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Giorgio Rossi, EIRO Forum General Assembly, Brussels, 1-2 June 2015 WHAT IT IS HOW IT WORKS “Shaping the ERA”

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Presentation on theme: "Giorgio Rossi, EIRO Forum General Assembly, Brussels, 1-2 June 2015 WHAT IT IS HOW IT WORKS “Shaping the ERA”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Giorgio Rossi, EIRO Forum General Assembly, Brussels, 1-2 June 2015 WHAT IT IS HOW IT WORKS “Shaping the ERA”

2  Broad consensus that future competitiveness in a globalising knowledge economy depends on research capability  Requires  Investment in higher education and research institutions  Access to first class research infrastructures  Coordination on European (and global) scale increasingly needed because  Limited investment funds available  Increasing level of infrastructure investments (both financial and in human resources) needed to remain at the cutting edge  Problems require broad data sharing and networking between national nodes – distributed RIs  RIs are Innovation and skills hubs, not (just) big machines or big datasets Importance of Research Infrastructures

3 today: ESFRI Roadmap 2010 Green: implemented, Red: 10-years expire on 2015, Black: stay on

4 Landscape Analysis (all major facilities openly accessible to European scientists) List of ESFRI Landmarks (elements of ERA producing science services) List of 25 ESFRI projects (strategic projects to be implemented)


6 Final check, introduce EMERGING and PHASE-OUT project with impact ROADMAP Landscape Analysis: all RI offering open-access to European researchers ALL SWGs include an e-IRG expert


8 - Italy 7.4% GDP from Physics -UK 8.5% -Italy 6.1% employment -UK 4% employment GVA per worker in physics: Italy €78100 / €64000 average UK £70000 / £36000 average Since 2008 productivity +2.5% vs -1.5% all-economy productivity Impact of Physics on Economy and Competitiveness

9 Neutron Landscape Group 12 currently operating sources 8 first operated 1960 to 1980 4 first operated 1980 to 2010 5.2 B€ replacement value 325 M€ operational costs/year 5370 distinct users 158 instruments 2120 source days for science 29,225 instrument days 1840 papers 1.5% paid by industry (top 6 sources only) Reactors and Spallation Sources for spectroscopy and scattering Example of strategic LA

10 Neutron Spectroscopy 2020-2030 N.L.G. experts: Carlile Petrillo Clausen Fioni Donath Fabianek Harrison Lukas Martinez Pappas Steiner A quite likely scenario is only 4 sources operational in 2025 By that time the access is likely to fall significantly Fewer large facilities means a loss of training & development functions N.L.G. experts: Carlile Petrillo Clausen Fioni Donath Fabianek Harrison Lukas Martinez Pappas Steiner

11 e-IRG

12 ESFRI Landmarks of the Euroepan Research Infrastructure Landscape

13 ESFRI infrastructures in the European Landscape ESRF upgrade implemented NEW Upgrade Planned (2006) LA of all Synchrotrons and their UPGRADE + MAX-IV, SOLARIS) Eu-XFEL under construction (with delays to be analyzed, implications on strategy) (2006) LA all X-FELs and all FELs at GLOBAL level ILL 2020 upgrade implemented (2006) Special LA of NEUTRON AVAILABILITY in 2020-2030 EU and GLOBAL ESS implemented (decision, ERIC to be, pre-conctruction finisched, contruction started) (2006) Special LA of Neutron EU and GLOBAL FAIR under construction with delays (2006) LA of NUCLEAR PHYSICS EU and GLOBAL include MYRRHA SPIRAL 2 under construction (2006) LA of NUCLEAR PHYSICS EU and GLOBAL include MYRRHA PRACE operational, new phase needed and expected plans (2006) LA of HPC and HTC and High Performance Networks / Clouds E-ELT implemented ? (2006) LA of Astronomy EU and GLOBAL ELI DC implemented, Pillars under construction, (2006) LA of advanced LASER facilities include HIPER, include Table-TOP, include NP CTA to be implemented, perhaps 2016 (2008) LA of Astro-Particle physics EU and GLOBAL Km3NET advancing at higher pace now: Phase 1 implemented, Phase 1.5 planned, good science (2006) LA of neutrino telescopes GLOBAL SKA to be implemented, global, advancing, technological challenges (2006) LA of Astronomy EU and GLOBAL EMFL (2008) LA of high Magnetic field facilities EU and GLOBAL EURO-FEL (2006) but FERMI+FLASH implemented and operational LA of FELs at EU and GLOBAL, include Table-TOP facilities 14 RIs 9.5 Vs. 4.5 = 67% (>70% of Budget)

14 The selection/evaluation process

15 Assessment Matrix Governance Management Financial Plan IMPLEMENTATION Group E-IRG white paper AEG Matrix The ESFRI Selection and Assessment Process of the Projects on-line submission Indicators

16 candidate projects for the 2016 ESFRI Roadmap (2-3 max. per SWG); emerging projects to be mentioned in a separate part of the final report, not yet ready to be included in the “LIST”; rejected projects - projects that shall not be considered further for the Roadmap 2016 with detailed explanation for this rejection The SWG presents an overall recommendation to the EB and Forum in the three categories: ASSESSMENT OF MATURITY BY THE IMPLEMENTATION GROUP USING THE METHOD OF THE AEG-2012:

17 balance between the thematic fields of the SWG; relevance of projects for EU policies; global dimension of projects. The EB will present a recommendation per project to the Forum Final check and proposal to Plenary Forum (step 5) Based on the A) overall recommendation for strong candidate projects from each SWG and the B) maturity recommendation per project from the IG, the EB will execute a final check on the following criteria: Final decision (step 6) The Plenary Forum in fall 2015 decides on the status of each proposed project by attributing: ‘retained projects’ resulting in appearance on the 2016 ESFRI Roadmap, ‘emerging projects’, resulting in a list of emerging projects complemented by ‘gaps analysis’, ‘rejected projects’. And decides the PUBLICATION OF THE

18 FOLLOW-UP: According to the 10-year rule we know that: There will be at least 10 projects phasing out in 2017 making room for a ESFRI Roadmap 2018 update There will be at least 6 projects phasing out in 2019, making room for a ESFRI Roadmap 2020 update ALL INFO on ESFRI web site


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