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Interval Trees
Interval Trees Useful for representing a set of intervals
E.g.: time intervals of various events Each interval i has a low[i] and a high[i] Assume close intervals
Interval Properties Intervals i and j overlap iff:
low[i] ≤ high[j] and low[j] ≤ high[i] Intervals i and j do not overlap iff: high[i] < low[j] or high[j] < low[i] i j i j i j i j i j j i
Interval Trichotomy Any two intervals i and j satisfy the interval trichotomy: exactly one of the following three properties holds: i and j overlap low[i] ≤ high[j] and low[j] ≤ high[i] i is to the left of j high[i] < low[j] i is to the right of j high[j] < low[i]
Interval Trees Def.: Interval tree = a red-black tree that maintains a dynamic set of elements, each element x having associated an interval int[x]. Operations on interval trees: INTERVAL-INSERT(T, x) INTERVAL-DELETE(T, x) INTERVAL-SEARCH(T, i)
Designing Interval Trees
Underlying data structure Red-black trees Each node x contains: an interval int[x], and the key: low[int[x]] An inorder tree walk will list intervals sorted by their low endpoint Additional information max[x] = maximum endpoint value in subtree rooted at x Maintaining the information max[x] = Constant work at each node, so still O(lgn) time low high high[int[x]] max max[left[x]] max[right[x]] [16, 21] 30 [8, 9] 23 [25, 30] 30 [5, 8] 10 [15, 23] 23 [17, 19] 20 [26, 26] 26 [0, 3] 3 [6, 10] 10 [19, 20] 20
Designing Interval Trees
Develop new operations INTERVAL-SEARCH(T, i): Returns a pointer to an element x in the interval tree T, such that int[x] overlaps with i, or NIL otherwise Idea: Check if int[x] overlaps with i Max[left[x]] ≥ low[i] Go left Otherwise, go right low high [16, 21] 30 [8, 9] 23 [25, 30] 30 [5, 8] 10 [15, 23] 23 [17, 19] 20 [26, 26] 26 [0, 3] 3 [6, 10] 10 [19, 20] 20
INTERVAL-SEARCH(T, i) x ← root[T]
while x nil[T] and i does not overlap int[x] do if left[x] nil[T] and max[left[x]] ≥ low[i] then x ← left[x] else x ← right[x] return x
Example i = [11, 14] x i = [22, 25] x x x = NIL [16, 21] 30 [25, 30]
[26, 26] 26 [17, 19] 20 [19, 20] [8, 9] 23 [15, 23] [5, 8] 10 [6, 10] [0, 3] 3 i = [11, 14] x i = [22, 25] x x x = NIL
Fibonacci Heap Fibonacci Heaps:
a collection of min-heap ordered trees. trees: rooted but unordered Each node x: x.p points to its parent x.child points to any one of its children children of x are linked together in a circular doubly linked list x.left, x.right: points to its left and right siblings. number of children in the child list of x x.mark: indicate whether node x has lost a child since the last time x was made the child of another node H.min: points to the root of the tree containing a minimum key H.n: number of nodes in H
Fibonacci Heap H.min H.min (a) 23 7 41 39 24 30 17 38 18 52 26 3 46 35
Binomial Trees A binomial heap is a collection of binomial trees.
The binomial tree Bk is an ordered tree defined recursively Bo Consists of a single node . Bk Consists of two binominal trees Bk linked together. Root of one is the leftmost child of the root of the other.
Binomial Trees B k-1 B k-1 B k
Binomial Trees B2 B1 B1 B0 B1 B0 B1 B2 B3 B3 B2 B0 B1 B4
Binomial Trees Bk-2 Bo B1 B2 Bk-1 Bk
Properties of Binomial Trees
For the binomial tree Bk ; There are 2k nodes, The height of tree is k, There are exactly C(k, i) nodes at depth i for i = 0, 1,..,k and The root has degree k > degree of any other node if the children of the root are numbered from left to right as k-1, k-2,...,0; child i is the root of a subtree Bi.
Binomial Heaps Example: A binomial heap with n = 13 nodes 3 2 1 0
13 =< 1, 1, 0, 1>2 Consists of B0, B2, B3 head[H] 10 1 6 B0 12 25 8 14 29 B2 18 11 17 38 B3 27
Branch & Bound Algorithms
Introduction The branch-and-bound design strategy is very similar to backtracking in that a state space tree is used to solve a problem. The differences are that the branch-and-bound method (1) does not limit us to any particular way of traversing the tree, and (2) is used only for optimization problems. A branch-and-bound algorithm computes a number (bound) at a node to determine whether the node is promising.
Introduction … The number is a bound on the value of the solution that could be obtained by expanding beyond the node. If that bound is no better than the value of the best solution found so far, the node is nonpromising. Otherwise, it is promising. The backtracking algorithm for the 0-1 Knapsack problem is actually a branch-and-bound algorithm. A backtracking algorithm, however, does not exploit the real advantage of using branch-and-bound.
Introduction … Besides using the bound to determine whether a node is promising, we can compare the bounds of promising nodes and visit the children of the one with the best bound. This approach is called best-first search with branch-and-bound pruning. The implementation of this approach is a modification of the breadth-first search with branch-and-bound pruning.
