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Steve Petch 5 th April 2015 Happy Easter!. Steve Petch 5 th April 2015 “Jesus Is Alive”

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Presentation on theme: "Steve Petch 5 th April 2015 Happy Easter!. Steve Petch 5 th April 2015 “Jesus Is Alive”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Steve Petch 5 th April 2015 Happy Easter!

2 Steve Petch 5 th April 2015 “Jesus Is Alive”





7 Jesus Is Alive “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!” Luke 24 v 5 - 6

8 Who was Jesus? Some say … … he didn’t even exist … he was a good moral teacher … he was a prophet of God … he was a good man – like many others

9 Claims Jesus made about himself: Matt 16 v 13-17: John 14 v 6-9: John 8 v 56-59: The ‘messiah’ or ‘saviour’ The only way to God To be one with God To be God

10 Jesus claimed to be God Was he … … Liar? … Lunatic? … Lord?

11 Did Jesus give any proof? “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.” ‘The temple he had spoken of was his body’ The resurrection of Jesus is the proof of his claims.

12 Jesus was raised from the dead! Some say … … he wasn’t really dead – he fainted … the disciples went to the wrong tomb … the disciples made it up … the disciples stole his body





17 For video, please click on the link below


19 Steve Petch 5 th April 2015 “Jesus Is Alive”

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