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Standing Committee on Appropriations (SCOA) ASIDI PROGRESS REPORT 18-02-2014 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Standing Committee on Appropriations (SCOA) ASIDI PROGRESS REPORT 18-02-2014 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standing Committee on Appropriations (SCOA) ASIDI PROGRESS REPORT 18-02-2014 1

2 Contents ASIDI TARGETS ASIDI MTEF ALLOCATIONS ASIDI Implementation Stages, Deliverables and Estimated time ASIDI Plans and Actual Progress ASIDI Overall Financial Report Way forward 2

3 ASIDI TARGETS PROVINCEINAPPROPRIATE SCHOOLSWATERSANITATIONELECTRIFICATION Eastern Cape453619344300 Free State301016888 Gauteng00282 Kwa-Zulu Natal323014061 Limpopo3121777 Mpumalanga517861 North West216292 Northern Cape112260 Western Cape254217 Total5221 120741528 3

4 ASIDI MTEF ALLOCATIONS ProvinceColumn AColumn B 2013/14 AllocationForward Estimates 2014/152015/16 R'000 Eastern Cape 824 085 1 922 7821 708 262 Free State 717 299 544 425483 685 Gauteng 13 060 14 91713 252 KwaZulu-Natal 224 433 33 82530 052 Limpopo 71 267 17 75815 777 Mpumalanga 64 104 4 1733 708 Northern Cape 25 189 16 16014 357 North West 16 544 12 78611 359 Western Cape 533 019 371 678330 211 TOTAL 2 489 000 2 938 503.00 2 610 662.00 4

5 ASIDI Impl. Stages, Activities and Est Time Prepare Brief to IAs Appoint IAs IAs prepare IPIP Approx. 6 wks Stage 1: Planning Prepare procurement documents Request for Tenders Evaluation and award Appointment of PSPs Approx. 8 wks Stage 2: PSP Procurement Assessment of sites Concept Design Design Development Approx. 8wks Stage 3: Design Prep. procu. Documents Request for Tenders Closing, eval. and award Appoint Contractor Approx. 6wks Stage 4: Contractor Procurement 5

6 ASIDI Impl. Stages, Activities and Est. Time (Cont.) Administer contract Approx. 12 to 16 months Stage 5: Works Finalise and assemble record info Handover the works and record info Approx. 2wks Stage 6:Handover Correct defects Finalise all outstanding contractual obligations Approx. 90days Stage 7 : Close out 6

7 ASIDI Plans and Actual Progress ProvincesIAs AppointedTotal ECDBSA EC99 IDT EC48 COEGA55 DPWEC16 DPW (National)36 JET6 260 Free StateDBSA FS11 IDT FS10 FSED9 30 KwaZulu-NatalAdopt A Schools3 LimpopoDBSA Lim3 MpumalangaDBSA Mpu5 Northern CapeDBSA NC1 North WestDBSA NW2 Western CapeWCED25 Unallocated 193 Total 522 7

8 ASIDI Plans and Actual Progress (Inappropriate Schools) On the implementation of new schools –329 schools are at various stages of implementation. –Included in the 329 is 49 schools which are now occupied by learners and teachers –Commitments to date since inception of the programme are at approx. R7.7bil –Approximately 190 schools remain on ASIDI. –These schools are all in the EC and –Are affected by rationalisation and mergers processes Progress on the 329 schools is reported in the following slides. 8

9 ASIDI Plans and Actual Progress DBSA 44 schools have been handed over. 5 remaining schools are at various stages of progress as follows: NameOriginal Planned Practical Completion Original Planned Final Completion Project StatusRevised Latest Planned Practical Completion Notes GOSO JP SCHOOL20-Jan-1220-Aug-12 93.1%End March 2014 Replacement Contractor appointed LOWER MPAKO SPS20-Jan-1220-Aug-12 83.4%End March 2014 Replacement contractor appointed MANDLOBE SPS20-Jan-1220-Aug-12 77.7%End March 2014 Replacement contractor appointed ZINGISILE SP SCHOOL20-Jan-1220-Aug-12 96.9%End March 2014 The 2nd replacement contractor appointed SOMPA SPS20-Jan-1220-Aug-12 92.5%End March 2014 Replacement Contractor Appointed 9

10 ASIDI Plans and Actual Progress DBSA (cont) Batch 2 schools are at stage3: contractor procurement. The summary of the implementation plan is indicated below. 10

