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Welcome to AP Government. Expectations Take notes! Participate in class – in groups, ask and answer questions Be ready to begin when bell rings! Be here,

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to AP Government. Expectations Take notes! Participate in class – in groups, ask and answer questions Be ready to begin when bell rings! Be here,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to AP Government

2 Expectations Take notes! Participate in class – in groups, ask and answer questions Be ready to begin when bell rings! Be here, on time! Make arrangements for make-up work when absent! Treat others with respect!

3 Supplies I will try to let you know ahead of time when you need to bring your book to class. Bring your notes w/ you everyday #2 pencil for exam days

4 Books Text – Gov’t in America, 10 th ed. – Lineberry, et al. Supplement – American Gov’t, Readings and Cases, 15 th ed.; edited by Peter Woll

5 Class Grades 50% major, 50% daily Major grades include tests, FRQ’s Tests – 45-50 question MC FRQ’s – timed (25 min.); 2 will combine for 1 major grade

6 More Grades Daily – unit quizzes, test corrections, presentations, presentation quizzes Semester avg. – 1 st 9 wks – 42.5%; 2 nd 9 wks. – 42.5%; Final = 15%

7 Your 9 weeks average Daily (11 total) 3 unit quizzes (4.5% each) 3 test corrections (4.5%) Presentation quizzes x 2 (9% total) Lesson presentation x 3 (13.5%) Major (4) 3 unit tests (12.5% each) 2 FRQ’s (6.25 % each)

8 Academic Integrity It is expected that each of you will adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity at all times! This includes plagiarism!

9 Syllabus Unit I– The Constitution and Federalism (10 days) Unit II – Ideology, Parties, Interest Groups (12 days) Unit III – Voting, Campaigns, Elections, the Media (12 days)

10 Syllabus Unit IV – The Executive Branch (11 days) Unit V – Congress (12 days) Unit VI – The Judicial Branch, Civil Liberties and Civil Rights (16 days)

11 Other important stuff Conference period – 1st (7:30 – 8:20) Email: Facebook: search AHS Brownson Extra credit: concept posters – 10 pts. on a major grade; 1 per 9 weeks

12 The Exam Tuesday, May 14 – 8 am 60 MC ?s – 45 minutes 4 FRQs – 100 minutes Spring after school reviews – strongly recommended

13 AP Scores # of tests 54321 Govt. Avg. 10126%30%32%11%0% ’11 Govt. 12018%27%37%18%1% Nat’l Avg. ---13%14%25%24% Econ. Avg. 10230%43%18%8%1% ’11 Econ. 12230%44%18%7%0% Nat’l Avg. ---12%24%17%19%29%

14 Goals On a half sheet of paper, write: Your name Your U.S. History teacher’s name Your extracurricular activities 3-4 goals that you have for this class this year. At least 2 of these should be non- grade goals. What you need to do to achieve those goals What you expect of me to help you achieve those goals.

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