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1 Road Safety Regional Meeting 06-10 September 2010 Phnom Penh, Cambodia RS Community-Based Education Project Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Road Safety Regional Meeting 06-10 September 2010 Phnom Penh, Cambodia RS Community-Based Education Project Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Road Safety Regional Meeting 06-10 September 2010 Phnom Penh, Cambodia RS Community-Based Education Project Overview

2 2 Content project background Strategies & Activities Key Success Challenges Lesson learnt

3 3 project background Why CBE? –% of crashes occur on national road –People in community along the national represent high risk group involving in the crashes –Lack understanding of safe road behavior among people in Community

4 4 project background Project Life: -March 2009- December 2010 Fund: -European Union (EU) -Belgian Development Cooperation (DGCD) Staff: -1 CBE Project Officer (HIB) -1 CBE Project Coordinator (CRY) -2 CBE Project Assistants (CRY) -1 Finance Volunteer (CRY)

5 5 1CBE PC (CRY) 1CBE PA (CRY) 1 FV (CRY) 5 School RoSA 5 School RoSA 21 Commune RoSA 21 Commune RoSA 1CBE PO (HIB) CBE Structure Project Background

6 6 project background Partners: -Coalition for Road Safety (CRY) -National Road Safety Committee (NRSC) -Provincial Road Safety Committee (PRSC) Target People: -Students in secondary school -Villagers (motor drivers aged 15-29 Years old)

7 7 MAPPING Commune School Phnom Penh Kandal Kampong Cham Kampong Speu Takeo

8 8 Project Background OBJECTIVE Increase understanding on safe behavior among vulnerable road users in high risk communities along the national road.

9 9 Strategies & Activities 1.Organize peer-educator network in target secondary school -Select and train RoSA, Peers -Organize Awareness in school -Road Safety Quiz -Peer meeting -RS information board

10 10 2. Integrate road safety action plan into commune development plan and implement -Select and train RoSA -Organize road safety awareness -Install road hump and Key messages -Set up warning sign at black spot location -Pre& Post survey Strategies & Activities

11 11 Key Success Road safety activities has successful integrated into commune action plan. Target communes become the good model in road safety implementation. Communities have increased ownership Road Safety become the first priority issue in schools through peer-educator activity. Some target schools have put helmet regulation into school regulation. PRSCs and relevant stakeholders have recognized on the effective promotion of road safety through peer educator in school.

12 12 Challenges Time constraint for peer’s activities Some students and teachers represent less involvement Capacity of commune members are very limited. It takes a very long process to integrate RS plan into commune plan. Villagers hope to join RS awareness will receive gift or incentives in return.

13 13 Lesson Learnt Integration of RS activities into commune action plan will ensure sustainability of the project. Simple RS activities with less expenditure will be easier to handover to community. Gifts or incentive should put into the plan for awareness/campaign to ensure participation of villagers. Existing structures in community are very helpful for the implementation of the project. Target students in secondary school are a very big contribution for the behavior change of young road user

14 14 Contact Born Chenda CBE Project Officer Handicap International Belgium Tel: 092 808 016 E-mail³ Website ³

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