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Published byMarshall Watkins Modified over 9 years ago
RESEARCH PERFORMANCE PROGRESS REPORT (RPPR) NIH's & NSF's Implementation of the RPPR Presented By: Nadira Clarke: David Gillich: Office of Grant and Contract Administration March 11, 2013
Agenda 2 Background NIH RPPR –Components –Guidelines –GCA Procedures –Demo –Progress Report Additional Materials (PRAM) –Resources NSF RPPR –Guidelines –Demo –Progress Report Additional Materials (PRAM) –Resources
Background National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) Initiative –Create consistency across federal agencies in administering their research awards. –Facilitate the development of a common electronic solution for collecting the information. –Replace current reporting formats. –Does not change the performance reporting requirements in 2 CFR part 215 (OMB Circular A–110) OMB Circular, Cost Principles for Educational Institutions 2 CFR, Part 215 05_a21.pdf 05_a21.pdf
NIH RPPR: Components Collects the following categories of information: –Standard Cover Page –Mandatory Component (Accomplishments) –Optional Components (Agency Specific) Agencies will utilize standard instructions developed for each category, but may also provide additional program-specific instructions necessary to clarify requirement for a particular program Important Note: Adhere to Agency Specific Instructions
NIH RPPR: Guidelines –DHHS - NIH and Other Public Health Service (PHS) Agencies –Dept of Human Svc (DHS) –Dept of Correction (DOC) –Dept of Defense (DOD) –Dept of Energy (DOE –National Institute of Justice/Office of Justice Programs –DoEd/Institute of Education Sciences –Dept of Justice (DOJ) –Office of Justice Programs –Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) –National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) –Natl Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) –NSF –US Drug Administration (USDA) –Forest Service –Natl Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) PHS Agencies and NSF are implementing now.
National Institutes of Health Research Performance Progress Report Effective NOW; expanding 4/18/13
NIH RPPR: Guidelines Replaces: – the Public Health Service (PHS) Non-competing Continuation Progress Report (PHS 2590) and –the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Individual Fellowship Progress Report for Continuation Support (PHS 416-9).
NIH RPPR: Guidelines Similarities eSNAP vs. RPRR –Describes progress, study results, the significance of the findings, and any significant changes. –Pre-populates information from NIH systems. –MyNCBI publications list displayed. –Detailed budget not required. –NIH policy requirements requested.
NIH RPPR: Guidelines Differences eSNAP vs. RPRR –Separate screens for reporting components. –Non-SNAP awards budget component is a SF424(R&R) Budget. –Uses checkbox, text box, PDF, or selecting “Nothing to Report.” –Required information for all foreign collaborations. –Effort rounded to nearest whole person month. –Location required for competitive revisions/administrative supplements associated with the award. –Public Access compliance status displayed –Other support required only if changed from prior reports –Link to Notice of Award –Streamlined reporting information
NIH RPPR: Guidelines RPPRs Required
NIH RPPR: Guidelines Status of NON-SNAP Applications –NIH is currently working on the implementation of the RPPR for non-SNAP awards –Paper PHS 2590 must be used for progress reports for awards that require annual budgets, e.g.,:PHS 2590 –Training (T) awards, –most multi-project awards P01 P30 P50
NIH RPPR:Guidelines Due Dates are the same as today –Available in the eRA Commons Status system –Available in the eRA Quick Queries system. –Automatic email notifications sent to the PD/PI prior to due date. SNAP - 45 days prior to the start of the next budget period Fellowships - two months prior to the start of the next budget period. Notice of Award (NoA) May indicate a different due date which supersedes the above dates. Grantees should consult the NoA to determine when SNAP procedures apply.
NIH RPPR:Guidelines RPPR Structures A. Cover Page B. Accomplishments C. Products D. Participants E. Impact F.Changes G.Special (NIH) Reporting Requirements H. Budget – SF424 (R&R) forms
NIH RPPR: Guidelines RPRR Features –Report Data Entry Text boxes PDF files Nothing to Report/Not applicable No Change –Special Characters Data fields and text entry boxes only support ASCII characters: Greek letters, mathematical equations, images, and so-called “rich” text (including bold, italic, underline, superscript, subscript, strikethrough, etc.) are not permitted.
NIH RPPR: Guidelines RPPR Features –Data or Text Box, and PDF Size Limits Limit text responses to no more than one page, or approximately 2,800 characters. –Text boxes contain a limit of no more than 8,000 characters (3 pages) –PDF file attachments do not have page limits, but may not be more than 6 megabytes (6MB). PDF attachments utilized only to provide considerable detail –PIs are encouraged to be concise and avoid unnecessary detail.
