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FTS: Financial Tracking Service OPS: Online Project System.

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Presentation on theme: "FTS: Financial Tracking Service OPS: Online Project System."— Presentation transcript:

1 FTS: Financial Tracking Service OPS: Online Project System

2 On-line database of humanitarian funding Real-time snapshot of contributions to natural disasters and complex emergencies (all Consolidated and Flash Appeals and contributions outside appeals (bilateral, Red Cross/Red Crescent, etc.) Real-time snapshot of emergencies without an appeal Tool to improve coordination, resource allocation decisions, and advocacy What is FTS ?

3 What does FTS allow you to do? Monitor funding status of any appeal: per agency, per sector/cluster, per priority, location, and project – thus highlighting funding gaps. Monitor humanitarian funding outside the appeal, identify donors and recipient organizations for activities not included in the appeal. Donor profiles – quick overviews of humanitarian funding by any given donor to a specific country or globally. Analyze funding trends – global trends by donor, sector, emergency or recipient agency.

4 Coordination: FTS provides information at a glance on which implementing organizations and donors are working in which emergencies, sectors, and locations, and to what scale. CAP/Flash Appeal visibility: FTS helps draw attention to the humanitarian needs in emergencies and the funding requirements of implementing agencies. What does FTS allow you to do?

5 WHERE DOES THE INFORMATION COME FROM? Where does the information come from ?

6 WHERE DOES THE INFORMATION COME FROM? How is the information received?

7 Accessing the on-line database

8 At a quick glance:  Most under- funded appeals  Top donors  Top recipient emergencies

9 Global overview tables

10 Pre-set tables by country

11 Donor profiles

12 Complete Appeal documents

13 Make Your Own Financial Tables Two options 1) contributions only 2) requirements vs. contributions

14 Custom project search

15 Project sheets Interested in a project? Read the full description by clicking on project code in Table E.

16 Why should NGOs report ? Is it too much work? Visibility Donor expectations Cluster membership

17 ACF Reported Funding Total 2000-2010 Reported by Sum of US$ reported contributions Donor 226,372,356 226,372,356 Agency and Donor 26,939,202 Agency 18,347,079 18,347,079 Other11,360,573 Grand Total 283,019,210

18  Web-based database that allows organizations participating in Consolidated and Flash Appeals to directly upload their projects and update as required.  Central repository for all appeal projects.  Linked to the FTS database and website.  Can be accessed through a registration process on-line. On-line Project System (OPS)

19  Facilitate the submission of projects: no more exchange of projects by e-mail.  Facilitate the review of projects by cluster leads.  Increase transparency in the process of submission and approval.  Allow projects to be updated on-line by the appealing organizations.  Save trees: «Print on demand» for all projects or sub-groups. OPS has improved the appeal process


21 Participate in cluster decisions and know what others are doing.

22 Julie Thompson Tel. +44 22 917 1298

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