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Micromouse Jeff Bouchard Qian Wang Karla Ananias.

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Presentation on theme: "Micromouse Jeff Bouchard Qian Wang Karla Ananias."— Presentation transcript:

1 Micromouse Jeff Bouchard Qian Wang Karla Ananias

2 Altera DE0 Nano Cyclone IV FPGA 50 MHz clock 3 expansion headers 32 MB SDRAM 2 kB EEPROM 8 LEDs 2 pushbuttons 4 DIP switches 8-bit ADC

3 System on a Chip (SoC)

4 Modified Flood Fill Algorithm Applies concept of water always flowing from a higher elevation to a lower one Assigns cells values based on distance to the center Recursively updates cell-values when needed, not every time a new cell is reached Uses less memory and is faster than the standard flood fill algorithm

5 Push the current cell location (2,1) onto the stack. Pull the cell location (2,1) from the stack. Since the distance at (2,1) – 1 = 0 is not equal to md = 2, the minimum of its open neighbors (2,0) and (1,1), update the distance at (2,1) to md + 1 = 2 + 1 = 3. Push all neighbor locations (3,1), (2,0) and (1,1), except the center location (2,2), onto the stack. Cell (2,0) Cell (1,1) Cell (3,1) Stack Top Cell Value Calculations

6 Motor Drive System H-bridge driver allows full FPGA control of motor Encoder disk & photointerrupter provide feedback Optocoupler outputs square-wave Switchable motor voltage (12 V / 15 V)

7 Motor Schematics Motor Driver (right) Encoder (top)

8 H-Bridge Motor Driver Images from:

9 Motor Torque/Speed (12 Volts) (121, 33.7) Speed = 20 cm / sec

10 Motor Torque/Speed (15 Volts) (202, 33.7) Speed = 34 cm / sec

11 Encoder Output 3 V P-P output 32 pulses / rot. 1 pulse ≈ 3 mm 57 pulses ≈ 1 unit square

12 LCD Used in debugging to display wall distances Longtech Optics LCM1602SK—built-in serial communications module Communication through SPI—less pins (MOSI, CLK), simpler interface than I 2 C

13 Sensors 4 IR emitter/detector pairs used to detect walls (left, front-left, front-right, right) 6° transmission angle to limit interference from other sensors 30 ° receiver angle to ensure proper detection

14 Sensor Schematics Transmitters controlled together—limits pins & complexity Receivers controlled individually—limits power consumption

15 Software/Hardware Designed using Altera Quartus II (C, VHDL) Software modules: modified floodfill algorithm, obtaining sensor distances, counting encoder pulses, motor control (move forward, reverse, U-turn), sending characters/commands to LCD Hardware modules: SPI ADC, SPI LCD

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