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Radiation Safety Refresher for Radiation Workers Bruce Busby Radiation Safety Officer Genentech, Inc. 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "Radiation Safety Refresher for Radiation Workers Bruce Busby Radiation Safety Officer Genentech, Inc. 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Radiation Safety Refresher for Radiation Workers Bruce Busby Radiation Safety Officer Genentech, Inc. 2001

2 Today’s Objective u Review isotope control system u Review of safety handling of radioactive material u Review deliberate mis-use incidents (MIT/NIH) u TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u Answer questions

3 Introduction u Why have Radiation Safety? –Required by State regulation ( Title 17 CCR ) i.e., we can not work with rad without it –Employee risk perception –Public perception of company –Real risk of radiation? u Perception vice Risk

4 Genentech, Inc. u 220 Rad labs in 12 Buildings u 105 Rad PI’s u 320 Rad workers u 14 isotopes in inventory u >1700 packages in year 2000 u 10 “hazardous” Lasers u 11 X-ray machines

5 State of California Regulation u Radioactive Material License 3345-41 u Cal Regulations Title 17, Div 1, Chapter 5 u US 10 CFR 20 u EPA, DOT, OSHA, etc

6 Ordering Radioactive Material Key Points u Only AUTHORIZED persons can order u Must be with authorized limits u BOTH are being verified by purchasing u Must be delivered to Receiving Department

7 Receiving Radioactive Material I Key Points u All rad material must go through receiving department u Must be surveyed for contamination u Must be entered into our tracking system

8 Receiving Radioactive Material II Key Points u All vials must be surveyed in lab too u All packages must have inventory sheet (yellow sheet) u All packages must have shipping number, that will look like 99-0682

9 Storage of Radioactive Material Key Points u All radioactive material must be secure at all times u Sign and date the Yellow Sheet u Storage of stock vials should not cause undue exposure u Consider volatility, biologic degrading and other temperature requirements

10 Use of Radioactive Material Key Points u ALARA –Time, Distance and Shielding u Work over absorbent u Keep area clean u Mark items as radioactive if not under constant surveillance or readily apparent what they are

11 Surveys 101 Key Points u Use appropriate instruments u Check prior to use (4 checks) u Have “on” when working u Use proper techniques u When are surveys required? –During use and after use –DOCUMENT - weekly or after use

12 Waste Key Points u Segregate waste to the extent possible u Liquid vs Solid u Short vs Long Lived u Special - mixed, biological, LSC u Shipping vials - remove lead first u Label Containers with isotope u Waste Pick ups

13 Problems and Murphy’s Law Key Points u No yellow sheet u No inventory sticker u Lost yellow sheets u Lost isotope u Transferring isotope between researchers u Shipping boxes not defaced

14 Deliberate Misconduct - 1996 u NIH –Water cooler spiked with P-32 –Doses up to 12 rem (8 rem fetal) –26 people exposed u MIT –Food spiked –1 researcher –Doses up to 5 rem u Cited for security - found on routine surveys

15 Consequences of non-compliance u Loss of control of radioactive material –Unnecessary personal and/or public dose –Environmental contamination –Loss of public faith –Negative media and image u Restriction on use by RSO u Notices of non-compliance by State u Cease and desist order by State u Loose license totally (extreme)

16 TEST Who Wants to be a Zillionaire!!!!!!!!! Notice: void where prohibited, prizes awarded may look smaller in the rear view mirror,, not legal in states that have blackouts or during months that end in “r”, “h” or “y”. Due to current regulations, prizes may not be awarded this millennium. All participants are reminded that patience is a virtue, do not drink and drive. Humor is intentional. Let’s Play

17 $1 question u Major risk of occupational exposure is A) Mutant super human powers B) Very slight increase in cancer C) Brain freeze D) Not getting mutant super human powers

18 $200 question u Genentech uses radiation for A) FunB) Instilling mutant super human powers C) Hormesis D) Basic biological research

19 $32,000 question u Radiation is A) Energy in transitB) Just at Genentech C) Evil D) What pays Bruce’s rent

20 $250,000 question? u If you get contamination on you, you should A) RunB) Wash it off with warm water and soap C) Call the National Enquirer D) Hope for cool mutant super human powers vice regular boring ones

21 1 Zillion dollar question u Who should you call with your radiation questions A) You lifeline buddy from Who Wants to be a Zillionare B) Someone with mutant powers who knows all C) Alex Tribeck D) Your friendly Radiation Safety Officer

22 Where to Get More Info u Forms, Instructions – gwiz/groups/Ehs/rad/gwiz/groups/Ehs/rad/ u General Information – u Notice to Employee posted on site –License location, NOV, State Contact u State Radiologic Health Branch –

23 Thanks for Coming! Questions?

24 Contact Info Bruce Busby RSO MS 71 phone 5-2959

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