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A System Call Analysis Method with MapReduce for Malware Detection 2011 IEEE 17th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems Shun-Te.

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Presentation on theme: "A System Call Analysis Method with MapReduce for Malware Detection 2011 IEEE 17th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems Shun-Te."— Presentation transcript:

1 A System Call Analysis Method with MapReduce for Malware Detection 2011 IEEE 17th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems Shun-Te Liu *, Hui-ching Huang* Information & Communication Security Lab TL, Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. Yi-Ming Chen Department of Information Management National Central University 102062602 黃建忠 1/22

2 outline  Introduction  Detect malware behavior  Evaluation  Conclution 2/22

3 Malware by categories 3 / 22

4 How to detect malware  Signature-based approach  Behavior-based approach 4 / 22

5 Behavior-based approach  Detect malware by real-time monitoring mechanisms  Ex: system call monitoring (procMon) 5 /22

6 Malicious behavior patterns  Privacy invasion  Self-replication  Persistent behavior 6 / 22

7 Mordern malware  Discrete behavior download malicious module  Module-base malware driver or DLL 7 / 22

8 requirements  the collected and analyzed data is much richer (system calls)  module dependency 8 /22

9 Client–server model 9 /22

10 MapReduce  A programming model for processing large data sets with a parallel, distributed algorithm on a cluster  Apache Hadoop 10/22

11 Persistent behavior  Malware ASEP ( auto-start extensibility point) Remain alive after system reboot 11/22

12 ASEP(1)  Can be a file or registry keys  Ex: autorun.ini 12/22

13 ASEP(2)  HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\Run  HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify (dll)  HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\ (driver) 13 /22

14 Persistent behavior module(1) 14 /22

15 Persistent behavior module(2) 15 / 22

16 Dependency Relationship(1)  ASEP is seen as a part of module  white list filter 16 / 22

17 Dependency Relationship(2)  M i M j 17 / 22

18 Dependency structure matrix  Check diagonal cells  A B, B C, C A 18 / 22

19 Accuracy 19/22

20 Performance 20 / 22

21 contribution  Propose a relation-based method to correlate the discrete behavior of malware.  Implement a prototype of Maltrix on the Hadoop platform. 21 / 22

22 challenges  Some malwares don’t require ASEP  The cost of data transmission hasn't been measured.  Anti-api hooking  Without using system calls 22/22

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