11 ASIDI Plans and Actual Progress IDTEC Project Name: Contractual Start Date: Planned Practical Completion Planned Final Completion Planned Percentage Progress to date Percentage Progress to date Dalibango JSS22/02/201306/01/201406/05/201495%90% Daluhlanga SSS20/02/201320/02/201420/06/201475%65% Eblorweni SPS27/02/201327/12/201427/04/201480%65% Konkabi SPS22/02/201322/02/201422/06/201460%50% Kuyasa SPS20/02/201322/02/201422/06/201470%60% Lokwe JSS22/02/201322/02/201422/06/201480%75% Mhlabuvelile SPS27/02/201327/12/201327/04/201480%65% Mpindweni SPS21/02/201317/03/201417/07/201470%60% Nqantosi JSS22/02/201322/02/201422/06/201470%65% Qumra JSS22/02/201322/02/201422/06/201485%76% Emthwaku SPS19/08/201319/08/201419/12/201420%10% Mgqumangwe SPSN/A 11

12 ASIDI Plans and Actual Progress IDTEC (Cont.) Task NameDurationStartFinishResource IDT DBE ASIDI - ABT PH1- 30 Schools 364 daysMon 13-05-27Mon 14-11-24 IDT Meeting with DBE 1 dayMon 13-05-27 IDT;DBE Draft of Proposal 7 daysFri 13-05-31Mon 13-06-10IDT Final Proposal to DBE+ IPIP 5 daysThu 13-07-25Wed 13-07-31IDT Stage 1. Inception 17 daysThu 13-07-25Fri 13-08-16 Stage 2. Concept & Viability 21 daysMon 13-08-19Mon 13-09-16 Social Facilitation Process 209 daysMon 13-08-19Mon 14-07-14 Stage 3 Design Development 44 daysMon 13-09-02Thu 13-10-31 Stage 4 Documentation and Procurement 25 daysWed 13-10-23Tue 13-11-26 Stage 5 Implementation 158 daysTue 13-11-12Mon 14-07-28 Stage 6 - Closure 85 daysTue 14-07-29Mon 14-11-24 IDT Hand-over to DBE (Client) 67 daysFri 14-08-22Mon 14-11-24 Technical closure 5 daysFri 14-08-22Thu 14-08-28IDT Financial closure 7 daysFri 14-11-14Mon 14-11-24IDT On the 36 ACT schools, the following schedule was provided to DBE in July 2013: The progress is running behind schedule, works should have started in November 2013 PSPs appointed, ACT technologies identified and Appointment of contractors in progress. 12

13 ASIDI Plans and Actual Progress CDC Project Name: Contractu al Start Date: Planned Practical Completion Planned Final Completion Planned % Progress to date % Progress to date Notes Dumba JSS10/01/201324/02/201424/06/201495%90% Dumezweni / Mbombo JSS to be confirmed Bomvini SPS10/01/201312/03/201412/07/201495%91% Contractor is currently busy with finishes Mawonga SP School 07/02/201307/07/201408/10/201480%42% Notices have been issued Mziwoxolo JP School 07/02/201307/02/201408/07/201480%60% Notices have been issued Madlalisa Senior Primary School to be confirmed Mayibenye Junior Secondary School to be confirmed Project is currently in Procurement stage. Mgungundlovu JP09/01/201329/01/201429/05/2014100%93% Ndimakude JS14/01/201313/02/201424/06/2014100%95% Phandulwazi JP09/01/201329/01/201429/05/2014100%95% External works and finishes in progess. Nomzamo Madikizela Mandela PS 21/06/201325/01/201525/04/201538%36% 13

14 ASIDI Plans and Actual Progress CDC (cont.) Project Name: Contractu al Start Date: Planned Practical Completion Planned Final Completion Planned % Progress to date % Progress to date Notes Nkanti SP11/01/201311/04/201411/08/201495%74% Notices have been issued Nkosinathi PS06/05/201306/04/201412/07/201485%78% Lower Tsojana JSS31/01/20133/02/20143/05/201498%90% Notices have been issued Heukile SPS01/02/201302/04/201412/07/201485%69% Notices have been issued Mahlathini JSS01/02/201302/04/201412/07/201485%70% Middle Qutsa PS09/01/201309/02/201412/05/2014100%95% Nolusapho SP05/02/201325/01/201425/04/2014100%95% handover expected in early 2014. Philemon Nkwenkwezi JS 09/01/201309/02/201412/05/2014100%85%Notices will be issued Mtingwevu JSS31/01/201328/03/20131/03/201498%92%Notices will be issued Sophumelela SPS10/01/201320/02/201412/04/2014100%90% Lugongqozo SPS 26/04/201325/04/201425/08/201475%65%Notices will be issued Mkambeni SPS28/02/201325/04/201425/08/201480%64% Notices have been issued Amafengu20/03/201421/09/201521/12/2015 Having Land Issue New School in Andrieskraal 20/03/201421/03/201521/06/2015 14

