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Program Goals And Authority

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0 NASA Technical Standards Program Status Presented at the Engineering Management Board Meeting April 29,2004 Paul Gill - NASA Technical Standards Program Office

1 Program Goals And Authority
Support NASA’s engineering function through: Providing the technical standards needed for NASA programs Improving the practice of engineering by integrating experience into the engineering process Authority: NPD B, “Technical Standards”, May 7, 2003 NASA Preferred Technical Standards Program Plan, April 15, 1999 NPG B, “NASA Program and Project Management Processes and Requirements”, November 21, 2002 Public Law , “National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995” OMB Circular A-119, “Federal Participation in the Development and Use of Voluntary Consensus Standards and Conformity Assessment Activities” (1998) NPG 8070.x , Technical Standards Processes (In Development)

2 Program Elements Development of NASA Technical Standards
Support and Adoption of Voluntary Consensus/ Non-Government Standards (PL ) Transition of Center-Developed Standards with multi-program application to NASA Preferred Technical Standards (NASA or Non-Government) NASA Integrated Technical Standards System Agencywide Full-text Technical Standards System Standards Update Notification System (SUNS) “Hot link” integration of Lessons Learned/Best Practices/Application Notes with NASA Technical Standards Standards Awareness

(SEPTEMBER MARCH 2004) Document No. Title Author/Center Development Rationale Status NASA-STD-0001 NASA Configuration Management (CM) Standard Tom Torres/MSFC New Document Draft to be Submitted to NTSP 5/17/2004 NASA-STD-4005 LEO Spacecraft Charging Design Standard Jody Minor/MSFC Conversion from MSFC-STD-531. Draft to be Submitted to NTSP 2/2005 NASA-STD-5009 NDE Requirements for Fracture Control Programs Preston McGill/MSFC Conversion from MSFC-STD-1249. Draft to be Submitted to NTSP 5/30/ Delay due to RTF Activities. NASA-HDBK-5010 Fracture Control Implementation Handbook Greg Swanson/MSFC NTSWG Reviewed. Draft to be sent out for EMB Concurrence 5/2004 NASA-HDBK-5011 Launch Facilities and Associated Ground Equipment Vibroacoustic Loads Environment Definition and Analysis Larry Schultz/KSC Export Control Issue NASA-STD-5012 Strength And Life Assessment Requirements For Space Propulsion Systems Engines Pravin Aggarwal/MSFC Converted from MSFC-STD-505, fills gaps in NASA-STD-5001for propellant systems. Agencywide Review complete. Export Control Issue Being Worked.

(SEPTEMBER MARCH 2004) Document No. Title Author/Center Development Rationale Status NASA-HDBK-5013 Pyrovalve Application and Performance Handbook Howard Julien/WSTF New Document Draft to be Submitted to NTSP 10/2004 NASA-HDBK-5014 Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) Implementation Handbook for Fracture Control Programs Michael Suits/MSFC Conversion from MSFC-STD-1249 (and NASA-STD-5009) . NASA-HDBK-5015 Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) for Aerospace Composites David Mih/JPL To Start FY2005 NASA-HDBK-5016 Fracture Control Handbook for Spaceflight Composite Structures Volume II: Damage Tolerance Analysis Methodology for Composites – A State-of-the-Art Review Cheng Hsieh/JPL Conversion from Aerospace Handbook (Deliverable to JP). In NTSPO Being Formatted. NASA-STD-6004 Selection of Metallic Materials for Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance Pablo Torres/MSFC Converted from MSFC-STD To be converted to ISO standard. Awaiting Chief Engineers Approval. NASA-STD-6006 Determination of Slow Crack Growth Parameters by Constant Stress Testing Jonathan Salem/GRC New Document (prefers to develop as an ASTM standard) In ASTM Review. Draft to be Submitted to NTSP 8/2004

(SEPTEMBER MARCH 2004) Document No. Title Author/Center Development Rationale Status NASA-STD-6007 Machining Procedures Guideline for Ceramics and Optical Materials Jonathan Salem/GRC New Document In Industry Review. Draft to be Submitted to NTSP 8/2004 NASA-STD-6008 NASA Fastener Integrity Requirements Nick Martinez/JSC Draft to be Submitted to NTSP 6/2004 NASA-HDBK-6009 Materials & Process Design Guide Tim Vaughn/MSFC Draft to be Submitted to NTSP 5/30/ Delay due to RTF Activities. NASA-SPEC-6012 Protective Finishes for Space Vehicle Structures Patricia Johnson/MSFC Converted from MSFC-SPEC-250. Draft to be Submitted to NTSP 1/2005

