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1 Restructure of the Developmental Mathematics Courses.

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1 1 Restructure of the Developmental Mathematics Courses

2 2 Background  Redesigned courses: Developmental Mathematics (DVMT) 101 and 110  Proposed change: replace part of lecture with supervised web-based coursework  Original goal: to improve DVMT pass rates  Proposal submitted in Spring 2007  “Pre-pilot” in Fall 07 and pilot in Spring 08

3 3 Report on Implementation  Re-structured the DVMT courses  Selected and custom-published the textbook  Created electronic tests & assignments via web- based “coordinator” courses  Conducted pilot courses  Conducted three training sessions  Confirmed upcoming training sessions

4 4 Achievements  Increased Part-time DVMT faculty participation  Increased support from Full-time faculty  Increased collaborative efforts because of university wide awareness & commitment  Established contacts with key personnel both inside and outside the math department

5 5 Achievements cont.  Produced a working model for large-scale implementation for Fall 08  Increased coordination with bookstore to supply appropriate textbooks  Identified various aspects of implementing technology; pros & cons  Increased departmental awareness of national trends and best practices

6 6 Program Support  Department-level  Created task force  Training sessions were well-attended  University-level  Office of the Provost for lab space  Academic Achievement Center for ULAs  Library & Athletics helped install software  USM-level  Workshops are informative  Collaboration with other institutions

7 7 Benefits for Students  Immediate feedback  Plenty of additional practice & stepwise instruction  Individualized study plan  Online components increases accessibility  Ability to email instructors with specific questions  Learning additional basic computer skills

8 8 Benefits for Instructors  Ability to share assignments & practice problems  Ability to tailor online component  Better rapport with students  Increased student responsibility for learning  More confident & energized students  Learning additional basic computer skills

9 9 Challenges for Students  Cost and longevity of access codes  Ability to log-in at various locations because of software incompatibilities  Entering answers using appropriate syntax

10 10 Challenges for Instructors  Reluctance of some students  Getting students to register/log-on early  Learning curve with the technology  Adapting the technology to the teaching style

11 11 Concerns from Instructors  Decreased lecture time  Pacing the course  Troubleshooting the technology  Teaching load under the new structure  Are students maximizing textbook usage?

12 12 Quotes from Students “I have used tutoring before…it’s even better now [because] the computer makes it easier for my tutor to focus on my problems” “I hate this stupid thing because it keeps saying that I am wrong when I’m not” “Can you turn on harder problems”

13 13 Program Assessment  Initial Goal: to improve course pass rates  Expanded Goal: to improve retention rates  Incorporate best practices learned from DEAM, NCAT, NADE & other organizations  Collaborate with Institutional Research

14 14 Toward the Future  Create open computer lab  Create testing center  Address rising fees for software  Address instructors’ concerns  Improve program assessment  Ensure adequate tech support  Continue to provide workshops & trainings

15 15 You Are Invited! Course Redesign Workshop Facilitator: Dr. Phoebe Rouse Louisiana State University When: Tuesday, July 8 th time to be announced Where: Towson University RSVP: ASAP to 410-704-3093

16 16 Special Thanks  The University System of Maryland  Office of the Provost for Towson University  Hagerstown Community College  Faculty & Staff

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