15 ASIDI Plans and Actual Progress DRPWEC PROJECT NAME: Contractual Start Date: Planned Practical Completion PLANNED % PROGRESS TO DATE % PROGRESS TO DATE REMEDIAL ACTIONS/NOTES BAWANA SPS12-07-201314-07-201425.00%27.00%Progress on site is ahead of schedule. EXHIBENI JPS14-11-201314-11-20142.00% Site Handover on 14.11.2013. FUDUMELE SPS14-03-201314-03-201463.00%48.00%27 days extension of time GWENTESHE JPS08-03-201308-03-201465.00%36.07% Contractor will be issued with the final notice on 06.12.2013 JM BOLOTINI26-03-201326-03-201462.00%72.00%Construction progressing well. KOSANA SPS08-03-201308-03-201465.00%48.00% MBOLENI JPS27-05-201328-05-201440.00%37.60%Percentage progress satisfactory. MHALA JSS07-11-201307-11-20143.00% MWEZENI SPS --Assessments + Design Development NOMBULELO JPS --Awaiting PSP Appointments NONCEBA JPS05-07-201307-07-201430.00%35.00% A notification to claim has been submitted tor PA. NOOFISI SPS22-08-201322-08-201417.00%7.00% PA to write to contractor (default letter) SISEKO SPS22-04-201321-04-201451.80%42.70%Percentage progress satisfactory. SIYANDA SPS11-07-201311-07-201435.00%10.00% UPPER TOBOTSHANA JPS 24-04-201325-04-201435.00%22.00% ZWELINZIMA SPS --Assessments + Design Development 15

16 ASIDI Plans and Actual Progress DPW Task NameDurationStartFinish DBE ASIDI - 30 Schools 288 daysFri 13-10-25Wed 15-02-11 Letter of Appointment to DPW 1 dayMon 13-10-28 DPW Meeting with DBE (Inception meeting) 1 dayThu 13-11-07 Inception 47 daysFri 13-11-08Thu 14-02-13 Concept & Viability 38 daysThu 13-11-07Thu 14-01-30 Social Facilitation Process 204 daysWed 13-12-04Wed 14-10-22 Procurement of ACT (Inc contractors JV) 50 daysFri 13-10-25Tue 14-02-04 Design ACT schools 25 daysFri 14-02-14Thu 14-03-20 Submission to Local Authorities 66 daysFri 13-10-25Wed 14-02-26 Obtain from DBE list of poor performing Contractors 5 daysFri 13-11-15Thu 13-11-21 Construction Coordination Session ACT 1 dayFri 14-03-21 Signature of JBCC Contracts ACT 14 daysMon 14-03-24Mon 14-04-14 Implementation (30 schools) ACT 121 daysFri 14-03-21Thu 14-09-11 Closure 85 daysFri 14-09-12Wed 15-02-11 Snagging 3 daysFri 14-09-12Tue 14-09-16 Practical Completion 14 daysWed 14-09-17Mon 14-10-06 Hand-over to DPW 1 dayTue 14-10-07 Retention period 60 daysWed 14-10-08Mon 15-02-02 Final Completion 0 daysMon 15-02-02 DPW Hand-over to DBE (Client) 67 daysWed 14-10-08Wed 15-02-11 Technical closure 5 daysWed 14-10-08Tue 14-10-14 Financial closure 7 daysTue 15-02-03Wed 15-02-11 16

17 ASIDI Plans and Actual Progress JET Temporary Mobile Structures: The tender for mobile structures to replace dilapidated schools in the Eastern Cape has been withdrawn. Communities have made it clear to the DBE that they would prefer to wait for brick and mortar structures that are planned for in the ASIDI programme. Issues regarding the 6 schools The projects are almost ready to advertise a tender for contractors. 17

18 ASIDI Plans and Actual Progress DBSA FS Project Name:Contractual Start Date: Planned Practical Completion Planned Works Completion Planned Final Completion Bethlehem C/S01 July 2013Dec 2014Jan 2015* Ntsu S/S01 July 2013Dec 2014Jan 2015* Clarens P/S08 Jan 2014TBC * Dorrington Matsepe I/S01 July 2013Oct 2014Dec 2014* Phephetso S/S01 July 2013Oct 2014Dec 2014* Vredefort P/S01 July 2013Oct 2014Dec 2014* Lehutsho P/S01 July 2013Oct 2014Dec 2014* Metsimatle S/S01 July 2013Oct 2014Dec 2014* Pele-ya-Pele S/S01 July 2013Oct 2014Dec 2014* Qalabotjha S/S01 July 2013Oct 2014Dec 2014* Tjhebelopele P/S01 July 2013Oct 2014Dec 2014* On the 11 schools, DBSA is at procurement of contractors stage. Start dates below refers the beginning of stage 3:design. 18