(SEPTEMBER MARCH 2004) Document No. Title Author/Center Development Rationale Status NASA-STD-6013 NASA Contamination Standard Patricia Hansen/GSFC New Document Draft to be Submitted to NTSP 9/2004 NASA-STD-6014 Evaluation Of Load Carrying Capability Of Lap Shear Braze Joints Containing Flaws Yury Flom/GSFC Draft to be Submitted to NTSP 6/2005 NASA-STD-7006 Charged Particle Radiation Testing of Materials to Emulate Space Environment Exposure David Edwards/MSFC Draft to be Submitted to NTSP 8/2004 NASA-STD-7007 GPS Test Standard Jim Simpson/GSFC Draft to be Submitted to NTSP 4/30/2004 NASA-HDBK-7008 Spacecraft Structural Dynamics Testing Cheng Hsieh/JPL Draft to be Submitted to NTSP 8/2005

(SEPTEMBER MARCH 2004) Document No. Title Author/Center Development Rationale Status NASA–HDBK-1001A (Revision) Terrestrial Environment Criteria Handbook for Use in Aerospace Vehicle Development Dale Johnson/MSFC Converted from NASA-TM-4511 Draft to be Submitted to NTSP 12/2004 NASA-STD-3000C Man-Systems Integration Standard David Fitts/JSC Converted from MSFC-STD-512 and a JSC Standard Development Delayed Due to RTF. NASA-STD-4002A Improved Spacecraft Charging HenryGarrett/JPL Converted from NASA-TP-2361, Surface Charging Draft to be Submitted to NTSP 4/2005 NASA-STD-5001A Structural Design and Test Factors of Safety For Space Flight Hardware Finnegan/MSFC Partial Conversion From MSFC-STD-505 Draft in Agencywide Review. NASA-STD-5006A General Fusion Welding Requirements For Aerospace Materials Used in Flight Hardware Carolyn Russell/MSFC New Document Revision on Hold due to RTF Activities. NASA-STD-6001A Flammability, Odor, Offgassing, and Compatibility Requirements and Test Procedures for Materials In Environments that Support Combustion Dennis Griffin/MSFC Superseded NHB C. Draft to be Submitted to NTSP 6/2005 NASA-STD-7002A Payload Test Requirements George Alcorn/GSFC EMB provided Concurrence. To Chief Engineer for Approval

Title Author/Center Development Rationale Standards on Getters for High Vacuum Hermetic Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) Packaging Rajeshuni Ramesham/JPL New Document In support of X-33 Program Structural Design and Verification Rquirements for Glass, Ceramics and Windows in Human Space Flight Applications Dale Cegielski/JSC In support of OSP Standard Manned Spacecraft Requirements for Materials and Processes Tim Vaughn/MSFC Design Guide for Composite Oxygen Tanks Eddie Davis/MSFC NASA Tailoring Standard for IPC-2221, Generic Standard on Printed Board Design Mark Strickland/ MSFC Guideline Effects of Non-Metallic Structural Materials on High-Test Hydrogen Peroxide (HTP) Propellant Guideline Effects of Metallic Structural Materials on High-Test Hydrogen Peroxide (HTP) Propellant

9 Key Effort in FY04-FY06: Establish Core/Mandatory Standards
Purpose: To Identify Priorities, provide for necessary reviews of standards to establish Core/Mandatory Technical Standards Plans: Leverage off existing or Establish planned disciplinary working groups (NASA M&P working Group, PBMA, etc.) to: - Pursue development activities on new NASA engineering standards and identification of gaps relative to establishing agency core/ mandatory Technical standards (extensive effort) , plus designation of associated “warrant holders” - Increase efforts to identify lessons learned and application notes for integration with NASA technical standards. - Support the development of a process for tailoring and waivers of technical standards not considered directly applicable for use on A program. Status: Pop-04 solicitations for new NASA engineering standards made/associated topic working groups being chartered. Initial plan prepared for standards disciplinary working groups formal designation and chartering. Evaluating USAF list of compliance standards with NASA Preferred list for potential identification of NASA’s Core/Mandatory standards. (Need chartered working groups along with NESC for review and buy-in)

10 Additional Efforts in FY04-FY06
Identify requirements for additional NASA Technical Standards Possible fallout from CAIB recommendations, +… Complete review of 900+ Non-Gov’t Performance-based standards (ISO, ASTM, SAE, etc.) that are pending adoption Maintain/Enhance Agencywide Full-text Technical Standards System Comply with Agency Architecture, Enhance Search Capabilities, etc. Identify/register non-program technical standards for update tracking through SUNS Capture standards experience in “Application Notes/Lessons Learned” for linking to NASA Preferred Technical Standards Helps the whole agency; “priceless”

STATUS TO DATE NASA Preferred Technical Standards 59 NASA Developed Technical Standards 21 Engineering Standards, 20 IT Standards, & 18 Safety And Mission Assurance Standards Technical Standards Adopted by NASA 2247 Adopted Standards 1547 Voluntary Consensus Standards 672 Mil-STD’s, Mil-Spec’s 28 Federal & CID Standards 981 Pending Adoption (Non-NASA) - (705 Performance, Acquisition) 30 NASA Preferred Technical Standards in Development/Revision 20 In Development 16 Being Revised/Revalidated 7 Revisions in Progress 9 Due/Overdue for Revalidation