Branch and Bound An enhancement of backtracking
Applicable to optimization problems Uses a lower bound for the value of the objective function for each node (partial solution) so as to: guide the search through state-space rule out certain branches as “unpromising”
Sum of subsets Problem: Given n positive integers w1, ... wn and a positive integer S. Find all subsets of w1, ... wn that sum to S. Example: n=3, S=6, and w1=2, w2=4, w3=6 Solutions: {2,4} and {6} CS575 / Class 16
Augmenting Data Structures
When dealing with a new problem Data structures play important role Must design or addopt a data structure. Only in rare situtations We need to create an entirely new type of data structure. More Often It suffices to augment a known data structure by storing additional information. Then we can program new operations for the data structure to support the desired application
Augmenting Data Structures (2)
Not Always Easy Because, added info must be updated and maintained by the ordinary operations on the data structure. Operations Augmented data structure (ADS) has operations inherited from underlying data structure (UDS). UDS Read/Query operations are not a problem. (ie. Min-Heap Minimum Query) UDS Modify operations should update additional information without adding too much cost. (ie. Min-Heap Extract Min, Decrease Key)
Dynamic Order Statistics
Example problem; Dynamic Order Statistics, where we need two operations; OS-SELECT(x,i): returns ith smallest key in subtree rooted at x OS-RANK(T,x): returns rank (position) of x in sorted (linear) order of tree T. Other operations Query: Search, Min, Max, Successor, Predecessor Modify: Insert, Delete
Dynamic Order Statistics (2)
Sorted or linear order of a binary search tree T is determined by inorder tree walk of T. IDEA: Use Red-Black (R-B) tree as the underlying data structure. Keep subtree size in nodes as additional information.
Dynamic Order Statistics (3)
Relation Between Subtree Sizes; size[x] = size[left[x]] + size[right[x]] + 1 Note on implementation; For convenience use sentinel NIL[T] such that; size[NIL[T]] = 0 Since high level languages do not have operations on NIL values. (ie. Java has NullPointerException) The node itself
Dynamic Order Statistics Notation
KEY SUBTREE SIZE Node Structure: Key as with any Binary Search Tree (Tree is indexed according to key) Subtree Size as additional Data on Node.
Amortized Analysis Not just consider one operation, but a sequence of operations on a given data structure. Average cost over a sequence of operations. Probabilistic analysis: Average case running time: average over all possible inputs for one algorithm (operation). If using probability, called expected running time. Amortized analysis: No involvement of probability Average performance on a sequence of operations, even some operation is expensive. Guarantee average performance of each operation among the sequence in worst case.
Three Methods of Amortized Analysis
Aggregate analysis: Total cost of n operations/n, Accounting method: Assign each type of operation an (different) amortized cost overcharge some operations, store the overcharge as credit on specific objects, then use the credit for compensation for some later operations. Potential method: Same as accounting method But store the credit as “potential energy” and as a whole.
Example for amortized analysis
Stack operations: PUSH(S,x), O(1) POP(S), O(1) MULTIPOP(S,k), min(s,k) while not STACK-EMPTY(S) and k>0 do POP(S) k=k-1 Let us consider a sequence of n PUSH, POP, MULTIPOP. The worst case cost for MULTIPOP in the sequence is O(n), since the stack size is at most n.
Aggregate Analysis In fact, a sequence of n operations on an initially empty stack cost at most O(n). Why? Each object can be POP only once (including in MULTIPOP) for each time it is PUSHed. #POPs is at most #PUSHs, which is at most n. Thus the average cost of an operation is O(n)/n = O(1). Amortized cost in aggregate analysis is defined to be average cost.
Amortized Analysis: Accounting Method
Idea: Assign differing charges to different operations. The amount of the charge is called amortized cost. amortized cost is more or less than actual cost. When amortized cost > actual cost, the difference is saved in specific objects as credits. The credits can be used by later operations whose amortized cost < actual cost. As a comparison, in aggregate analysis, all operations have same amortized costs.
The Potential Method Same as accounting method: something prepaid is used later. Different from accounting method The prepaid work not as credit, but as “potential energy”, or “potential”. The potential is associated with the data structure as a whole rather than with specific objects within the data structure.
The Potential Method (cont.)
Initial data structure D0, n operations, resulting in D0, D1,…, Dn with costs c1, c2,…, cn. A potential function : {Di} R (real numbers) (Di) is called the potential of Di. Amortized cost ci' of the ith operation is: ci' = ci + (Di) - (Di-1). (actual cost + potential change) i=1n ci' = i=1n (ci + (Di) - (Di-1)) = i=1nci + (Dn) - (D0)
The Potential Method (cont.)
If (Dn) (D0), then total amortized cost is an upper bound of total actual cost. But we do not know how many operations, so (Di) (D0) is required for any i. It is convenient to define (D0)=0,and so (Di) 0, for all i. If the potential change is positive (i.e., (Di) - (Di-1)>0), then ci' is an overcharge (so store the increase as potential), otherwise, undercharge (discharge the potential to pay the actual cost).
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