19 ASIDI Plans and Actual Progress IDTFS Contractual Start Date: Planned Practical Completion Planned Final Completion Planned % Progress to date % Progress to date Notes BOSHOF I/S13-Aug-1304-Jul-1404-Oct-1454%16% Contract terminated on the 05- Feb 2014 CALEDONPARK P/S31-Jul-1302-Jun-1402-Sep-1452%37.50% Experiencing inclement weather conditions DIAMANTHOOGTE C/S 14-Aug-1304-Sep-1404-Dec-1440%14%notice of concern isued HEIDE P/S23-Sep-1313-Sep-1413-Dec-1439%25% ITEMOHENG P/S25-Oct-1308-Sep-1408-Dec-1427%10% LUCKHOFF C/S04-Dec-1304-Dec-1404-Mar-1517%10% NAMPO AS/S30-Jul-1322-Aug-1422-Nov-1443%18% PT SANDERS C/S23-Sep-1313-Sep-1413-Dec-1421.60%41% SEHLABENG S/S Mar-14 decanting 85% progress TWEESPRUIT P/S29-Aug-1329-Aug-1429-Nov-1435%19.50% 19

20 ASIDI Plans and Actual Progress FSPED Project Name Contractual Start Date: Planned Practical Completion Planned Works Completion Planned Final Completion Williamsville P/SPlanning Edenhoogte P/SPlanning Thaba Phatchoa C/SPlanning Hermana P/SPlanning Oranjekrag I/SPlanning Smithfield P/SPlanning Tweespruit C/SPlanning Ebenhaeserhoogte I/SPlanning Bergmanshoogte I/SPlanning On the 9 schools, FSED started with procurement of PSPs in September 2013 and no progress has been made since. Letters of notice have been sent to FSED. 20

21 ASIDI Plans and Actual Progress AAS Below is a typical plan for the building of the three schools in KZN 21

22 ASIDI Plans and Actual Progress DBSA (L) Project Name: Contractual Start Date (PSP): Tender Release Date Appointment of Contractor (Scheduled) Planned Practical Completion Planned Works Completion Molepo Primary School 01 July 201325 Oct 201331 Jan 201430 Oct 201415 Dec 2014 Sedibeng Primary School 01 July 201305 Nov 201331 Jan 201430 Oct 201415 Dec 2014 Honoko Primary School 01 July 201325 Oct 2013*28 Feb 2014*30 Oct 2014*15 Dec 2014 On the 3 Limpopo schools, DBSA is at procurement of contractors stage. Planned dates below refer the beginning of stage 3:design. 22

23 ASIDI Plans and Actual Progress DBSA (M) Project Name Contractual Start Date: Planned Practical Completion* Planned Works Completion Planned Final Completion Tiyimeleni P/S: Bohlabela 06 Jan 201431 Oct 2014 30 Nov 2014Dec 2014 Loding P/S: Dr JS Moroka 13 Dec 2013 31 Oct 2014 30 Nov 2014Dec 2014 Goba P/S: Nkomazi 13 Dec 2013 31 Oct 2014 30 Nov 2014Dec 2014 Ngema P/S: Gert Sibande 06 Jan 2014 31 Oct 2014 30 Nov 2014Dec 2014 Wesselton P/S: Nkangala 06 Jan 2014 31 Oct 2014 30 Nov 2014Dec 2014 On the 5 Mpumalanga schools, DBSA is at stage 5: construction of works. Planned dates below refer the beginning of stage 5. 23

24 ASIDI Plans and Actual Progress DBSA (NW&NC) Project Name: Contractual Start Date (PSP): Tender Release Date Appointment of Contractor (Scheduled) Planned Practical Completion Planned Works Completion Motaung Primary School 01 July 201325 Oct 201331 Jan 201430 Oct 201415 Dec 2014 Toevlug Primary School 01 July 201325 Oct 201331 Jan 201430 Oct 201415 Dec 2014 Project Name: Contractual Start Date: Planned Practical Completion Planned Works Completion Planned Final Completion Sternham I/S01 July 2013Oct 2014Dec 2014* DBSA is at procurement of contractors stage. Starts dates below refer to the beginning of stage 3:design. 24

