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Summary Report Project Name: OpenExchange Brief Project Description: OpenExchange platform provides standards based core infrastructure to exchange patient.

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Presentation on theme: "Summary Report Project Name: OpenExchange Brief Project Description: OpenExchange platform provides standards based core infrastructure to exchange patient."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summary Report Project Name: OpenExchange Brief Project Description: OpenExchange platform provides standards based core infrastructure to exchange patient health information in a secure and timely manner, to advance the quality, safety and efficiency of healthcare delivery. The platform is a critical element of HIE infrastructure that provides clinicians and other members of the healthcare community with the right information at the right time by making patient information available across organizational boundaries. OpenExchange consists of open source projects that use Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) profiles as the set of fundamental requirements. Major milestones to date: Successfully completed OpenPIXPDQ, OpenXDS (with XCA) and OpenATNA Projected milestones: OpenDSUB and OpenPIXPDQ V3.0 Major release dates: Q3 and Q4 2010 Contribution date: 2009, 2010 Contribution value (Person years or market value or lines of code): 325 Man days

2 OHT Project QQ/YYY Boca Chart Content Completed OpenPIXPDQ OpenXDS with XCA OpenATNA OpeneMPI & eMPI Adapter Proposed Implement IHE Change Proposals OpenPIXPDQ with PIXPDQ V3 OpenDSUB OpenAuth OpenExchange – Common modules and Utilities Documentation for OpenExchange project N/A OpenDSUB – 3Q 2010 OpenPIXPDQ V 3.0 (4Q 2010) Connectathon 2011 IHE Showcase at HIMSS 2011 N/A Work is contingent upon customer Comply with Connect-a-thon requirements Unable to get Download- metrics from OHT Site Enterprise robustness and viability Remote monitoring and management capabilities Community and partner management JDK 1.6 JBoss: 4.0.5 or above Hapi: 0.5.1 Braid: 1.2.2 PostgreSQL 8.3 MySQL 5.1 Apache: Commons, Log4J, Xerces, Axis2 Jetty 6.1.7 Sprint 2.5.4 Jaxb 2.1 Hibernate 3.0 Added Deleted & Changed Milestones Packaging Editions Dependencies Pressures Statistics N/A

3 12 Month Rolling Plan Major Dates and Deliverables 1Q2010 1Q10 3Q10 2Q10 4Q10 1Q11 OpenPIXPDQ V3.0 4Q 2010 HIMSS IHE Showcase March 2010 Completed OpenPIXPDQ, OpenXDS and OpenATNA in 2009 Connectathon Jan 2010 Tested XCA & XUA at Connectathon 2010 OpenDSUB 3Q 2010 Connectathon Jan 2011 HIMSS IHE Showcase Jan 2011

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