NIH RPPR Guidelines RPPR Features –PDF Attachments and File Names –PDF files can be attached to the appropriate component in the progress report. PDF’s used to preserve document formatting. PDF attachments must be submitted as individual files. –eRA systems cannot support “Bundling” or “Portfolio” features at this time. PDF paginated discouraged. Descriptive file names - 50 characters or less - no special characters.
NIH RPPR: Guidelines RPPR Features –Style –Use English and avoid jargon. Abbreviations and language that may not be known to the broader scientific community should be avoided unless clearly defined. –Internet Web site addresses (URLs) should not be used unless provided under C.2
GCA Procedure Proposal Development (PD) –Create RPPR in Commons –Create child record and route to PI, department and GCA –Submit thru Commons Non-Proposal Development (PD) –Create RPPR in Commons –Submit fully signed TranSum to GCA –Submit thru Commons
NIH RPPR Guidelines - PRAM Progress Report Additional Materials (PRAM)
NIH RPPR Guidelines - PRAM
NIH RPPR: PRAM Non-compliant RPPR –Typically, missing its publications information. –Alert email generated to PI and GCA –Link opened automatically when RPPR Access PRAM link from Status Screen Allows for text entry of 2,000 characters –Route and submit functionality are identical to functionality for RPPR –Certification text when forwarding or submitting Must be submitted by SO or PD/PI with submit authority
NIH RPPR: Reminders Progress reports are required to continue support of a PHS grant for each budget year within a competitive segment. RPPR is not used for submitting a Final Progress Report. Data either entered directly into text boxes or uploaded as PDF files. Text exceeding 8,000 characters is cut to 8,000 when using the cut and paste feature. PDF file uploads (attachments) do not have page limits, but may not be more than 6 megabytes (6MB). Remember to click SAVE button, system does not autosave. Publications must be entered through MyNCBI, which will filter in RPPR PDF attachment s may include non-ASCII characters, “rich” text, or images. Text boxes may not. Progress Report Additional Materials (PRAM) is required if non-complaint publications are submitted in the RPPR.
NIH RPPR: Resources RPPR Data Dictionary. – – NIH –Yale MyNCBI help –Questions or need help complying with the NIH Public Access Policy, Pease contact Denise Hersey at the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library Hersey –My NCBI – How To Youtube video –NIH RPPR Page –To determine which progress reports are due –System issues or comments eRA Help Desk –Content questions or comments E-mail –RPPR Screenshots –Non-SNAP Report updates NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts.NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts
National Science Foundation Research Performance Progress Report Effective 3/18/13
NSF RPPR:Guidelines Similarities Submitted through FastLane Submitted by PI’s Demographic information required for all significant participants Late submission of reports will result in delay of award modifications Project requests for not only PI but also any co-PI’s associated with that PI. Differences Project reporting dashboard Structured collection of data Rich text editor PDF upload to support images, charts, and other complex graphics Improved citation search through Thomson Web of Science Special reporting requirements are controlled by solicitation PI no longer provides demographic information about significant participants
NSF RPPR:Guidelines Due dates are the same as today: –RPPR - 90 days before the budget period (reporting period) end date, unless specified in notice of award –Final Project Reports are due at 12:00 am EST the day after the final award expiration date.
NSF RPPR:Guidelines RPRR Structure –Mandatory Category: Accomplishments: What was done? What was learned? –Optional Categories: Products: What has the project produced? Participants & Other Collaborating Organizations: Who has been involved? Impact: What is the impact of the project? How has it contributed? Changes/Problems Special Reporting Requirements (where applicable) Appendix 1: Demographic Information for Significant Contributors
RESEARCH.GOV - DEMO ScreenshotsandInstructions_102412.pdf
NSH RPPR: PRAM Reminders –FastLane login will grant access to –Data is either entered directly into text boxes or uploaded as PDF files –PDF file size limited to: 5MB for Products and Accomplishments section 10MB for the Special Requirements section –Demographic information on project participants no longer collected in reports. Separate email generated to individuals. –Project participants as well, so their information is automatically pre-populated –System provides pre-populated information that must be verified. –Reports contain a progress indicator field, used to demonstrate level of report completion.
NSF: RESOURCES RPPR Data Dictionary. – aug12.pdf – pdf pdf NSF – Help Desk NSF RPPR Page portal/appmanager/base/desktop?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=research _page_n_about_por portal/appmanager/base/desktop?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=research _page_n_about_por – or 1-800-381-1532 –Step by step guidance _RPPR_ScreenshotsandInstructions_102412.pdf _RPPR_ScreenshotsandInstructions_102412.pdf –FQA’s 2313.pdf 2313.pdf
33 Questions Contact: Nadira Clarke: David Gillich:
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