25 ASIDI Plans and Actual Progress WCED % Construction Cost Certified %Time related PG Costs Certified Comments Project Name: Site Handover Contractual Start Date: Planned Practical Completion PC 1 Revised Contractual PC1 Revised Contractual PC2 Revised Contractual PC3 Delta Primary School 04-Mar-1324-Jan-1431-Mar-1428-May-14 N/A73%71% Die Duine Primary School 04-Mar-1324-Jan-1415-Mar-1424-May-14 N/A61%66% Sophumelela Primary School 04-Mar-1324-Jan-1431-Mar-1411-Jun-14 N/A57%66% Hawston Primary School 11-Mar-1313-Aug-1328-Feb-1415-Jul-14 N/A60%70% Heideveld Primary School 11-Mar-1305-Dec-1404-Apr-1417-Jun-14 N/A51%70% Kensington Secondary School 11-Mar-1305-Dec-1428-Feb-1415-May-14 N/A57% Portia primary School 11-Mar-1305-Dec-1407-Mar-1419-May-14 N/A51%54% **Kasselsvlei Primary School 19-Mar-1331-Oct-14 31-Nov-14 N/A20%42% Contract terminated. Expect an additional 3 month delay. **Sophakama Primary School** 16-Apr-1329-Nov-14 31-Jan-14 N/A15%42% **Valhalla Primary School 19-Mar-1329-Nov-14 28-Feb-14 N/A21%42% Knysna Secondary School** 13-Dec-1231-Jul-13 16-Aug-13*13-Feb-1430-Apr-1461%76% Parkview Primary School 18-Mar-1305-Mar-14 14-May-1404-Jul-14N/A62%67% Wesfleur Primary School 18-Mar-1305-Mar-14 03-Jun-1403-Aug-14N/A59%69% Willemsvallei Primary School 18-Mar-1305-Feb-14 17-Apr-1430-Jun-14N/A58%71% 25

26 ASIDI Plans and Actual Progress WCED Project Name: Planned Contractual Start Date: Planned Practical Completion Buildings Planned Practical Completion Fields /Landscape Planned Final Completion (entire Works) Mount View SS 28 Feb 201431 March 201528 May 201530 Oct 15 Voorspoed PS 28 Feb 201431 March 201528 May 201530 Oct 15 Red River PS 28 Feb 201431 March 201528 May 201530 Oct 15 Silverstream PS 28 Feb 201431 March 201528 May 201530 Oct 15 Scottsdene SS 28 Feb 201431 March 201528 May 201530 Oct 15 Delft South PS 28 Feb 201431 March 201528 May 201530 Oct 15 Rosewood PS 28 Feb 201431 March 201528 May 201530 Oct 15 Tygersig PS 28 Feb 201431 March 201528 May 201530 Oct 15 Du Noon PS 28 Feb 201431 March 201528 May 201530 Oct 15 Vooruitsig PS 28 Feb 201431 March 201528 May 201530 Oct 15 Swartberg SS 28 Feb 201431 March 201528 May 201530 Oct 15 WCED is currently at stage 4:Contractor procurement Revised PC dates are based on approved extension time claims. PC1 = Practical Completion of Building works PC2 = Practical completion of External works (Sport fields, landscaping and irrigation) 26

27 ASIDI Plans and Actual Progress (Water, Sanitation and Electrification) On the provision of sanitation to schools –All ASIDI sanitation projects have been allocated to Implementing Agents –159 schools are at stage 5: construction of the works and –290 schools are at stage 4: procurement of contractors. –To date 226 schools have been provided with sanitation. 27

28 ASIDI Plans and Actual Progress (Water, Sanitation and Electrification) On the provision of water to schools –All ASIDI water projects have been allocated to Implementing Agents –197 schools are at stage 5: construction of the works and –488 schools are at stage 4: procurement of contractors. –To date 232 schools have been provided with water. 28

29 ASIDI Plans and Actual Progress (Water, Sanitation and Electrification) On the provision of electricity to schools –All ASIDI electrification projects have been allocated to Implementing Agents –367 schools are at stage 3 & 4: design and procurement of contractors. –To date 150 schools have been provided with electrification. 29

30 ASIDI Overall Financial Report Expenditure against NT Allocation: ASIDI Allocation 2013/14:R1 900 000 000 Actual Expenditure at 2013/12/31 (Incl. Accruals):R 907 497 685 (49%) Balance at 2014/01/31:R 992 502 315 (51%) Expenditure incl. WC DOE against NT Allocation: ASIDI Allocation 2013/14:R2 400 000 000 Actual Expenditure at 2013/12/31 (Incl. Accruals):R1 215 334 273 (51%) Balance at 2014/01/31:R1 184 655 727 (49%) 30

31 Website: Call Centre: 0800 202 933 | Twitter: @DBE_SA | Facebook: DBE SA END

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