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National AFV Day Odyssey 2006 DOE/Clean Cities Web Cast July 26, 2006 Al Ebron, Judy Moore & Julie Whiteman

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Presentation on theme: "National AFV Day Odyssey 2006 DOE/Clean Cities Web Cast July 26, 2006 Al Ebron, Judy Moore & Julie Whiteman"— Presentation transcript:

1 National AFV Day Odyssey 2006 DOE/Clean Cities Web Cast July 26, 2006 Al Ebron, Judy Moore & Julie Whiteman

2 Agenda NAFTC Introduction Odyssey Overview Odyssey “teaser” Video 2006 Event Status Conducting a Local Event NAFTC Support Questions

3 National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium (NAFTC) Introduction Headquartered at West Virginia University

4 27 National Training Centers 70+ Affiliate and Associate Members

5 “To improve air quality and decrease U.S. dependence on foreign oil by promoting, supporting, and expanding the use of advanced technology vehicles and alternative fuel vehicles.” Mission Statement

6 Curriculum Development Competency-based Training Consumer Education & Outreach About Alternative Fuel Vehicles and Advanced Technology Vehicles The NAFTC Provides

7 The Only Nationwide AFV Training Organization Standardized Curriculum Industry Experts Latest Technologies

8 A national alternative fuel vehicle (AFV) and advanced technology vehicle public awareness event held on one day, October 12, 2006, in multiple locations nationwide. All sites will meet the same goals and objectives, yet tailor each individual event to sustain the local needs and characteristics of the target audience. This nationwide, one-day event will be an informative and exciting presentation of the powerful impact made in choosing to use an AFV or advanced technology vehicle. What is Odyssey?

9 2002 Event –Held at 51 sites in 31 states with over 17,000 in attendance. 2004 Event –Held at 54 sites in 34 states and two Canadian Provinces with almost 25,000 in attendance and reaching over 24 million individuals through media coverage.

10 Dinner for Clean Cities Coordinators – Held During Clean Cities Conference in Phoenix!

11 Sites 47 Sites at Present + 4 Just Waiting on LOA + 6 Interested = 57 Goal = 75 2006 Event Status

12 New Odyssey Web Site


14 National Kickoff Site Considering several options – DOT –Orlando Will decide in next two or three weeks

15 Sponsor/Partners OEM Sponsorship Pending (DaimlerChrysler, Honda, Toyota & GM) Industry support (trade associations, etc.) US DOE Supporting US EPA Supporting US DOT Supporting US GSA Supporting NAFTC, West Virginia University US DOE Clean Cities Coalitions

16 Local Site Event Logistics –Fundamentals of Odyssey Benefits of Hosting Being an Official Site / NAFTC Deliverables Who to target with your local event Unique Ideas for 2006 Events Conducting a Local Event

17 Benefits of Hosting Showcases your program at the national level Enhances your funding opportunities Odyssey meets goals of your ongoing advanced- technology vehicle/clean air projects Increases exposure of your advanced-technology vehicle programs to potential sponsors, other decision-makers, potential clients, and colleagues Promotes local support for national energy initiatives and environmental objectives

18 Being an Official Site Sign and return Letter of Agreement Conduct an event on or around October 12, 2006 dedicated to promoting the use of alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles Document event with pictures, video, etc. & send to NAFTC Return participant surveys and site coordinator evaluations to NAFTC by October 31, 2006. All You Have to Do is:

19 Choosing Your Target Audience Civic-Minded Organizations and Individuals Decision Makers Technicians Students Fleet Owners Automotive Workforce State and Federal agencies Health and Environmental Organizations Car Dealerships Fire Departments and other regulatory agencies OEMs Fuel suppliers Educators

20 Unique Ideas for 2006 Events Orlando, Florida – Combining efforts to host large-scale event involving Universal Studios, various fleet operators, etc. Schenectady Museum, NY – Unveiling of alternative fuel display. Will be bussing in students from local schools to learn about alternative fuels. Germany – Concert benefiting the alternative fuels movement. Statewide ride-and-drives, alternative fuel vehicle displays, information fairs, etc.

21 NAFTC Support Site Coordinators Notebook –Everything you need to conduct an event: - Activity suggestions and ideas - Sample press releases, PSA’s, media alerts, etc. - Agenda aids Graphics and Templates CD - Electronic Version of Odyssey Logo and Slogan (in various formats) - Customizable promotional materials such as banner art, posters, agendas, thank you letters, media new releases and more!


23 NAFTC Support Continued… Provide national promotion and create national media campaign Develop and supply materials to participating sites Recruit and coordinate national organizations to provide support and/or materials for local site events Provide national Web site that recognizes all participating sites individually and highlights their events Compile and distribute a national evaluation report to key industry leaders, Congress, national sponsors, coordinators, and others. Provide each participating site individual feedback and appropriate national recognition

24  Questions?

25 Contact Information Julie Whiteman Judy Moore Al Ebron

26 Contact Information National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium Ridgeview Business Park 1100 Frederick Lane Morgantown, WV 26508 (304) 293-7882 (304) 293-6944 fax

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