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Technical Team WITSML SIG Houston 15 May 2008 John Shields / Gary Masters.

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1 Technical Team WITSML SIG Houston 15 May 2008 John Shields / Gary Masters

2 WITSML Technical Team Representatives mainly from service companies Energistics (Gary) keeps a global issue list accessible via private area on Energistics web site Monthly conference calls Twice a year face-to-face meetings at WITSML SIG working meetings

3 WITSML Issues List

4 Automation - Standard Logs & WITS Migration Lack of standardization of log/curve names on WITSML servers How to identify curves of similar types e.g Gamma Ray from different vendors? Identify common data sets across WITSML servers Accommodate legacy data from WITS data streams

5 Log Curve issues Curve mnemonic –classWitsml Link to units class Needs some clean up –Service company mnemonic – use element Data group element (WITS record) e.g. ‘DRILLDEPTH’ Service group (mudlogging, LWD, wireline, cementing, rig contractor) PWLS classification (multiple attributes) –Processing, depth of investigation etc. –Add these items to logCurveInfo –Need to keep PWLS up to date Service companies can add extra curves to standard data groups LWD image data is service company proprietary until standards emerge How to splice runs & passes (sections)? Handling of real-time & memory data

6 Standard WITS style data sets General Time ‑ Based Drilling Depth ‑ Based Drilling Connections Hydraulics Tripping Time ‑ Based Tripping Connections LWD (time based) w/bit depth curve & sensor offset LWD (depth based) w/data at measured depth LWD Mechanical Pressure Evaluation Mud Tank Volumes Chromatograph Gases: Cycle ‑ Based Chromatograph Gases: Depth ‑ Based Lagged Continuous Mud Properties Cementing Well Testing Vessel Motion / Mooring Status Weather / Sea State

7 Performance Exchange of issues with Use Case Team High volume data –Seismic (SEGY), Wireline, Wired pipe, LWD memory data Compression –Use standard technology (GZIP), Include in 1.4 –Available in HTTP and.NET etc. Metrics & Certification –Aim is 5 seconds from real time –Difficult to know where the time delays are. Need to measure from client and server –Proposal to add custom data object to convey speed for processing data within WITSML server. Could add to documentInfo AuditTrail Data resampling & filtering –Filter at server. Resampling, filtering or arithmetic. Resample rather than filter –Can use to reduce bandwidth –End user apps may require evenly sampled data Download limits –Clients need to cope with incomplete data sets –Servers can indicate max data size

8 Automation - WITSML API Discussions SOAP API and alternatives RPC Encoding issues - industry changing to WS-I Current query complexity using WITSML Object templates Specific vs generic technology Do we need to align with PRODML API? Proposal for ‘WITSML Express’ with a simpler web service to assist early adopters Continue to work with use case team Standard queries and server profiles can enable certification of profiles

9 Resolved Issues 1.2-102 – Make nameWellbore optional in attachment 1.3-46 – Fix delta-length and water depth elements by changing type to length. 1.3-48 – Add CRS object but keep (deprecate) the old geodetic definitions. 1.3.1-34 - Add qualifierForm element to capture whether a qualifier represents a “noun” or “adjective”. 1.3.1-77 – Recurring element identification 1.3.1-78 – Automation use case: handle repeated items e.g. multiple gamma or pit volumes

10 Resolved Issues 1.3.1-81 – Add object in a way that does not impact.NET 1.3.1-82 – Add compression- method (gzip) options-in for Add, Get, Update. Add compression- direction. 1.3.1-83 – Only top level object (e.g. well) has a globally unique uid 1.3.1-84 – Server validation of data. Suggest researching Schematron. 1.3.1-85 – Make the uom attribute mandatory in genericMeasure 1.3.1-86 - Rename uom types. Cleanup documentInfo schema and add event type

11 New Issues this meeting 1.Clarify scope of transform between versions 2.Attachment on well 3.Realtime dTim selection 4.Server profile name in capabilities 5.Options-in for client identifier 6.Log query response based on stepIncrement 7.Use server Capabilities for max return data size 8.Depth correction 9.More detail on Automation use case

12 Technical Team If you want to contribute – join the SIG!

13 Thank you

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