (% to both coach & chapter) Can be done in same venue or nearby, same day or day before/after a chapter meeting.

16 Courtesy of Craig Harrison’s Expressions of Excellence!™ CampNSA Fundraising Ideas Page 16 14. Celebrity Photos Charge for photos with visiting celebrities Note: No speakers were actually paid for this slide.

17 Courtesy of Craig Harrison’s Expressions of Excellence!™ CampNSA Fundraising Ideas Page 17 15. Garage Sale/Swap Members donate their old books, tapes, CDs, and more. Can include raffle, auction and surprises. Bundle materials Consider a nominal cover charge

18 Courtesy of Craig Harrison’s Expressions of Excellence!™ CampNSA Fundraising Ideas Page 18 For More Information Contact Craig: (510) Share your successes with Craig

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