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Transcripts may be requested in person by the student and printed immediately in the Registrar's Office Electronic Transcripts: Provide a better service.

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1 Transcripts may be requested in person by the student and printed immediately in the Registrar's Office Electronic Transcripts: Provide a better service – save time/money – go green! Presented by: Matt Smith, Jeanne Breiner Colorado State University July 18, 2013 Session 6D

2 Session Rules of Etiquette Please turn off your cell phone/pager If you must leave the session early, please do so as discreetly as possible Please avoid side conversation during the session Thank you for your cooperation!

3 Introduction In this session we will look at the electronic transcript implementation project recently undertaken by Colorado State University, as well as how this change has impacted both students and staff at the university. This session should be beneficial to anyone who is considering making the transition to providing electronic transcripts for their students/former students; and to anyone looking for ways to improve services provided to students while also decreasing workload.

4 Agenda Slide Colorado State’s Transcript Process —Background – previous process, volume —Current process steps —Delivery options —Automated jobs involved —Pricing —Statistics

5 Transcripts may be requested in person by the student and printed immediately in the Registrar's Office CSU’s Transcript Process - background / previous process

6 Background / Previous Process of Transcripts at CSU For the past several years CSU had been having students place their transcript orders with the NSC, and then we would print every one of them in the Registrar’s Office. After printing they would each need to be stuffed in a ‘secure/sealed’ envelope and then either mailed out or held for pickup depending upon what the student had requested. A very manual, labor-intensive process. We’ve averaged about 30,000 per year over the past several years. Our goal was to be able to provide our students with the opportunity to order electronic transcripts that could be delivered very quickly, securely, and ordered very easily. The other key pieces were that the process needed to be a completely automated ordering / processing / delivery system that removed / minimized the manual involvement of University staff, and that the process would be an affordable solution.

7 Transcripts may be requested in person by the student and printed immediately in the Registrar's Office CSU’s Transcript Process - current process steps

8 Current Transcript Process… CSU has partnered with eSCRIP-SAFE / Transcripts on Demand to provide students with the ability to order/send electronic transcripts Student signs in to CSU portal and selects link to order official transcript Unable to order if transcript holds exist Next page displays info about new process and delivery/pricing options (screen shot on later slide) Click the Order Transcript button

9 Current Transcript Process… Student is taken to Transcripts on Demand (ToD) ordering site Student name, CSUID, email, etc… is sent to ToD by CSU when the student clicked the Order Transcript button Student verifies that the email address provided by CSU is the one they want ToD to use when contacting them with order status information Steps for orders to be printed and picked up at the RO are displayed Student walks through the ToD screens to indicate: who the transcript is to be sent to email / shipping address (a number of schools already have receiving accounts with emails preloaded to select from in ToD) delivery method – electronic via email, printed copy to be mailed If being mailed select shipping options Select work to be included on transcript (‘all work’ for CSU) when to send transcript– now, after grades, after degree conferral

10 Session ID 171010 Current Transcript Process… Transcripts on Demand (cont.) Verify that options selected are correct… Can upload documents to be attached (currently up to five 2MB files) Can add more transcripts to the order (for different recipients, etc…) Checkout – billing address, credit card info (Visa, MC, AmEx, Disc) Receipt showing payment is complete (receipt also emailed…) Place another order, review past orders, or logout

11 Transcripts may be requested in person by the student and printed immediately in the Registrar's Office CSU’s Transcript Process - delivery options

12 Current Transcript Process - Delivery Options Electronic Delivery via email notification Printed transcript mailed by eSCRIP-SAFE Variety of shipping options/prices (on later slide) Printed transcript ordered via ToD to be picked up at CSU Registrar’s Office next business day Printed transcript ordered in person – manually generated in Banner by CSU staff and provided to student on the spot

13 Transcripts may be requested in person by the student and printed immediately in the Registrar's Office CSU’s Transcript Process - automated jobs involved

14 Current Transcript Process – Automated Jobs Flat file rec’d from ToD SQL loader program to load table SWLTTOD PL/SQL program to load ToD requests – AREGS620.sql checks for holds, pre-Banner data, field lengths, student pickup, etc… SWBTSSP – table to hold errors SWATSSP – ‘suspense’ form to correct errors Creates misc holds when there is a student pickup as part of order SWTTRAN – transcript request table Oracle Report to generate transcripts (pdf’s) – AREGR610.rex PL/SQL program to mark request as processed – AREGS614.sql releases misc holds for pickup order requests, populates print dates AREGS621.sql – creates status file to send to ToD The status file and transcript files are ftp’d to ToD Other related daily PL/SQL programs AREGS610.sql – creates the accounting report AREGS611.sql – creates the special handling report AREGS613.sql – creates the hold report

15 Transcripts may be requested in person by the student and printed immediately in the Registrar's Office CSU’s Transcript Process - pricing

16 Current Transcript Process – Pricing (Each option includes an $8 CSU transcript fee…) Transcripts may also be ordered by mail for a fee of $20.00. Transcripts may be requested in person by the student and printed immediately in the Registrar's Office for a fee of $20.00.

17 Transcripts may be requested in person by the student and printed immediately in the Registrar's Office CSU’s Transcript Process - statistics

18 Session ID 171018 29,375 transcripts processed -26,205 via ToD requests -2,150 letter requests -1,020 counter requests 12,110 sent electronically -3,503 in network -8,607 one timers ~ 12,000 sent via US First Class Mail (by Scrip-Safe) ~ 1,000 sent via US Express Mail Envelope (Scrip-Safe) ~ 800 student pickup orders via ToD ($) ~ 1,020 student pickup orders at the front counter ($) ~ 2,150 mailed out by our office via letter orders ($) Transcripts Processed July 2012 thru June 2013:

19 Summary Students have a much easier and more efficient way of ordering / obtaining / delivering transcripts Transcripts can get to where they need to be in several hours instead of several days or more Entire process is automated – saving many hours of manual work for university staff Cost savings not only in labor hours, but in paper, ink, toner, envelopes, etc… Less paper being used all around – going greener – saving some trees!

20 Questions?

21 Thank You! Matt Smith Enjoy the Bar-B-Q, and have fun shopping in Old Town!

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