Date of Data Development of Requirements for Program and Project Development In-House Research and Development Activities (Including Design, Analysis, Testing, Etc.) Verification of a Contractor’s Design and Development Processes on Programs and Projects Acquisition of Parts or Materials Evaluation of Proposals Education and Training Other Uses Oct. 2003 813 (23.1%) 1017 (28.9%) 652 (18.5%) 374 (10.6%) 127 (3.6%) 334 (9.5%) 194 (5.5%) Feb 2004 1331 (23.4%) 1685 (29.6%) 1033 (18.1%) 537 (9.4%) 199 (3.5%) 588 (10.3%) 308 (5.4%) Over 3782 Unique Users Have Responded to the Questionnaire from July 8, 2003 to February 20, 2004.

13 Agencywide Full-text Technical Standards
System Composed of Standards from over 111 Standards Developing Organizations Including: Technical standards developed by NASA (Preferred) Center developed standards (JSC, KSC, MSFC, etc.) Program documents: Shuttle, Space Station, Payloads Other government standards (FAA, Navy, DoD, DoE, etc) Single Interface (online “One Stop”) – Transparent to users Sophisticated, but user friendly search capability Extensive metrics: accesses, downloads, documents, requestors... Over 170,000 documents downloads to date (June 2001 – March 2004)

14 Agencywide Full-Text Technical Standards

15 Agencywide Full-Text Technical Standards
System (continued) “Top 20” SDO Accesses Period: Jul 2001 – Mar 2004

16 Standards Update Notification System
(SUNS) SUNS allows users to register standards they use, and receive automatic notification when standards are revised, re-issued Changes to technical standards can have major impacts on the safety, performance, reliability, and cost of programs/projects Using out-of-date standards—unless required to meet specific need Ignores improvements and misses the benefits of experience Exposes programs/projects to the risk of repeating those failures that led to update of the standard Pilot Test on Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster/TVC System 552 standards cited; all but 124 cancelled, replaced, or not accessible for verification For all programs to date: Over 6500 document update notifications requested (Over 50% for Preferred Technical Standards) Approx document update notifications sent

17 PIC APPROVED 2/25/2004 – ENGINEERING STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS CITED IN NASA SOLICITATIONS AND CONTRACTS PURPOSE: To establish a uniform Agencywide approach for ensuring that all engineering standards and specs cited in solicitations and contracts are complete and of the latest version. A NASA Engineer assigned to a procurement is responsible for assuring that NASA Preferred Technical Standards/other engineering standards/specs cited in solicitations/contracts have been: Thoroughly reviewed and applied appropriately. Are the latest version. Have been registered with the NASA Standards Update Notification System (SUNS) to ensure that all future revisions will be automatically sent to the NASA Engineer for evaluation/assessment relative to applicability. Final solicitations/contracts with an estimated value >$5M, and acquisitions of any value for equipment or analysis for spaceflight systems, shall NOT BE ISSUED unless WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION [from the NASA Engineer responsible for the acquisition or ITEA] relative to the above bullet is included in the acquisition package. The initiating program/project office ensures the required documentation is signed by the responsible NASA Engineer or ITEA. If written documentation is not contained in the package, the Contracting Officer informs the initiating program/project office that it must be provided prior to release of a final solicitation. When the NASA Engineer responsible for a procurement notifies the Contracting Officer of the applicability/impact of an update to an engineering standard/spec, the Contracting Officer, with the NASA Engineer and COTR, assess whether any procurement action is required; the Contracting Officer accomplishes any necessary procurement action.

18 Integration Of Lessons Learned/ Application Notes
With Standards NASA Lessons Learned System documents problems and improved guidance from program and project experience Linking Lessons Learned with standards provides basis for interpretation/use and update of standards Users alerted to Lessons Learned at the time they come looking for the standards Current status Over 600 out of 1700 Lessons Learned now hot-linked to 420 NASA preferred and non-government technical standards “Reverse” search capability permits users to view specific lessons learned by technical discipline and view the standards linked to them Now adding “Application notes” from standards users that clarify or limit the scope, use, or context of standards; 170 linked to date Use of Lessons Learned system climbing

19 NASA TECHNICAL STANDARDS Obligations/Cost Plan vs. Actuals
FY04 NASA TECHNICAL STANDARDS WBS XX /XX Obligations/Cost Plan vs. Actuals

20 Full Cost For the Program
** - OGL by several Centers is for additional Procurement funds, primarily to develop new technical standards. Most of the OGL requested will be covered within the original guidelines (3.3M) by making appropriate adjustments from the MSFC procurement guidelines, which was put as a place holder for new proposals in F4 – FY10.

21 Backup Charts

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